
Hotel Coolgardie

Hotel Coolgardie

Hotel Coolgardie is a portrait of outback Australia, as experienced by two backpackers who find themselves the latest batch of “fresh meat” to work as barmaids in a remote mining town.

Nataly Fish

Shining Secrets of the Stanley Hotel

Shining Secrets of the Stanley Hotel

A documentary capturing the Stanley Hotel's unique locations and rooms seldom seen by the public. Included are the personal accounts of tour guides and patrons, as well as a team of paranormal filmmakers. Witness personal accounts, stories of paranormal activity and compelling video evidence captured by the Adventure Myths team of investigators.

Nataly Fish

The Haunted Hotel

The Haunted Hotel

Huit récits de rencontres fantomatiques au fil des décennies, se manifestant au milieu des ruines d'un ancien grand hôtel anglais.

Nataly Fish

The Hotel Room

The Hotel Room

The failed documentary film maker Lukas Schmidt interviews the successful writer Agnes Lehner in a hotel room. As a past acquaintance between them is revealed, different accounts of a traumatic event are mixed with lies and deceit, leading to dire consequences.

Nataly Fish

Hotel Inferno

Hotel Inferno

Le tueur à gages Frank Zimosa vient d’être embauché pour une mission rentable par le riche et puissant Jorge Mistrandia. L’objectif : tuer deux personnes qui se cachent dans un de ses hôtels européens.

Nataly Fish

Hotel Colonial

Hotel Colonial

Marco Veniera se rend à Bogota pour retrouver la trace de son frère, qui s'est soi-disant suicidé. Sur son chemin, il va faire la rencontre de l'excentrique Irène Costa, qui va l'amener tout droit au coeur de la jungle amazonienne.

Nataly Fish

Hotel nests

Hotel nests

Faced with a plague of pigeons spreading through her hotel, a housekeeper will try to dispose of them and, in the process, confront what lurks inside herself.

Nataly Fish

La Clinique sanglante

La Clinique sanglante

Spécialisée dans les troubles psychologiques, la clinique du Professeur Osterman traite de belles patientes dans un cadre somptueux et agréable. Mais le calme de l’endroit va changer lorsqu’un inconnu commence à traîner dans les couloirs pour éliminer certaines des résidentes !

Nataly Fish

Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel

The Empire Hotel is a 30-year-old landmark in Macau's old quarter, inhabited by characters with their own stories and struggles. It is also Maria's home. One day, the burden of keeping lives together and the hotel standing falls on her shoulders. A young man who left Macau two decades ago returns, intent on revenge and reclaiming his mother's fortu..

Nataly Fish

Hotel Sahara

Hotel Sahara

World War II farce about the hotel of the title

Nataly Fish

Paradise Hotel

Paradise Hotel

Pierr is a young gay dress maker who lives with his younger brother in a gay porn cinema. He works in a small textile factory in order to save up some money and move to another place. After being fired because of a series of rumors about his sexuality, Pierr turns to Omar, an older man that makes a living out of prostitution, who introduces him to ..

Nataly Fish

Hotel Chelsea

Hotel Chelsea

A Japanese couple honeymoon at the Chelsea Hotel in New York. That night the wife finds her husband's dead body and a video tape of the brutal murder. A NYPD Detective, first at the murder scene, attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery of the murder in the locked room.

Nataly Fish

Une nuit à l'hôtel

Une nuit à l'hôtel

In a palace on the Côte d'Azur, a whole fauna evolves: a colonel who cheats on his wife, the colonel's daughter who flirts with Fred, Fred's friend, Emmanuel, who is in love with Marion, and Marion who kills himself. believing that Emmanuel does not forgive him for having, out of idleness, yielded to Fred one day.

Nataly Fish

Hôtel du Paradis

Hôtel du Paradis

Hôtel du Paradis, Paris. Joseph, un acteur vieillissant y séjourne chaque année avec sa sœur Sarah. Pendant son séjour parisien, il tente de mettre en scène La Chute de Camus. Son chemin croise celui d’autres personnalités bizarres séjournant à l’hôtel: Frédérique, photographe fuyant son ex-petit ami, Arthur, cinéaste potentiel, ai..

Nataly Fish

Screwball Hotel

Screwball Hotel

Three boys drop out of military school. They get jobs working at a hotel, but it's about to go under. They decide to help the owner raise enough money to stay in business. They prove that sex sells by holding "Miss Purity Pageant" starring some of the females staying at the hotel.

Nataly Fish

Hotel Sunrise

Hotel Sunrise

Hotel Sunrise is a busy place. Male guests are, almost without an exception, in love with Mária, the directress of the hotel.

Nataly Fish

Hotel Kristineberg

Hotel Kristineberg

In the district of Kristineberg in Stockholm there is an abandoned hotel that the young film makers Roxane and Moa often pass by. In believing that the hotel is empty, they take the camera and go there, but it turns out to be temporary accommodation for about fifty people. Instead, it becomes a film about rootlessness, addiction and dreams of a reg..

Nataly Fish

Hotel Thieves

Hotel Thieves

An infamous criminal couple, nicknamed ‘The Hotel Rats’, have long haunted the hotels of the city. As yet, no one has been able to best the cunning nocturnal thieves. One day, the proprietor of a hotel recently visited by these unwelcome guests turns to Sherlock Holmes for help. But the ‘hotel rats’ are not easily captured, and Sherlock Hol..

Nataly Fish

Hotel 13 - Rock'n'Roll Highschool

Hotel 13 - Rock'n'Roll Highschool

After an exciting summer as a vacation worker in a hotel, life tends to run more normally. Tom continues to tinker with his inventions, Anna is training to be a photographer and Liv is eager but willful to pursue a career as an actress. But one day, a strangely dressed girl named Sandra shows up at Tom's door. It quickly turns out that the girl in ..

Nataly Fish

Hotel Camarillo

Hotel Camarillo

Hotel Camarillo' is a documentary focusing on paranormal investigations over the past 10 years at former Camarillo State Mental Hospital. Using a decade of archival footage, EVP, ITC, and photos along with new interviews with the investigators, 'Hotel Camarillo' is the complete history of paranormal activity in the old abandoned buildings, some tha..

Nataly Fish

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