
Absolute Horizon Of The Event

Absolute Horizon Of The Event

A man walks across a bridge. He runs into something and falls. It is an invisible object. The man guesses at its form, touching and turning it. He discovers a door-handle, opens the door and passes through it, becoming invisible himself. He then exits, and grumbling to himself he continues over the bridge and walks away.

Nataly Fish

The Traces Go Beyond the Horizon
The Cold Line of the Horizon

The Cold Line of the Horizon

The Cold Line of the Horizon is a music documentary feature film about the work and thoughts of a group of songwriters from Uruguay, Argentina and Southern Brazil who share the fact that their work represents the landscape and the local feeling and ignores the borders among their countries.

Nataly Fish

Prisoners of Incest

Prisoners of Incest

Docudrama examining the effects of incest on a family - the secrecy, guilt, fear, and lack of communication that distort the structure of a family's relationships and make them prisoners.

Nataly Fish

New Frontier

New Frontier

Les Trois Mesquiteers convainquent un groupe de colons d'échanger leur propriété actuelle contre certains qui, à l'insu de nos bons amis, seront sans valeur. Ils sont capturés avant de pouvoir avertir les éleveurs.

Nataly Fish

Surviving a Car Crash

Surviving a Car Crash

Nataly Fish



Après une soirée bien arrosée, un groupe d'amis est réveillé par d'étranges lumières dans le ciel. Ils découvrent avec horreur de gigantesques vaisseaux extraterrestres surplombant les métropoles du monde entier. De puissantes sources lumineuses semblent aspirer les hommes par milliers... La stupeur passée, la fuite et la résistance s'or..

Nataly Fish

Mir Mortals

Mir Mortals

First transmitted in 1998, this is the story of four men who orbited Earth on board the ill-fated Mir space station, which NASA declared unsafe in 1991. Although Mir had been lived in almost continuously since she was launched in 1986, the joint Russian-American mission in 1997 saw unprecedented problems on board the station; from fire, power black..

Nataly Fish

Beyond Skyline

Beyond Skyline

Alors qu’ils rentrent chez eux, Mark, et son fils Trent, sont confrontés à une étrange lumière dans le ciel qui semble aspirer la population vers un vaisseau alien géant. Face à l’invasion, la résistance humaine s’organise…

Nataly Fish

Fermat's Last Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem

Andrew Wiles stumbled across the world's greatest mathematical puzzle, Fermat's Theorem, as a ten-year-old schoolboy, beginning a 30-year quest with just one goal in mind: to solve the problem that has baffled minds for three centuries.

Nataly Fish

The King of Wuxia

The King of Wuxia

The life of the epoch-making master of martial arts cinema, King Hu.

Nataly Fish

Un conte d'Afrique

Un conte d'Afrique

Un pilote s'écrase dans la nature africaine et perd la mémoire. Il trouve un vieil homme vivant dans la jungle avec sa petite-fille. Il tombe amoureux de la jeune fille et s'installe heureux avec eux; leur vie idyllique brisée seulement par une visite de sa fiancée oubliée depuis longtemps.

Nataly Fish

Global Dimming

Global Dimming

This may be the one of the most important Horizon films of recent years. Climate scientists have just discovered a phenomenon that threatens to disrupt our world. It may already have contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands through drought and famine. Unchecked, it will strike again. The good news is that there is a cure. The bad news is ..

Nataly Fish

How Many People Can Live On Planet Earth


The Russian space station Avma is disintegrating, and an international team of scientists is sent to the dying station to salvage valuable technology left on board. But fate has other plans, and when a rogue meteor collides with the station, leaving them with all communications lost, and life-giving oxygen bleeding into space, one man has only hour..

Nataly Fish

Pluto: Back from the Dead

Pluto: Back from the Dead

The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exis

Nataly Fish

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

Richard Feynman was a scientific genius with - in his words - a "limited intelligence". This dichotomy is just one of the characteristics that made him a fascinating subject. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out exposes us to many more of these intriguing attributes by featuring an extensive conversation with the acclaimed Nobel Prize winner. During..

Nataly Fish

Horizons lointains

Horizons lointains

Les États-Unis viennent d'acquérir la Louisiane de la France. Une expédition dirigée par Lewis et Clark est envoyée pour enquêter sur le territoire et aller là où aucun homme blanc est allé avant. Seront-ils capables de surmonter les dangers avec l'aide de Sacajawea ?

Nataly Fish

Psycho-Pass : Sinners of the System - Case 3 - Par-delà l’amour et la haine

Psycho-Pass : Sinners of the System - Case 3 - Par-delà l’amour et la haine

Après l'incident survenu en 2116 dans l'Union de l'Asie du Sud-Est (SEAUn), Shinya Kogami reprend son voyage vagabond. Dans un petit pays d'Asie du Sud, Kogami sauve un bus de réfugiés attaqués par les forces armées de guérilla. Parmi les réfugiés se trouve une jeune femme du nom de Tenzin, qui supplie Kogami de lui apprendre à se venger d..

Nataly Fish

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