
Airplane Named Seryozhka

Airplane Named Seryozhka

A handicapped boy stuck in a wheelchair dreams of having a friend. Just when a toy airplane flies into his hospital room and magically turns into a boy, who takes him on an outing he will never forget.

Nataly Fish

Nomad Solitude

Nomad Solitude

In their vehicle, Laurie, Kristy and Linda live alone on the American roads. Like thousands of modern American nomads who can no longer afford to pay for their housing. With no money to spare, these three sixty-year old women are fleeing, in their own way, a part of their history that has left a deep mark on them. Driving away, they try to regain ..

Nataly Fish

Wicked City

Wicked City

Sam's a 17-year-old small town girl who arrives in New York to study architecture with nothing but the pack on her back. Sam's entranced by the East Village, but soon finds herself out on the street with no cash or resources. She can't call her parents - they didn't want her to leave - and the grandmother who prepaid her first semester's tuition ha..

Nataly Fish

Le Bonheur

Le Bonheur

Tous les deux ont dépassé la cinquantaine. Ils vont confronter leur conception du bonheur et surtout débattre de ses modalités. La peur de finir seul est elle bonne conseillère ? La maturité nous rend elle plus tolérants ou plus intransigeants ? Notre passé amoureux est-il une richesse ou un handicap ? L’amour et la vie à deux : l’..

Nataly Fish

Electric Edwardians - The Films Of Mitchell And Kenyon

Electric Edwardians - The Films Of Mitchell And Kenyon

Archive footage, recently discovered, shot by the Edwardian documentary film-makers Sagar Mitchell and James Kenyon. Selected from a total of 28 hours of material, this compilation is grouped into five sections: 'Youth and Education'; 'The Anglo-Boer War'; 'Workers'; 'High Days and Holidays' and 'People and Places'. It includes footage of ordinary ..

Nataly Fish

Mermaid Murder Case

Mermaid Murder Case

The sixth episode of Hashizo Okawa's "Wakasama Samurai" catch series.

Nataly Fish

En Route pour Rio

En Route pour Rio

En fait, Popeye et Brutus sont déjà là. Ils visitent une boîte de nuit, où le chanteur/danseur en vedette est, bien sûr, Olive Oyl.

Nataly Fish

A Door to the Sky

A Door to the Sky

In this Sufi tale, Nadia, a young Moroccan emigre returns from Paris to Fez to visit her dying father. At his funeral, she is overcome by the voice of Karina chanting the Koran. A powerful friendship develops between the two women as they decide to turn the father's palace into a shelter for Muslim women.

Nataly Fish

The Last Dinner

The Last Dinner

The movie takes place in the kitchen of Cankaya Mansion on Sunday night, October 28, 1923, a day before the proclamation of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and formally marking the end of the Ottoman Empire.

Nataly Fish

The Youngest Rain

The Youngest Rain

About a little rain that did not immediately learn to benefit people and plants.

Nataly Fish

Horror House Vol.2: Dream Malevolent Oni - Unending Nightmare

Horror House Vol.2: Dream Malevolent Oni - Unending Nightmare

Film directed by Yorida Katsuya.

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants du Grand Bouddha

Les Enfants du Grand Bouddha

Des orphelins de guerre se rassemblent dans Nara, ville historique épargnée par les bombardiers américains. Venant en aide aux bonzes, ils s'improvisent guides touristiques. Troisième volet du « triptyque de la ruche ».

Nataly Fish

The palindrome woman

The palindrome woman

Anémona and Pisces live a capicua experience: they are at the same time the woman who looks, the woman who is looked at, and the very act of looking. Between fractal scenes and images multiplied in reference to Man Ray, Anémona assumes the will to, through the state of trance, always be a foreigner within herself, while Pisces goes in search of a..

Nataly Fish



No plotline yet.

Nataly Fish

The Very Last Day

The Very Last Day

A former front-line soldier, who worked at his post for a quarter of a century, local commissioner Lieutenant Semyon Mitrofanovich Kovalev, going to the department in the morning, was most sad that tomorrow he would no longer have to go to service: tomorrow he would be retired. But the last day of his service ended tragically.

Nataly Fish

Only the Devil Hates Water

Only the Devil Hates Water

Boris and Kira’s friendship is put to a test, when Boris, influenced by his grandmother, starts suspecting that his friend is a representation of the Devil. This will make him doubt her goodness, until Kira reveals to him the sorrowful truth about her life.

Nataly Fish

Pair & Impair

Pair & Impair

Johnny, tranquille lieutenant de marine, se voit confier une mission de la plus haute importance : démanteler un gang de bookmakers ! Pour réussir dans cette aventure périlleuse, il fait appel à son demi-frère Charlie, conducteur de camions. Ca castagne dur !

Nataly Fish

Black Magic Tiger

Black Magic Tiger

Khom and Plabprueng are married and live with their children in a small village in the forest. One day Chim, the son of the village chief has returned home after leaving the village for years. Chim used to be Plabprueng's childhood boyfriend and she has an affair with him. When Khom finds out, he kills them both and flees the village with the child..

Nataly Fish

CEO and His Man

CEO and His Man

Xiao Mau falls in love with Wu Si Cong the minute he meets him at a friends birthday party. He does everything he can to try to win Wu Si Cong over, only problem is that Wu Si Cong is a married man.

Nataly Fish

Alla Pugacheva. That Very Concert

Alla Pugacheva. That Very Concert

"Alla Pugacheva. That Very Concert" is a musical film based on the footage of Alla Pugacheva's jubilee concert "P.S." held in the State Kremlin Palace. "That Very Concert" became the highest grossing concert film in post-Soviet Russia: it was seen by more than 320,000 people.

Nataly Fish

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