
La prise secrète du dragon

La prise secrète du dragon

Les services secrets japonais ont envoyé des espions pour infiltrer les plus hauts lieux de l’armée chinoise. Ces espions ont pour mission de recueillir de précieux renseignements qui vont servir à l’armée japonaise pour conquérir la chine. Le seul problème est de récupérer ces informations sans que le gouvernement chinois ne s’en ap..

Nataly Fish



Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamar..

Nataly Fish

The Chase

The Chase

Shih Hai-tung a swordsman seeks revenge for his father's murder knowing that the Golden Gate Sect were responsible. He had killed two Heavenly Dragon Association gangsters creating a significant amount of hostility between the two groups before they meet each other head on.

Nataly Fish

Dragon Bruce Lee, Part II

Dragon Bruce Lee, Part II

While transporting funds for independence movement, Lee Han-saeng is shot in the legs by the Japanese military police. He recovers from his wounds with the help of Jang Geo-chil, an independence fighter, and his daughter, Wan-ah. When the Japanese police investigate Jang's house, Han-saeng and Jang take refuge in the home of Wan-ah's uncle. But he ..

Nataly Fish

My American Grandson

My American Grandson

A 12-year-old boy from America experiences the clash of cultures and the generation gap when he visits his grandfather in Shanghai.

Nataly Fish

Chef de patrouille

Chef de patrouille

Jack est le seul survivant d'une attaque japonaise sur son équipe à Guadalcanal. En raison de son héroïsme et le fait qu'il est encore en vie, il devient une médaille d'honneur héros. Il revient à former de nouvelles recrues pour les Marines et tombe amoureux d'une fille nommée Peggy. Lorsque la formation et le mariage lui laisser avec un s..

Nataly Fish

Chinese Portrait

Chinese Portrait

Tourné pendant dix ans à la fois sur film et en vidéo, le film consiste en une série de tableaux soigneusement composés de personnes et d'environnements. Les piétons traversent une rue animée de Pékin, les métallurgistes s'attardent devant une usine déserte, les touristes rient et gambadent sur une plage bondée, les fidèles s'agenouille..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Journey of Mastorna

The Journey of Mastorna

It is a love story during a whole day between a girl who majors in fine art working on her graduation project and a director who wants to make his debut movie. A romantic love story like “before sunrise” happening in shanghai, with various homage to classic films like “the dreamers”.

Nataly Fish

I Don't Like The Comics You Drew

I Don't Like The Comics You Drew

Dave draws the first page of his comic book and excitedly shows it to his friend Lei Lei. Lei Lei is not impressed.

Nataly Fish

Chin Chin Chinaman

Chin Chin Chinaman

A crime film directed by Guy Newall.

Nataly Fish

Goodbye My Friend

Goodbye My Friend

Goodbye My Friend is a Hong Kong Crime-Drama starring Chow Yun-Fat.

Nataly Fish

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