
Monsieur et Madame sont pressés

Monsieur et Madame sont pressés

The wife gets up, runs to the clock and seeing the time, hurriedly awakens her husband. They will miss the train. In their hurry they cannot find their clothes, madam starts to put on her vest when it immediately changes to the husband's pants, the same happens to the husband. They quarrel and throw all the clothes upon the floor. During the strugg..

Nataly Fish

Les malheurs de Madame Durand

Les malheurs de Madame Durand

Madame Durand goes for a walk and is oblivious to practically everything. She ends up making a nuisance of herself again and again. It's so bad that she eventually even walks into an open sewer and falls down inside. She can't find her way out and wanders until she's overcome with fatigue. When she awakens, she has rats crawling on her! Eventually,..

Nataly Fish

Les deux Monsieur de Madame

Les deux Monsieur de Madame

Adolphe is in serious financial difficulties and the extravagances of his wife do not help to fix things.

Nataly Fish

Madame Faut Pas

Madame Faut Pas

Nataly Fish

Madame de Sade: She Beast in Hell

Madame de Sade: She Beast in Hell

A man is kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend on his wedding day and sexually tortured. When his fiancé finally runs into him after three months, the man realizes he can no longer perform sexually as before, as he's been "broken" and turned into his ex-girlfriend's sex slave.

Nataly Fish

Madama Butterfly [The Metropolitan Opera]

Madama Butterfly [The Metropolitan Opera]

L’éblouissante production d’Anthony Minghella de l’opéra de Puccini a ouvert la saison 2006-2007 du Met et a été vue par des milliers de personnes à travers le monde dans le cadre de la série Live in HD de la compagnie. Patricia Racette est Cio-Cio-San, la jeune geisha confiante et innocente du titre, qui tombe amoureuse du lieutenant d..

Nataly Fish



An elderly piano teacher recently diagnosed with terminal cancer lives in fear of death. But her real fear is who will take care of her cat, her only friend, after her death. As she tries to find someone to take care of her cat, the generational clash of the times and the drastically changing urban identity of Istanbul confront her with an unpleasa..

Nataly Fish

Madame Butterfly

Madame Butterfly

Free interpretation of the myth. Tsai Ming-liang propels a woman neglected by her lover in the mob of the bus station of Kuala Lumpur.

Nataly Fish

Madame de Langeais

Madame de Langeais

The beautiful and flirtatious Duchess of Langeais has set her sights on General de Meyran, a straight and serious man, and manages to invite him to her place alone. When the General declares his love for her, the Duchess's friends, informed, burst in. The General, thus demeaned, leaves, swearing that he will never see her again. However, the Duches..

Nataly Fish

Le Bordel, 1ère époque : 1900

Le Bordel, 1ère époque : 1900

A l'aube de la Première Guerre Mondiale, en période de doute et de peur, une maison close voit sa clientèle augmenter en conséquence. Pris de panique, des jeunes hommes souhaitent à tout prix oublier leurs soucis et ne veulent qu'une chose : passer une nuit torride avec de belles prostituées.

Nataly Fish

Madame Lien's Factory

Madame Lien's Factory

For over 50 years, Madam Lien has taken care of her family's shipyard all by herself. The shipyard produces traditional wooden ships. It's the last of its kind and its days are numbered. While keeping an eye on her workers, she's reflecting on her life through many changes in the times and the life of missed opportunities.

Nataly Fish

Madame Mayor

Madame Mayor

On the square of a village on a beautiful greek island there are two competing tavernas. One belongs to Aspasia and the other to Anargyros, who is a former Sergeant Major of the Greek Army. Their constant conflict doesn’t affect their children, who love and meet each other in secret. The local elections creates a new battlefield for the two taver..

Nataly Fish

Secrets of Madame Wong

Secrets of Madame Wong

Police commissioner is fighting a criminal group leaded by mysterious Madame Vong while looking for a treasure hidden by pirates hundreds of years ago.

Nataly Fish

Madame Aema 4

Madame Aema 4

In this entry in the long-running Madame Aema series, Aema's husband becomes romantically involved with a Japanese woman after taking a job at a Japanese company. Aema must also contend with two men who are making romantic advances towards her.

Nataly Fish

The Undercover Madams

The Undercover Madams

Sophie Ngan is the police chief, and she sends three of her female officers under cover. All three of them fall in love with their targets.

Nataly Fish

Madame Sans-Gêne

Madame Sans-Gêne

Paris, trois ans après la Révolution. Catherine, blanchisseuse, surnommée la "sans-gêne", a épousé le sergent Lefebvre dont la bravoure lui a valu d'être nommé maréchal, duc de Dantzig, par Napoléon. Cette promotion soudaine n'a pas fait perdre à Catherine sa liberté et son franc-parler, ce qui nuit considérablement à son époux...

Nataly Fish

The Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream 30th Anniversary Madame Zuzu's September 17, 2023

The Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream 30th Anniversary Madame Zuzu's September 17, 2023

The Smashing Pumpkins play siamese dream as a live album for its 30th year Anniversary

Nataly Fish

Tea With Madame Clos

Tea With Madame Clos

Tea With Madame Clos is about an extraordinary woman in her extreme old age living in a small medieval village in South West France. Couched in the framework of a train journey, the filmmaker remembers her many encounters over four years with Madame Clos.

Nataly Fish

Madame Delot habite toujours ici

Madame Delot habite toujours ici

Le décor : un immeuble d'une grande cité-dortoir de la banlieue parisienne, avec son inséparable terrain vague qui l'isole encore plus. Ici, peut-être plus qu'ailleurs, la mort rôde et frappe des êtres jeunes qui n'en peuvent plus de ne pas pouvoir vivre dans ce désert moderne vidé de tout. Pourtant, madame Delot y habite toujours. Une nouv..

Nataly Fish

As Meninas de Madame Laura

As Meninas de Madame Laura

Renata, a millionaire's daughter, shares an apartment with a girl who's proud of her virginity. Virgínia, a single mother, works as a secretary for a big company. Vilma, Raul's fiancee, for whom she pretends to be a virgin, is a bank clerk.

Nataly Fish

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