
Duel sans merci

Duel sans merci

Silver Kid prête main forte au Marshal Tyrone, le shérif de Silver Creek, pour mettre hors d'état de nuire une dangereuse bande armée.

Nataly Fish

The Making of the Last Duel

The Making of the Last Duel

Get unprecedented access to renowned director Ridley Scott as he collaborates with the cast and crew to make critical decisions about location, cinematography and performances.

Nataly Fish

The Duell

The Duell

The Duel is a short film inspired by Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. The film was created and directed by Giant Animation Studios as part of the Animation Hub, a work experience programme set up for students to work on live projects.

Nataly Fish

Duel Sur le Mississippi

Duel Sur le Mississippi

En Louisiane, en 1820, des pillards ravagent la plantation des Tulane. Le fils promet de venger l'honneur de sa famille en poursuivant les coupables.

Nataly Fish

Duel in the Jungle

Duel in the Jungle

An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.

Nataly Fish

The Morricone Duel: The Most Dangerous Concert Ever

The Morricone Duel: The Most Dangerous Concert Ever

Les gangsters impitoyables de New York et les cow-boys rudes de la prairie poussiéreuse ; la magie du cinéma et le son riche d'un orchestre symphonique. L'orchestre symphonique national danois, dirigé par Sarah Hicks, interprète des pièces magistrales du légendaire compositeur de films Ennio Morricone, accompagné de Sonny Bono, Bernard Herrm..

Nataly Fish

Duel Masters: The Good, The Bad and The Bolshack

Duel Masters: The Good, The Bad and The Bolshack

Meet Shobu Kirifuda, son of legendary (and missing) Kaijudo Master Shori Kirifuda. Shobu's just an ordinary kid, with one big difference - Shobu has the potential to be the WORLD'S GREATEST DUELIST! With best friends Rekuta, Sayuki and Mimi cheering him on, Shobu's dueling skills are increasing and he's learning valuable lessons about friendship, d..

Nataly Fish

Heath vs Wilson: The 10-Year Duel

Heath vs Wilson: The 10-Year Duel

Harold Wilson and Edward Heath are two very different men equally overlooked by history, but they were the political titans of the era in which Britain changed for ever. For ten years they faced each other in the House of Commons, and swapped in and out of Number Ten. They fought four general elections, three of which were amongst the most exciting..

Nataly Fish

Le Duelliste

Le Duelliste

Saint-Pétersbourg, 1860. Yakovlev, un ancien militaire, est devenu duelliste professionnel. Moyennant rétribution et en accord avec le code de l’honneur russe, il se bat pour le compte de ses commanditaires qui ne veulent ou ne peuvent combattre eux-mêmes, par peur ou par faiblesse. Mais Yakovlev n’a qu’une seule obsession: regagner son ho..

Nataly Fish

Star Wars: Evolution of the Lightsaber Duel

Star Wars: Evolution of the Lightsaber Duel

Though lightsabers have been a force in the Star Wars galaxy since George Lucas’ original film, the weapon’s on-screen presence evolved throughout both cinematic trilogies and into Star Wars: The Force Awakens. SportsCenter is tracing the lightsaber’s lineage through the films, and a new trailer for the special will definitely delight any fan..

Nataly Fish

March 1945: Duel at the Cathedral

March 1945: Duel at the Cathedral

Cologne is the largest city that the G.I.s will take during the war. Nazi propaganda has declared the city to be defended to the last cartridge. Witness the US troops first hand on their advance from the outskirts of the city to the banks of the Rhine and the fascinating research of the Cologne journalist and film historian Hermann Rheindorf.

Nataly Fish

The Zola-Rochefort Duel

The Zola-Rochefort Duel

“This is a replica of the famous duel with rapiers between Emile Zola, the novelist, and Henri Rochefort, the statesman. The duel takes place on the identical ground where the original fighting occurred, seconds and doctors being present as in the original combat. The picture gives a good idea of how a French affair of honor is conducted.”

Nataly Fish

The Dueling Accountant

The Dueling Accountant

When a lonely accountant reluctantly agrees to fight a sword duel, he is thrown into a world of intrigue and romance as he faces a scheming heiress, a deadly opponent, vengeful Gypsies and secrets from the past.

Nataly Fish

The Compliment Duel

The Compliment Duel

Set in the late Victorian era, two young men duel over a young woman. But duels are done a bit differently in this version of history - each man must out-compliment the other in order to gain the right to fire. It's a battle of wits as things quickly get out of hand. Who knew compliments could kill?

Nataly Fish

Duel: The Last Choice

Duel: The Last Choice

Igo, a former thug, who has left his past behind and sells eggs at the Cinere market. Joe Bandit, Igo's old friend, causes trouble in the market, until they fight fiercely until Joe Bandit breaks his leg and is captured by Commander Herman. Three years later... A new generation of thugs dominate the market area of ​​Cinere: Rocky, Dimas, and J..

Nataly Fish

Le Grand Duel

Le Grand Duel

Philip Wermeer est accusé d'avoir tué Samson, le chef d'un clan puissant de Tucson. Il est poursuivi par Clayton, un représentant de la loi. Clayton réussit à le rattraper et le conduit au procès face au clan Samson. Clayton est le seul à connaître la vérité et il va obliger chacun à se dévoiler...

Nataly Fish

Duel to the Death

Duel to the Death

This Victorian duel between knife-wielding women was taken from an existing stage production, thought to be the Drury Lane theatre melodrama 'Women and Wine'. The actresses are believed to be Edith Blanche and Beatrice Homer.

Nataly Fish

Duel to the Death

Duel to the Death

This Victorian duel between knife-wielding women was taken from an existing stage production, thought to be the Drury Lane theatre melodrama 'Women and Wine'. The actresses are believed to be Edith Blanche and Beatrice Homer.

Nataly Fish

Duel at the Mound

Duel at the Mound

A baseball drama about two retired players who continue their "duel" at the mound, while they struggle to find their place in life.

Nataly Fish

Duel of the Wordsmiths

Duel of the Wordsmiths

A couple of impoverished pals get into a struggle after missing out on a golden economic opportunity.

Nataly Fish

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