


A former prizefighter tries to help his son pay off his gambling debts.

Nataly Fish

Binsu: Hīrōtaimu

Binsu: Hīrōtaimu

Long ago in the lands of Central North East Korea, the evil Koku Jin reigned supreme. Watch as a young boy, Binsu Kiba, goes on a journey with his friend, Sekushina Jin, in order to defeat Koku Jim and many obstacles along the way.

Nataly Fish

Let it Ride: The Craig Kelly story

Let it Ride: The Craig Kelly story

Once in a while a person comes along and flat changes it all. For the world of snowboarding, Craig Kelly was that guy. Craig Kelly led the charge, and led it with more class, skill and energy than anyone else would have or could have. Craig Kelly was snowboarding's original captain, and remained on top until his tragic death by avalanche in 2003.

Nataly Fish

A Girl in an Isolated City

A Girl in an Isolated City

Nataly Fish

La Colère des Bonzes

La Colère des Bonzes

Les enfants d’un glorieux général, assassiné, sont séparés très jeunes. Poursuivis par les assassins de leur père, ils portent autour du cou, un pendentif de jade en guise de signe distinctif. Pour les protéger Nan Ji est confié aux soins des moines du temple de Shaolin, tandis que Xia est élevé par un expert en arts martiaux. Le desti..

Nataly Fish

Blue Butterfly The Amazon

Blue Butterfly The Amazon

Emperor Kun-Ryung of the Ching Dynasty torments the Chosun people. For no reason, a young girl Pak Ouk-hwa, father was murdered by the emperor's guard Oh Kol-ma, and nearly beats her to death. She decides to learn martial arts from the great Buddhist priest Wun-su. She's determined to protect weak women with her martial arts. Ouk-hwa takes on the n..

Nataly Fish

Wild Fighter

Wild Fighter

Orphan Angga discovers his father was murdered. He then studies "Silat" (Indonesian martial arts) to prepare for revenge.

Nataly Fish

Swansea Love Story

Swansea Love Story

In 2009, Swansea drug agencies reported a 180 percent rise in heroin use, and it's visible on the city's streets. Early one morning we meet a young, homeless couple named Amy and Cornelius in a city centre alley. As heroin-addicted alcoholics, they're smack in the middle of two of South Wales's most harrowing epidemics. An award-winning look at a ..

Nataly Fish

Troubled Treasures

Troubled Treasures

Nataly Fish

Freeze, Don't Move

Freeze, Don't Move

Directed by Amir Shervan.

Nataly Fish

The Last Matador

The Last Matador

Once upon a time, there lived an old matador in Barcelona, an unemployed and bitter man. The bullfights were forbidden, the arenas converted into shopping malls. In the end, the forgotten heroes earned their bread only by posing for Russian tourists.

Nataly Fish

John the Fearless

John the Fearless

He's the "Rocky" of the 15th century-defender of the poor, enemy of evil, champion of justice. He's fearless and the strongest man in the land. He's ready and willing to take on all wrong doers-rich and poor. Accompanied by a lovable, meek little friend, his quest takes him on an unforgettable journey. Swamp monsters, knights in armor, duels, royal..

Nataly Fish

Pahlawan di Jalan Sepi

Pahlawan di Jalan Sepi

Nataly Fish

Les superpouvoirs des rats-taupes nus

Les superpouvoirs des rats-taupes nus

Doté d’un physique ingrat – corps glabre et fripé, dents démesurément longues et acérées – qui lui a valu de passer pour une espèce malade, le rat-taupe nu focalise l’attention de la communauté scientifique. Ce petit rongeur, installé sous la surface de la savane kényane et des semi-déserts de la Corne de l’Afrique, jouit en ef..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Behind the Myth

Behind the Myth

At the beginning of the 20th century, Uruguay was looking for its identity. Blanes, the "pintor de la patria", invented the images of the heroes that until today are exhibited as real. But everything can change when the world's most recognized forensic artist reveals the true face of the national hero.

Nataly Fish

Ninja and the Warriors of Fire

Ninja and the Warriors of Fire

The Black Ninja Empire want a "confidential blueprint" in the possession of Vietnam vet Robin and will stop at nothing to get it. When Robin's fiancée is murdered, her sister joins the White Ninja Empire and teams up with Robin to wreak bloody vengeance.

Nataly Fish

Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

L'empereur Rao Tsaung de la dynastie des Tchings aimait beaucoup les tournois et organisait des duels parmi ses meilleurs combattants. ces combats étaient très populaires parmi toute la Chine et l'empereur fit construire un grand monument dédié aux héros des combats, le monument attirait tous les combattants valeureux du pays...

Nataly Fish

Britain's Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown

Britain's Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown

Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown recounts his flying experiences, encounters with the Nazis and other adventures leading up to and during the Second World War. Illustrated with archive footage and Captain Brown's own photos.

Nataly Fish

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