


An interrelated, multistory horror epic that revolves around the disappearance of high schoolers in a small town.

Nataly Fish

Lethal Weapon 5

Lethal Weapon 5

Nataly Fish

Weapon of Choice

Weapon of Choice

Arguably Fatboy Slim’s most famous music video of all time, Weapon Of Choice features Christopher Walken dancing around a deserted hotel lobby.

Nataly Fish

The Ultimate Weapon

The Ultimate Weapon

Le mercenaire Cutter accepte une dernière mission : détruire un important arsenal appartenant à l'IRA. Dylan McBride, un leader du mouvement terroriste, ne tarde pas à se venger en kidnappant Mary Kate, la fille de Cutter...

Nataly Fish

Le Meurtrier terriblement lent à l'Arme extrêmement inefficace

Le Meurtrier terriblement lent à l'Arme extrêmement inefficace

Certains meurtres prennent quelques secondes, d'autres quelques minutes, parfois quelques heures mais celui la prend des années ! Le crime avec l'arme la plus inefficace au monde.

Nataly Fish

Weapon of Choice

Weapon of Choice

A businessman, overhearing the song on the maid's radio, takes to dancing in the hotel lobby.

Nataly Fish

The Weapon

The Weapon

Un garçon tire accidentellement sur un ami avec une arme qu'il a trouvée dans les décombres d'un immeuble détruit. L'arme s'avère être un indice dans une affaire de meurtre vieille de dix ans.

Nataly Fish

Les Foudres de Dieu

Les Foudres de Dieu

Pendant le règne du roi Sejong, la dynastie coréenne Joseon était l'incarnation parfaite de l'Etat. Pour la dynastie chinoise Ming, prétendant au pouvoir impérial, Joseon représentait un obstacle à son expansion territoriale. Afin de défendre son royaume, le roi Sejong développa secrètement une arme d'une puissance inégalée...

Nataly Fish

Smallpox 2002: Silent Weapon

Smallpox 2002: Silent Weapon

A docu-drama that reports on a (fictitious) attack made by terrorist using the disease of small pox to attack the world. Starting in New York the attack is ruthlessly carried out by one man travelling around the city infecting people as he goes. Using hindsight and video diaries the film looks back on the global impact of a silent attack that affec..

Nataly Fish

Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction

Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction

HBO presents one of the most gifted and revered performers of our time, Academy-Award winning Robin Williams, starring in his fifth exclusive HBO special, taped before a live audience at Washington's Constitution Hall.

Nataly Fish

Weapons of War: US Navy Carriers

Weapons of War: US Navy Carriers

Packed with combat action from key conflicts, this DVD traces the fascinating rise of the biggest warships the world has ever known. Find out how US air power evolved from early biplanes landing on converted battleships to sophisticated warplanes on enormous modern super carriers. Discover everything you need to know about the most powerful and fle..

Nataly Fish

Alien Weaponry: Kua Tupu Te Ara

Alien Weaponry: Kua Tupu Te Ara

A documentary showcasing a group of young Maori musicians and their rise to fame, along with the struggles that come from success at a young age.

Nataly Fish

Concealed Weapon

Concealed Weapon

Something unthinkable is happening among Hollywood's elite power players... and Oliver Wright is in the midst of it all. A struggling actor, Oliver gets the lead in a movie for a well-known producer. But what starts out as the role of a lifetime turns into a role others would "kill" for!

Nataly Fish

Secret Weapons

Secret Weapons

Soviet High School girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.

Nataly Fish



L'inspecteur Marvin est venu accueillir son ami et ancien partenaire de la brigade criminelle Bill Skims à l'aéroport de Miami. Skims, qui travaille maintenant pour le compte du gouvernement américain, revient dans cette ville après sept ans d'absence pour une mission secrète. A peine ont-ils quitté l'aérogare qu'ils s'aperçoivent qu'ils so..

Nataly Fish

Maximum Impact: The Legacy of 'Lethal Weapon'

Maximum Impact: The Legacy of 'Lethal Weapon'

This documentary showcases producer Joel Silver, Donner, Gibson, Glover, Rene Russo and other members of all four films' production teams as they examine the franchise, look at the various social issues each film tackled, attempt to measure the series' cultural impact and, of course, touch on its legacy, for the actors, the filmmakers and audiences..

Nataly Fish



Weapons presents a series of brutal, seemingly random youth-related killings over the course of a weekend in a typical small town in America, and tragically reveals how they are all interrelated.

Nataly Fish

Murder Weapon

Murder Weapon

Two daughters of mobsters get out of the sanitarium after having killed a boyfriend in the shower, supposedly cured and on the right track. They hold a party and invite all their old boyfriends, making all of them think there is still hope for a relationship. Then the boyfriends start disappearing one by one.

Nataly Fish

The Weapons of Death

The Weapons of Death

San Francisco, une bande de racketteurs sans foi ni loi sème la terreur dans les bas-fonds de la cité. Les membres de cette bande sont tous maîtres en close-combat dont les pratiques sont les plus meurtrières. Ils sont les seigneurs de la mort.

Nataly Fish

Holy Weapon

Holy Weapon

During the Ming dynasty, Mo Kake takes an invincibility drink to defeat the best Japanese warrior, Super Sword. Three years later, the samurai returns, determined to take the power of 7 Maidens to defeat Mo Kake.

Nataly Fish

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