
Dusk of the Lights

Dusk of the Lights

Dusk of the Lights is a short experimental film directed by Allan Bustovsky.

Nataly Fish

Alabama (2000 Light Years)

Alabama (2000 Light Years)

"The film starts with a shot of a cassette recorder, and it has a juke box in it. There’s always music in it. When I was asked by some critics at a festival press conference what the film was all about, I said 'it’s about the song All Along The Watchtower, and the film is about what happens and what changes depending on whether the song is sung..

Nataly Fish

Conquest of Light

Conquest of Light

Conquest of Light is a 1975 short documentary directed and produced by Louis Marcus. It is an examination of the processes used to make Waterford crystal in Ireland. The clear crystal shapes of glass created by the craftsmen of Waterford are designed to capture the iridescence of light. From the intense heat of the furnace at the glass works in the..

Nataly Fish

Vers la forêt des lucioles

Vers la forêt des lucioles

Perdue dans une forêt à côté de la maison de son grand-père où elle se rend chaque été, la petite Hotaru fait la rencontre d'un garçon mystérieux qui l'aide à retrouver son chemin. Elle commence à lui rendre visite tous les étés et l'esprit attend ces moments partagés avec Hotaru, au risque de disparaître…

Nataly Fish

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