
La Vallée des rois : Les Tombes oubliées

La Vallée des rois : Les Tombes oubliées

"The Lost Tombs", qui sera diffusé sur Discovery + en plus d'être diffusé sur Discovery Channel, relate la plus grande fouille en Égypte depuis 100 ans. Le Dr Zahi Hawass explore la tristement célèbre Vallée des Rois à la recherche du trésor de la reine Néfertiti, parmi d'autres artefacts inestimables du Nouvel Empire.

Nataly Fish

Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony

Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony

For over 400 years, the disappearance of 117 colonists from Roanoke Island has been America’s oldest mystery. Now, a mysterious stone inscription may lead to uncovering the truth. Expert stonemasons Jim and Bill Vieira team up with maverick archaeologist Fred Willard to investigate the mystery and find out what happened to the lost colony.

Nataly Fish

The Alzheimer’s Project: The Memory Loss Tapes

The Alzheimer’s Project: The Memory Loss Tapes

While there is hope for the future as science gains momentum, millions of Americans are currently affected by the painful and deadly consequences of Alzheimer's. This documentary profiles seven people living with the disease, each in an advancing state of dementia, from its earliest detectable changes through death.

Nataly Fish

Nefertiti: The Raiders Of The Lost Tomb

Nefertiti: The Raiders Of The Lost Tomb

Experts look into the mystery surrounding the lost tomb of Queen Nefertiti, an ancient Egyptian ruler from the 18th dynasty.

Nataly Fish

Les enfants perdus de Daech

Les enfants perdus de Daech

À Mossoul, des enfants-soldats ou victimes de Daech racontent leur vie sous le califat islamique et la manière dont ils se reconstruisent depuis la fin de la guerre.

Nataly Fish

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