
National Geographic Inca Mummies: Secrets of Lost Empire

National Geographic Inca Mummies: Secrets of Lost Empire

Their empire stretched from Ecuador all the way to Chile. Only 40,000 strong, they ruled ten million subjects and created one of history's greatest civilizations. But with one quick blow, the Spanish brought this mighty empire to its knees. it is one of the most dramatic and poignant stories in history. Unfortunately, the drama unfolding today is a..

Nataly Fish

A Quiet Inquisition

A Quiet Inquisition

At a public hospital in Nicaragua, Ob/Gyn Dr. Carla Cerrato must choose between following a law that bans all abortions and endangers her patients or taking a risk and providing the care that she knows can save a woman's life. In 2007, Dr. Cerrato’s daily routine took a detour. The newly elected government of Daniel Ortega, a former Marxist revol..

Nataly Fish

Skeletons of the Inca Rebellion

Skeletons of the Inca Rebellion

A cemetery crammed with skeletons offers tantalizing clues about the collapse of the Inca Empire.

Nataly Fish

Machu Picchu, Un Nouveau Regard

Machu Picchu, Un Nouveau Regard

Oubliée pendant des siècles, la ville sacrée du Machu Picchu est considérée comme une oeuvre maîtresse de l'architecture inca. Elle fut découverte en 1911 par l'archéologue américain Hiram Bingham, auteur d'un ouvrage de référence sur le sujet. En 1912, lors des premières fouilles, des tombes furent mises au jour. Selon Hiram Bingham, e..

Nataly Fish

Black Tulip

Black Tulip

Black Tulip

Nataly Fish

Pérou : Le Machu Picchu et la Vallée des Incas
Happy Birthday, or Incognito

Happy Birthday, or Incognito

The character of “Die Fledermaus”, Count Eisenstein, is quietly aging on his family estate. Every year he celebrates the birthday of Johann Strauss with great pomp. This time a luxurious ball will be given in honor of the great composer. Rumors are spreading that the great maestro himself will appear here, but incognito.

Nataly Fish

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