
Britt-Marie Was Here

Britt-Marie Was Here

Britt-Marie, âgée de 63 ans, décide de quitter son mari après 40 ans de mariage. Pour commencer une nouvelle vie pour elle-même, il ne lui restera plus qu'à briser ses habitudes. Avec une bonne dose de courage, elle quitte la maison pour se retrouver dans le petit village de Borg. Bien que, dans un premier temps, rien ne semble se passer, les..

Nataly Fish

The Powers Girl

The Powers Girl

Two small-town sisters who've come to New York City for very different reasons find themselves competing for the affections of a brash magazine photographer. Comedy.

Nataly Fish

Mussolini and I

Mussolini and I

A compelling drama/documentary chronicling the life and death of Il Duce himself, from his days as a terrorist to his alliance with Hitler to the betrayal of his son-in-law and untimely demise.

Nataly Fish

In Search of the American Drug Lords: Barry and The Boys From Dallas To Mena

In Search of the American Drug Lords: Barry and The Boys From Dallas To Mena

This is the story of Barry Seal. Could the assassinations and scandals that rocked America in the 60's and 70's have been perpetrated by the same people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept this nation during the 1980s? See the results of a three-year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful dr..

Nataly Fish

Cyanide Candies Live

Cyanide Candies Live

2008 concert movie of the Venezuelan rock / punk band called "Caramelos De Cinanuro" (Cyanide Candies). Songs Performed: Veterana Surfer Girl Las Notas No Eres Tu Las Estrellas Flor De Fuego El Último Polvo Baby Cohete El Flaco Bruja - Pistolero - Tu Mamá Te Va A Como Serpiente Sanitarios- Veronica- Canción Suave: Despecho #2 Re..

Nataly Fish

Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

In a loveless relationship, Zoé ditches her faceless boyfriend in a cheap motel room and sets off north without a penny to her name. She hitch-hikes, pilfers a meal from a gas station, encounters strangers who could be her next ride or a passing glimpse, ambling toward some unknown destination. At the end of her pilgrimage, Zoé reaches the Engl..

Nataly Fish

Reign of the Vampire

Reign of the Vampire

Directed by Malcolm Le Grice. "It nears the end of the political paranoid works using found military documentary images. It explores a complex form of loop permutation in both the image and sound track."

Nataly Fish

Dirty Gold: The Disappearance of the Japanese war booty

Dirty Gold: The Disappearance of the Japanese war booty

From 1937 to 1948 gold, silver, platinum and diamonds were looted by the Imperial Japanese Army during its campaigns throughout Asia-a treasure trove worth billions whose location has remained unclear until today. Rumor had it that hundreds of tones of gold were buried in the Philippines. In an exciting investigation of the 20th century history, di..

Nataly Fish

35mm Cyanotype: A Visualisation of Happiness

35mm Cyanotype: A Visualisation of Happiness

"The movie being non-narrative is a camera-less work. I used the cyanotype technique to print on 35mm film material. This approach of exposure let me focus on composing one frame at a time discussing the gap between photography and film. What do I want to see, what do I want to hear? It's about searching, not about a product." -M.F.

Nataly Fish

The Wall-Passer

The Wall-Passer

In the not-too distant future, 17 year-old Tye and his family move to the burgeoning metropolis of Real City, where, bored with classes, he spends his time daydreaming until one day he finds a magic stone that allows him to pass through walls. On a field trip to a museum, Tye meets NoNo, a deaf girl with bionic ears who is working as a museum docen..

Nataly Fish

Goodbye Darling, I'm Off to Fight
Body Language

Body Language

Nataly Fish

Les Profs

Les Profs

Avec ses 12% de réussite au bac, le lycée Jules Ferry est le pire lycée de France. Ayant déjà épuisé toutes les méthodes conventionnelles, l’Inspecteur d’Académie, au désespoir, s’en remet aux conseils de son Adjoint. Ce dernier lui propose de recruter une équipe de professeurs selon une nouvelle formule : aux pires élèves, les p..

Nataly Fish



A young man is part of a traveling medicine show owned by an elderly "professor" and his beautiful daughter. His job is to keep the audience entertained with his ventriloquist's act (which includes a monkey) while the professor hawks his patent medicines. One day the show's receipts are stolen by a gang of thieves, and in order to impress the profe..

Nataly Fish

Spy Connection

Spy Connection

Musante plays a man blackmailed and forced to assassinate a highly guarded KGB official. Two British agents have kidnapped his daughter and want him to do what they tell him. Why him? He has the ability to see in darkness and is a sharpshooter. Will he get the job done, get his daughter back, and escape from the Russian and British agents that purs..

Nataly Fish

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