
The B-2 Stealth Bomber: America's Deadliest Weapon

The B-2 Stealth Bomber: America's Deadliest Weapon

Filmed in collaboration with the United States Air Force, this documentary offers an unparalleled look into the world's most advanced warplane, the B-2 "Stealth Bomber," including a tour of the aircraft and interviews with B-2 pilots and crew. This program also features the history of bomber design and the technological advances that culminated in ..

Nataly Fish

I Am Become Death: They Made the Bomb

I Am Become Death: They Made the Bomb

A rare view from within, as several of the Manhattan Project scientists, including Hans Berthe, Robert Serber, Edward Teller, Robert Wilson, and more, speak of their experiences on the path to a terrible shared destiny. As their lives and work at Los Alamos are revealed, they relate stories of contradictions and jealousies, and how each came to ter..

Nataly Fish

Bombardment of Taku Forts, by the Allied Fleets

Bombardment of Taku Forts, by the Allied Fleets

The scenes opens by showing the battleships maneuvering for a position. They finally draw up in line of battle and commence firing on the shore batteries. Immense volume of smoke arise from the fleet and from the distance shore. Shots are seen to fall thickly among the vessels and immense bodies of water are thrown up by the explosion of mines.

Nataly Fish

People Power Bombshell: The Diary of Vietnam Rose

People Power Bombshell: The Diary of Vietnam Rose

The unfinished movie of the late Celso Ad Castillo now a Cinema One Originals documentary film.

Nataly Fish

Inside the Mind of a Suicide Bomber

Inside the Mind of a Suicide Bomber

Film from Tom Roberts

Nataly Fish



This movie was created to highlight the overwhelming amount of scientific information pointing to human extinction in the very near future.

Nataly Fish

Great Bombers of the Second World War

Great Bombers of the Second World War

This programme is a visual presentation of the bombers deployed, and their strategic use, by both the Allied and Axis Forces during the Second World War. The programme includes detailed accounts of the Lancaster, Wellington, Blenheim, Liberator, Flying Fortress, Heinkel HE 111, Stuka, Mitchell, Superfortress, Heinkel HE 177 Greif, Marauder, Whitley..

Nataly Fish

The Nazi Plan to Bomb New York

The Nazi Plan to Bomb New York

The true story of the German Air Ministry commissioning designs of an aircraft capable of bombing New York City during World War II. Each plan is reviewed through interviews, archive footage, re-creations, and 3-D animation.

Nataly Fish

Hidden Exposure: The Truth About the H-Bomb Tests

Hidden Exposure: The Truth About the H-Bomb Tests

In 1954, the United States tested 6 hydrogen bombs on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Numerous Japanese fishing boats were operating in surrounding waters, and their crews were exposed to radioactive fallout. But the Japanese government has acknowledged the cases of just 23 crewmembers. Now, scientists from Hiroshima have shed light on facts tha..

Nataly Fish

Northrop B2 : Le vol de l'aile

Northrop B2 : Le vol de l'aile

Le pionnier de l'aviation Jack Northrop a conçu l'aile volante - une percée qui a réduit la traînée... augmenté la portance... et esquivé les radars. Northrop s'est battu pour lancer la production en série de l'aile volante - pour finalement tout perdre. Mais son rêve est devenu le bombardier furtif B2, 40 ans plus tard. Ce documentaire n..

Nataly Fish

The Brown Bomber

The Brown Bomber

A short feature on boxing star "The Brown Bomber" Joe Louis.

Nataly Fish

Top Secret America - 9/11 to the Boston Bombings

Top Secret America - 9/11 to the Boston Bombings

Journalist Dana Priest traces the battle against terrorism in the United States, from Sept. 11 to the April 15, 2013 bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Nataly Fish

Enola Gay and the Atomic Bombing of Japan

Enola Gay and the Atomic Bombing of Japan

American Documentary

Nataly Fish

The Bomb with a Man in His Shoe

The Bomb with a Man in His Shoe

In an impressionistic rush that combines patina-marked images of shoes made by hand with the attributes of a genre film, Rivers returns to a favorite topic: objects as the bearers of their history. Shots of the cobbler at work highlight the handcrafting process, yet entirely without indicating the need for perfection. In general, purposefulness and..

Nataly Fish

The Lancaster Bomber at 80 with David Jason

The Lancaster Bomber at 80 with David Jason

The incredible story of one of history's most iconic aircrafts - the Lancaster bomber - and its instrumental role in the defeat of Nazi Germany

Nataly Fish

History Of World War II The Pearl Harbor Bombing

History Of World War II The Pearl Harbor Bombing

Japan's desire to become masters of the planet was recognized quite early when the island nation attacked China and annexed Manchuria. One major obstacle in Japan's path to global conquest was the United States, which already had a sizeable presence in the Pacific region. Japan decided to do what they knew best-attack! What followed was one of the ..

Nataly Fish

Crayon Shin-chan: Invoke a Storm! The Singing Buttocks Bomb

Crayon Shin-chan: Invoke a Storm! The Singing Buttocks Bomb

When an alien bomb powerful enough to destroy the entire planet sticks to the buttocks of Shin-chan's pet dog Shiro, a race to save the world begins.

Nataly Fish

To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion

To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion

Top scientists want to build a nuclear bomb-powered spaceship to visit Mars and the planets.

Nataly Fish

The Bomb Disposal Men

The Bomb Disposal Men

First transmitted in 1974, this is a documentary about bomb disposal teams, their training, and the problems of maintaining a family life in one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. It follows three Ammunition Technical Officers in the British Army.

Nataly Fish

As The Bombs Fall

As The Bombs Fall

As bombs rain down all-around Betty, a head strong young woman, helps a wavering professor find an important letter regarding the fate of his son.

Nataly Fish

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