
Iron Monkey Strike Back

Iron Monkey Strike Back

Un détective kung-fu qui enquête sur le meurtre de la femme de l'empereur découvre une conspiration de haut rang.

Nataly Fish

Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 1 and 2

Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 1 and 2

These are the first two parts of the popular series in which a young samurai learns that he is the illegitimate son of the Shogun. Hoping to reunite with his birth father, Shogun Yoshimune, he heads for the castle.

Nataly Fish

La Légende du combat à mort

La Légende du combat à mort

Une jeune femme qui a été évacuée à Hokkaido avec sa famille en temps de guerre reçoit une demande en mariage du fils du chef du village, mais refuse en raison de ses actes barbares pendant la guerre. Elle et sa famille sont expulsées du village, mais son prétendant refuse de renoncer…

Nataly Fish

Demon Strike

Demon Strike

Silver Fox (Hwang Jan Lee) fights a dark martial arts master imbued with weird magical powers (which include performing strange rituals on captive women) and, of course, fantastic fighting skills. The Fox will need every one of his own prodigious fighting skills to triumph over the forces of evil that marshal against him in this rock 'em, sock 'em ..

Nataly Fish

Ring Around the World

Ring Around the World

Investigator Fred Lester uncovers a killer using an air pistol firing chemical bullets in the swinging '60s spy thriller RING AROUND THE WORLD, a globe-hopping escapade featuring a plane-and-parachute stunt later repeated in the James Bond film Moonraker.

Nataly Fish

The Ice Runner

The Ice Runner

US-agent West travels to Moscow for the CIA in order to buy Russian weapons and to send them to the rebels in Afghanistan. When West gets caught he hides his identity and receives 15 years in a working camp in Siberia as penalty

Nataly Fish

Les 4 Mercenaires d'El Paso

Les 4 Mercenaires d'El Paso

En échange d'une somme d'argent, Roy King et ses hommes acceptent de faire sauter une église servant d'arsenal à l'armée mexicaine. La mission accomplie, ils constatent que leur commanditaire a disparu. Les mercenaires retrouvent sa trace et se voient alors proposer un nouveau coup : dévaliser une banque pour un million de dollars.

Nataly Fish

The Giant of Casino

The Giant of Casino

Nataly Fish

The King of Sniper in Northeast

The King of Sniper in Northeast

This tells the story of 1931, after the "Mukden Incident" broke out, the sniper Ren Tianxing did not listen to the dissuasion and led the anti-Japanese squad to be killed in a night battle to ambush the Japanese army. Ren Tianxing was also seriously injured and was rescued by bandits. Five years later, Ren Tianxing lives in a cottage, just drinking..

Nataly Fish

Seven Men of Kung-Fu

Seven Men of Kung-Fu

A red haired martial arts special constable is deployed by the Manchus to round up all the Ming loyalists and eliminate them. The 7 men of Kung Fu prove to be too powerful for him and his posse of fighters and zombies.

Nataly Fish

Les Panthères du Kung Fu

Les Panthères du Kung Fu

Violette tente de s'emparer d'un chargement d'or appartenant au seigneur Chang. L'embuscade tourne mal et le bras droit de Violette, Kwan, est fait prisonnier. Il est emmené au palais de Chang pour y subir d'atroce tortures afin de révéler l'endroit où se cache Violette.

Nataly Fish

Cyborg 009 et la guerre contre le Monstre

Cyborg 009 et la guerre contre le Monstre

Un monstre marin s'attaque à des embarcations et détruit tout sur son passage. Les autorités n'ont pas d'autre solution que de faire revenir les 9 cyborg afin de lutter contre ce monstre...

Nataly Fish

Samurai Justice: A Duel at Takadanobara

Samurai Justice: A Duel at Takadanobara

Edo is rocked by the news that a duel to the death is to be held at Takadanobaba, the famed site of a bloody revenge fought by Nakayama Yasubei, who late married into the Ako clan where he was one of the 47 ronin who took vengeance against the vile Lord Kira. This hallowed spot is to host a match between two of the finest swordsmen in Edo. Each is ..

Nataly Fish



When a gang war breaks out over disputed territory, crime boss Wai blames his lieutenant, Ah Sing, for failing to wipe out the competition.

Nataly Fish

Shaolin Long Arm

Shaolin Long Arm

In the tradition of Bruce Lee's THE CHINESE CONNECTION and FISTS OF FURY comes this scenic, blood-flecked clash of cultures. Like Bruce, the hero has even given his ma a promise not to fight! But that vow is forgotten when a quaint coastal Taiwanese town is terrorized by Japanese sadist and their insidious collaborators. Then our temple-trained cha..

Nataly Fish

Of Cooks and Kung Fu

Of Cooks and Kung Fu

Efforts of a grandfather teaching his grandson a style of fighting called "Cooking kung-fu"

Nataly Fish

Le sous-marin de la mort

Le sous-marin de la mort

Pour inciter l'ingénieur Luca Valdesio à renoncer aux plans de construction d'un mini-sous-marin avancé, des criminels inconnus, kidnappent son fils Massimo. Kasan, le chien du garçon, poursuit les bandits et parvient à découvrir l'endroit où ils cachent l'enfant.

Nataly Fish

Duel dans le désert

Duel dans le désert

Une colonne de soldats, escortant une princesse choisie pour être l'épouse de l'émir Attatur, est attaquée par des cavaliers, des nomades semble-t-il, mais en fait leur chef était le frère de la princesse, essayant de la libérer. Un mystérieux personnage, du nom de Kadir, permet à l'escorte, commandée par Kamès, le fidèle lieutenant de ..

Nataly Fish

Last Of The Mohicans

Last Of The Mohicans

During the French and Indian War in colonial America, a white scout, with two of his Indian brothers, helps a British officer escort two women through dangerous territory, with both French troops and hostile Indians after them.

Nataly Fish

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