
Queen of Outer Space

Queen of Outer Space

Echoué sur la planète Vénus, quatre astronautes découvrent une planète luxuriante peuplée de séduisantes amazones. Il apprennent aussi que ce peuple essentiellement féminin est dirigé par Yllana, une reine cruelle mais qu'une résistance existe sous la forme d'un groupe de femmes dirigé par la belle et intelligente Talleah...

Nataly Fish

La Reine des Vikings

La Reine des Vikings

Saline hérite du royaume d'Angleterre la veille de la signature du traité partageant le pouvoir avec l'Empire Romain. Toutefois, la révolte gronde et menace cette paix fragile.

Nataly Fish

Les reines du drame

Les reines du drame

2055. Steevyshady, un Youtubeur de 65 ans, poste une vidéo sur Mimi4Ver, sa chaîne dédiée à Mimi Madamour, une chanteuse pour ados des 00's, pour fêter les 50 ans de Pas touche !, son plus grand tube. L'homme lifté se filme dans sa chambre d'ado, encore couverte de posters de la star. Il confesse l’avoir traînée dans la boue, parce qu’..

Nataly Fish



In defiance of Russia’s anti-LGBTQ laws, a queer, 21-year-old artist risks her life performing in surreal costumes throughout Moscow. Jenna Marvin’s radical public performances blend artistry and activism in this SXSW documentary.

Nataly Fish

Downing Street, au service de Sa Majesté ?

Downing Street, au service de Sa Majesté ?

Même si le Royaume-Uni a depuis des siècles une monarchie parlementaire et que le pouvoir royal reste fort limité, chaque Premier ministre est tenu de faire chaque semaine un rapport à Buckingham Palace. Le pays et ses citoyens ont bien changé en soixante-dix ans, mais certaines traditions restent immuables. Des secrétaires privés de la rein..

Nataly Fish

Billy et Mandy : Le courroux de la reine des araignées

Billy et Mandy : Le courroux de la reine des araignées

La reine des araignées veut se venger de Grim pour lui avoir refusé la place légitime d'éventreur.

Nataly Fish

Queen of Prey

Queen of Prey

A shy young man attends a provocative sex party with his girlfriend. Amidst the pulsating beats and erotic tension, he encounters a captivating older woman with an enigmatic allure. Drawn to her presence, he soon discovers that she may be far more than meets the eye – perhaps even supernatural.

Nataly Fish

Night Queen

Night Queen

Forty-eight-year-old Lakshmikant Sharma lives in Old Lucknow with his wife, daughter and widowed mother, living a life that is the textbook definition of monotony. Except it isn’t. Lakshmi wants to wear Sarees, put on her favourite shade of pink lipstick and live like a woman.

Nataly Fish

Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen

The next mayor of Seoul candidate's wife becomes a dance singer in this movie as Hwang Jeong-min takes on the role of poor lawyer turned politician and Uhm Jung-hwa as the wife who makes an attempt at singing without her husband knowing at first.

Nataly Fish

Queen of New York

Queen of New York

Welcome to a different kind of drag race! As NYC emerges from the chaos of 2020, Marti Cummings (they/them), an audacious and big-hearted drag queen, goes all out in a historic bid to become a City Councilperson. It’s one of the most hotly contested Council races in years, and Marti’s strongest competitor is Shaun Abreu, a tenants’ lawyer wit..

Nataly Fish

The Warrior Queen of Jhansi

The Warrior Queen of Jhansi

The true story of Lakshmibai, the historic Queen of Jhansi who fiercely led her army against the British East India Company in the infamous mutiny of 1857.

Nataly Fish

La Reine de la prairie

La Reine de la prairie

Sierra Nevada Jones (Barbara Stanwick) et son père arrivent enfin avec leur troupeau d’un millier de têtes dans les plaines riantes et verdoyantes du Montana où ils souhaitent désormais s’installer. Mais ils sont attaqués le soir même par un groupe d’Indiens qui massacrent les cow-boys et font fuir les bovins. Quasi seule survivante, Si..

Nataly Fish



Based on the comic by Ryou Kurashina and Issaku Wake.

Nataly Fish

Un été avec mon père

Un été avec mon père

Alison, 17 ans, part retrouver son père qu'elle connait à peine dans le but de faire connaissance...

Nataly Fish

Homecoming Queen

Homecoming Queen

Inspired by the true story of when Haddish travelled to Africa thinking she was royalty, only to find out that that means something completely different on that continent than it does on this one.

Nataly Fish

Reality Queen!

Reality Queen!

A comedy asking the question: is heiress/socialite London Logo a marketing genius, or simply the accidental beneficiary of an ignorant American public?

Nataly Fish

Les Ogresses

Les Ogresses

Comédie en quatre parties.

Nataly Fish

The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen

When Gerda befriends penniless Kay their growing friendship is cut short as one cold winter night a fragment of glass pierces Kay's eye, turning his heart cold. Enchanted by the Snow Queen he is swept away on her chariot over the glittering landscape to her frozen palace in the North. Gerda embarks on a magical and perilous journey to find and resc..

Nataly Fish

Queen of Diamonds

Queen of Diamonds

Firdaus is a Blackjack dealer in a Las Vegas landscape juxtaposed between glittering casino lights and the deteriorating desert oasis. Negotiating a missing husband and neighboring domestic violence, Firdaus’ world unfolds as a fragmented interplay between repetition and repressed anger.

Nataly Fish

Queen of Spades: Through the Looking Glass

Queen of Spades: Through the Looking Glass

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the ..

Nataly Fish

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