


Monica et Aldo vivent à Melaza, un village cubain, où ils mènent une vie des plus modestes. Tous les matins, ils empruntent, main dans la main, la rue principale du village pour se rendre à leur travail : Monica est gardienne de l’usine désaffectée de rhum et Aldo est instituteur. Le soir venu, ils louent leur maison à Marquez, un mari inf..

Nataly Fish

Melancholy Is a Movement

Melancholy Is a Movement

A lost and disillusioned film director finds himself stuck in creative limbo. A way out presents itself in the form of a peculiar film project.

Nataly Fish

His First Job

His First Job

Un homme entre dans une épicerie et demande au propriétaire d’embaucher son neveu comme assistant. L’épicier est d’accord, mais il ne sait pas très bien l’erreur qu’il commet. Car le jeune homme se révèle un imbécile Tom terriblement maladroit qui fait des ravages dans tout le magasin...

Nataly Fish

Love Lies Bleeding

Love Lies Bleeding

Une histoire d'amour dans le monde du bodybuilding féminin.

Nataly Fish



A backwoods, illiterate young woman from Arkansas battles to regain custody of her son from her estranged husband who feels she is an unfit mother. In the process, she falls in love with a struggling musician who helps her cause.

Nataly Fish

Marco Melani - The Man With The Golden Eye

Marco Melani - The Man With The Golden Eye

"The Man With The Golden Eye" tells the extraordinary figure of Marco Melani through a live projection of materials collected in over ten years of research. Found footage, unpublished interviews with cinema and television personalities, fragments of films, extracts from television programs, photographs, readings and interventions by the author, int..

Nataly Fish



A hospice nurse takes care of terminally ill patients all while trying to move past the tragedy of having lost her daughter in a school shooting.

Nataly Fish

Revisiting Melancholie der Engel

Revisiting Melancholie der Engel

"Revisiting Melancholie der Engel" follows in the tracks of Marian Dora's infamous "Melancholie der Engel" ("The Angels' Melancholia"). Locations, stories and, of course, Marian himself.

Nataly Fish

Ad una Mela

Ad una Mela

Trailer for Viennale 2020.

Nataly Fish

Kokla Beni Melahat

Kokla Beni Melahat

Nataly Fish

Azrax Melawan Sindikat Perdagangan Wanita

Azrax Melawan Sindikat Perdagangan Wanita

When a human trafficking syndicate abducts a local girl, warrior-preacher Azrax springs into action. With the aid of two men whose sister and girlfriend were also taken, he travels to Hong Kong to dismantle the syndicate and bring the kidnapped girls home.

Nataly Fish



Molly et Amy, brillantes lycéennes prêtes à empocher leurs diplômes, rattrapent le temps perdu sur les fiches de révision pour vivre une glorieuse nuit de rébellion.

Nataly Fish

Anak Seluang Jauh Melaut

Anak Seluang Jauh Melaut

This film is about family conflict.

Nataly Fish

Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin

Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin

This installment covers topics such as the global African presence, the science of melanin, the truth about the prison industrial complex, how thriving black economic communities were undermined in America, and the hidden truth about Native Americans.

Nataly Fish

Melanie Remembers: Reflections by Olivia de Havilland

Melanie Remembers: Reflections by Olivia de Havilland

This documentary is featured in the 4-disc Collector's Edition DVD set, released in 2004, for Gone with the Wind (1939).

Nataly Fish

Melanie Comarcho: Hello!

Melanie Comarcho: Hello!

Stand-up special featuring Melani Comarcho

Nataly Fish



The woman. A man. The Sea. Somewhere out of the time.

Nataly Fish

Melancholy Dame

Melancholy Dame

A nightclub owner's wife, jealous of his attentions to his star singer, schemes to get her fired.

Nataly Fish

Kuře melancholik

Kuře melancholik

Nataly Fish



Melanie is obsessed with the life of her possible donor father. Is she looking for a future or a past with him?

Nataly Fish

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