
The Last Zombie

The Last Zombie

A genetics specialist is sent to stay in a coastal inn to find the origin of an infection that has started spreading slowly.

Nataly Fish

Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

Ces derniers temps, R s'interroge sur son existence et son avenir. Il est pâle, maladroit, s'exprime avec difficulté et s'ennuie. R est un Zombie en quête de sens. Julie vit dans une cité fortifiée avec les derniers humains du continent. Elle fait partie d'une unité militaire qui protège les survivants. Au cours d'une attaque, contre toute a..

Nataly Fish

Halloween II

Halloween II

Michael Myers est un tueur psychopathe. Depuis ses dix ans, il croupit dans un asile psychiatrique. Devenu adulte, il n’a qu’une obsession : retrouver sa sœur Laurie. Échappé de l’asile, plus sauvage et terrifiant que jamais, Michael entame une traque jalonnée de cadavres...

Nataly Fish



Lors d'un enterrement, un prêtre et les proches du défunt doivent faire face à une invasion de zombies...

Nataly Fish

Zombie Reddy

Zombie Reddy

A game developer and his friends head to Kurnool to attend their friend’s wedding. But something much more menacing rather than delicious pelli bhojanam awaits them there.

Nataly Fish

KL Zombie

KL Zombie

An adaptation of the FIXI novel "Zombijaya" by Adib Zaini. The novel itself is inspired by AMC's television drama series "The Walking Dead". The film tells the tale of slacker Nipis who becomes a reluctant hero when a zombie outbreak robs him of the only life he knows.

Nataly Fish



Une jeune femme hérite d'un hôtel dans la Nouvelle Orléans. Alors qu'elle entreprend des travaux de rénovation, des phénomènes étranges font de sa vie un véritable enfer.

Nataly Fish

E-Sarn Zombie

E-Sarn Zombie

Itt becomes a supermarket manager. This leads him to meet Tonnun, an employee who exhibits strange and mysterious behaviour. She often steals expired fresh meat from the supermarket, making the manager suspicious. He needs to find out why.

Nataly Fish

Love Zombie

Love Zombie

After Kyoko witnesses the execution of outlawed zombies, she becomes even more fearful of being found out. She is secretly taking care of her zombie husband. When her friend Sato finds out it is only a matter of time before she has to make an unbearable choice.

Nataly Fish

Zombie-Free Test Day

Zombie-Free Test Day

On the day of SAT, which continued to take place even in the era of zombies, high school girls drive themselves to the place of examination.

Nataly Fish

Zombie Crush in Heyri

Zombie Crush in Heyri

The three women friends struggle to protect a village from the turmoil caused by the sudden appearance of zombies. In the peaceful Heyri Art Village in Paju, three friends: Jin-seon, Hyeon-ah and Ga-yeon, meet at the opening of the Heyri Art Center and, with a beginner Youtuber and a coffee factory CEO, face the zombie crisis.

Nataly Fish

Zombie School

Zombie School

Chilsung School is for troubled kids. One day, a strange and bleak mood surrounds the school. The teachers turn into zombies. The kids must struggle to stay alive.

Nataly Fish

Le Retour des morts-vivants

Le Retour des morts-vivants

Deux employés d'un entrepôt de produits médicaux libèrent par inadvertance un gaz toxique ramenant un mort à la vie. Pour se débarrasser de ce cadavre réanimé, ils l'incinèrent. Malheureusement, le nuage de fumée crée une pluie étrange qui s'abat sur le cimetière voisin...

Nataly Fish

Mr. Zombie 3

Mr. Zombie 3

It is about Mao Shanhao leading his apprentice Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to open a shop and run a monster in Qinglong Town. Wen Cai asked his elder brother for help from marrying his daughter, and Qiu Sheng took the risk to find the legendary Huang Yao to borrow money. One person and one demon didn't know each other and had love. Despite the obstructio..

Nataly Fish

Zombie and the Ghost Train

Zombie and the Ghost Train

Antti "Zombie" Autiomaa does two things well: play the bass guitar and drink. After several months' sleeping on the streets of Istanbul, he returns to Helsinki where he's called into the army but discharged on mental health grounds after adding turpentine to the officers' soup. Zombie lives bleary-eyed in an apartment off his parents' house where h..

Nataly Fish

Zombie Film with Grandpas & Grandmas

Zombie Film with Grandpas & Grandmas

A remarkable tale unfolds as a spirited and lively 94-year-old grandmother, known as "A Blooming Flower from Zhongli," unexpectedly rises to become Taiwan's cherished internet sensation. Unleashing her vibrant personality, she effortlessly transitions into a captivating comedian on screen. Her whimsical video, where she charmingly imitates a rap ar..

Nataly Fish

Zombie vs the Lucky Exorcist

Zombie vs the Lucky Exorcist

A Taoist Priest is hired by three people to deal with the spirit of their grandfather. The Priest screws it up and good old gramps comes back from the dead as a zombie. Soon some other zombies show up, even some little kid zombies. There are hopping vampires and monsters as well. Will The Lucky Exorcist stop them?

Nataly Fish

Dead or Zombie

Dead or Zombie

Set in a provincial city that has been quarantined to prevent the spread of infection after a zombie outbreak, this human drama depicts the new daily life of a high school girl who remains in the quarantine area to take care of her family who have become zombies. (machine translation)

Nataly Fish

Dead Snow 2

Dead Snow 2

Seul Survivant, Martin a vu tous ses amis dévorés par une horde de zombies nazis ! À son réveil à l’hôpital, il découvre avec horreur que les médecins lui ont greffé un bras de zombie aux pouvoirs surnaturels. Doté d'une force surhumaine, Martin va organiser la défense du pays pour en finir une bonne fois pour toutes avec ces monstres ..

Nataly Fish

Samurai Zombie

Samurai Zombie

A family travelling in a minivan are taken hostage by two fugitives. When the minivan gets a flat tire, they stumble upon a village infested by zombies in samurai armor.

Nataly Fish

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