
Two Faces Have the Destiny

Two Faces Have the Destiny

Ruined alcoholic doctor escapes a tropical plague and begins a new life back in civilization, taking over the identity of a dead man.

Nataly Fish

Jujol - Gaudí: Two Geniuses of Architecture

Jujol - Gaudí: Two Geniuses of Architecture

Thousands of tourists come to Barcelona from far and wide to admire the work of the great architect, Antoni Gaudí. What they don't know is that many of the photographs they take home with them are of works by Josep Mª Jujol, a forgotten architect and the other great genius of Catalan Modernisme.

Nataly Fish

Dos De Asada

Dos De Asada

After a night of tacos and marijuana, college students Cruz and Vero find themselves stuck moving forward in their relationships. In a twist of fate, Cruz discovers that the two might be connected beyond their immediate reality.

Nataly Fish

Between Two Women

Between Two Women

When shy school teacher Val and Harry, the son of an aged opera singer, get married, Val quickly discovers that Harry's mother, Barbara, is not very happy with their union. In fact, Barbara tries to separate the couple. But, when Barbara suffers a debilitating stroke, Val's compassion and empathy mend the rift between two women, giving Barbara the ..

Nataly Fish

Dos policías en apuros

Dos policías en apuros

Two crazy Dominican cops and a disciplined FBI agent join forces to investigate an international criminal network.

Nataly Fish

A dos aguas

A dos aguas

When Rey left Argentina after it fell under a military dictatorship in the late 1970s, he also left behind a very controlling and authoritarian father. Now he has returned to the country from exile for the funeral of his father. Though he left the man behind physically, their relationship still haunts him. Meanwhile, his old college pal Isabel has ..

Nataly Fish

The Two Escobars

The Two Escobars

Pablo Escobar était le pilier de la drogue le plus riche et le plus puissant du monde. Andres Escobar était la plus grande star du football en Colombie. Les deux n'étaient pas liés, mais leur destin était inextricablement et fatalement lié. L'argent de la drogue de Pablo avait transformé l'équipe nationale d'Andres en champions d'Amérique ..

Nataly Fish

The Two Faces of January

The Two Faces of January

1962. L’Américain Rydal (Oscar Isaac) vivote comme guide touristique à Athènes. Lorsqu’il rencontre le couple séduisant et mystérieux formé par Colette (Kirsten Dunst) et Chester MacFarland, il est immédiatement fasciné par son style de vie raffiné, empreint de luxe et de légèreté. Jusqu’au soir où Chester le somme de déplacer l..

Nataly Fish

Les Âges du Cœur

Les Âges du Cœur

L'impossible amour entre une adolescente de 16 ans qui tombe amoureuse d'un peintre de 60 ans et lui redonne l'envie de vivre et de peindre...

Nataly Fish

Torn Between Two Lovers

Torn Between Two Lovers

Diane is happily married. But, one day while travelling she meets a dashing architect. With some relief, she parts ways with him at the airport, her resistance to his alluring manner having been tested. She later discovers that she has his gloves, so she returns them in person, only to end up in bed with the man, and later falling in love. She now ..

Nataly Fish

Tale of Two Sisters

Tale of Two Sisters

Two sisters reunite after not having seen each other for five years. While catching up on each others' lives, they relive childhood experiences, both good and bad.

Nataly Fish

A Street For Two

A Street For Two

A brokenhearted young man has a strange encounter with a beautiful girl as their cars are parked in front of each other. The awkward situation soon turns into a tender moment, under the streetlights and a summer starry night.

Nataly Fish

50 or Two Whales Meet at the Beach

50 or Two Whales Meet at the Beach

Félix, a 17-year-old boy, receives an invitation on WhatsApp: do you want to play the Blue Whale Game? The one with the 50 challenges? The one where you have to kill yourself at the end? Félix accepts. That is how he meets Elisa. They start completing the challenges together.

Nataly Fish

The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love

The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love

An adventurous love story between two young women of different social and economic backgrounds who find themselves going through all the typical struggles of a new romance.

Nataly Fish

Two Watchful Men

Two Watchful Men

Nataly Fish

Two Cheerful Hawks

Two Cheerful Hawks

Alfredo B. Crevenna helms this charming romantic comedy about a pair of skirt-chasers wooing the two lovely daughters of a land baron — who rebuffs the young swains to protect his girls.

Nataly Fish

Broth for Two

Broth for Two

A young couple argue about food and discover secrets of their relationship.

Nataly Fish

Cocktails for two

Cocktails for two

Gustavo, a defeated musician, returns home late, after a night of excess and partying. When he enters his apartment, he finds that Catalina, his girlfriend, had prepared dinner for them. But instead of going to sleep with his girlfriend, he prefers to continue partying. The following events will reveal their relationship is not what it seems, and w..

Nataly Fish

The two priests

The two priests

Adiodato is an old priest about to retire. Ramiro, the young priest who is going to succeed him, talks to him about his fear of inheriting the church.

Nataly Fish

The two Perez

The two Perez

The story of two brothers. One lives in the city and one in the field, and they have different lives. One day they decide to join together to create a film and that's when the drama begins.

Nataly Fish

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