
002 Operation Moon

002 Operation Moon

KGB authorities abduct two criminals (Franco and Ciccio) who look exactly like missing spacemen and pretend they are the returning cosmonauts. They launch them in a rocket, so that they can land in public view, leading the populace to believe it was the original space craft that has returned. The two criminals look so much like the astronauts, they..

Nataly Fish

Popeye, le roi du mardi gras

Popeye, le roi du mardi gras

Une célébration de Mardi Gras, ressemblant à n’importe quel carnaval. Brutus est un homme fort, prétendant être le roi du Mardi Gras, et attirant une foule nombreuse. Popeye, à proximité, prétend seulement, "Je yam ce que je yam," et n’a pas de foule, mais attire toujours la colère de Brutus.

Nataly Fish

La Lune verte

La Lune verte

En quête de bonheur, un groupe de jeunes adultes se lance dans un road trip, mais un certain nombre d'événements inattendus se mettent en travers de sa route.

Nataly Fish

Glo friends. The Quest

Glo friends. The Quest

Nataly Fish

Tank on the Moon

Tank on the Moon

The incredible story of two small robots sent by the Soviets to the moon. Designed in secrecy by Soviet laboratories in the 1960's, this is one of the greatest technological achievements in the history of the USSR. With former USSR space archives, along with recollections by several of the key participants in the Lunokhod program, the true story of..

Nataly Fish

The Moon Mask Rider

The Moon Mask Rider

The Moon Mask Rider is a tokusatsu movie produced by Purumie International/Herald Enterprises and distributed by Nippon Herald Pictures, was released theatrically on March 14, 1981. Considered Japan's answer to the American box-office fiasco, The Legend of the Lone Ranger (released the same year), this updated version of the Moonlight Mask legend b..

Nataly Fish

In a Shallow Grave

In a Shallow Grave

Garnet Montrose (Michael Beihn) returns home to West Virginia after suffering horrible facial disfigurement from wounds at the battle of Guadalcanal. He watches his former sweetheart Georgia (Maureen Mueller) from his farm down the road. Garnett is obviously socially withdrawn because of his injuries, and he soon enlists the help of itinerant young..

Nataly Fish

Cat-Women of the Moon

Cat-Women of the Moon

Une fusée, avec à son bord cinq astronautes, atterrit sur la lune. Helen, membre de l’équipage, a la vive impression de connaitre ces lieux. Lors de leur exploration ils vont rencontrer les vestiges d’une civilisation inconnue… les cat women.Allons-nous assister au choc des civilisations ?

Nataly Fish

La Belle et le corsaire

La Belle et le corsaire

Au XVIe siècle. Nadir El Krim, qui se prétend astrologue, vagabonde de château en château à la recherche de l'homme qui causa autrefois la perte de sa famille. Il réussit à se faire inviter à la cour du baron Alfonso grâce à Angela, la nièce de celui-ci, curieuse d'entendre la bonne aventure. La jeune femme est promise au capitaine de la..

Nataly Fish

Moonbeam Bear and His Friends

Moonbeam Bear and His Friends

The Moonbear and his friends experience funny and exciting adventures in their forest.

Nataly Fish

A Dog Barking at the Moon

A Dog Barking at the Moon

Coming back to her broken family, pregnant writer Huang Xiaoyu and her French husband, Benjamin, finds herself trapped between her cult brainwashed mother, Li Jiumei, and her secretly homosexual father, Huang Tao.

Nataly Fish

Moonlight Sonata: Deafness in Three Movements

Moonlight Sonata: Deafness in Three Movements

A deeply personal portrait of three lives, and the discoveries that lie beyond loss: a deaf boy growing up, his deaf grandfather growing old, and Beethoven the year he was blindsided by deafness and wrote his iconic sonata.

Nataly Fish

Le Secret des Sélénites

Le Secret des Sélénites

En 1787, l'astrologue Sirius, convaincu de l'existence de Sélénites sur la Lune, prépare une expédition avec son cousin, le baron de Münchausen. Sur un trois-mâts équipé de ballons, ils partent dans l'espace. Ils se posent et découvrent les Sélénites, qui ont trois jambes et dont la tête n'est pas rattachée au corps. Ils rencontrent le..

Nataly Fish

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