
One Thousand Days in Saigon

One Thousand Days in Saigon

Documentary short following French-Vietnamese artist Marcelino Truong on his journey back to Vietnam for the research on his 'roman graphique' 'Une si jolie petite guerre' (A Lovely Little War). Truong looks back to when his family lived in Saigon from 1961 to 1963 when his father served as a translator to then president of the Republic of Vietnam ..

Nataly Fish

One Day of Zhora Vladimov

One Day of Zhora Vladimov

The turning point for Russia is 1991. Exiled from the country, writer, dissident and human rights activist Georgiy Vladimov found himself in a forced, joyless emigration in Niedernhausen. Later, Vladimov will begin writing a novel in three parts, "Long Way to Tipperary," which, according to the plan, would cover the period from August 1946 to Augus..

Nataly Fish

First Love Showed Up One Day

First Love Showed Up One Day

A story about a disturbance between a famous composer and a woman suffering from amnesia that coincidently happens after they start to live together, and memories about first love.

Nataly Fish

One Day And Every Day

One Day And Every Day

A tedious day in the country. A chaotic day in the city. The relation between both stories becomes complicated as sound and image begin to diverge.

Nataly Fish

100 Years In One Day

100 Years In One Day

Erich Langeder's film project came about when, in autumn 2017, numerous members of the pre-monastery expressed their desire for a film about their pre-monastery during a district meeting for this year's 100th anniversary celebration. The aim of the film is to show the urban and social development of the district over the past 100 years, as well as ..

Nataly Fish

240 Hours in One Day

240 Hours in One Day

The final collaboration between Hiroshi Teshigahara and Kobo Abe, 240 Hours in a Day is a four-panel projection produced for the 1970 Osaka Expo. Set in the near future, a scientist invents an accelerator that increases the speed of human activity tenfold.

Nataly Fish

A Day of One's Own

A Day of One's Own

A random selection of housewives around the UK take a day off from their traditional domestic chores.

Nataly Fish

One Day a Man Bought a House

One Day a Man Bought a House

A man buys a house on a hill. A rat was there first, and proves to be unusually difficult to remove; it seems to think all the man's attempts to kill it are actually gifts. It loves the taste of the poison, thinks the trap is a sculpture, and so forth.

Nataly Fish

One Day in Soviet Russia

One Day in Soviet Russia

Nataly Fish

9_11 - One day changes the world

9_11 - One day changes the world

Islamic theologian Mouhanad Khorchide was in Saudi Arabia where his family lived on the day of the attack. What memories does he have of that day? In his opinion, how has international politics changed since then? How is the connection between religion and politics in the Islamic world, but also in the West?

Nataly Fish

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth - Yakutia, Siberia

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth - Yakutia, Siberia

Documentary movie about life in Yakutia, the coldest inhabited region on Earth with the lowest recorded temperature -71°C (-95°F) and the average winter temperature -50°C (-58°F). -- Un film documentaire sur la vie en Yakoutie (Sibérie), la région habitée la plus froide de notre planète avec la température la plus froide enregistrée (-7..

Nataly Fish

Un jour avant notre ère

Un jour avant notre ère

Fragment d'un film d'animation expérimental réalisé en 1977 et jamais terminé. Ce film est un montage à partir de tableaux célèbres de grands peintres que les auteurs ont mis en mouvement en partant de leur structure interne. L'idée du film est de montrer qu'il y a le pouvoir et qu'il y a le peuple et que quand le rapport entre le pouvoir e..

Nataly Fish

Django et Sartana

Django et Sartana

Le terrible Bud Wheeler et un bandit mexicain nommé Paco Sanchez terrorisent Black City. Un mystérieux shérif qui se fait appeler Jack Ronson arrive en ville et compte bien se débarrasser de ces deux malfaiteurs. Mais Ronson découvre bientôt qu'un autre homme, non moins mystérieux, veut la peau de Wheeler et Sanchez...

Nataly Fish

One Day in Our Lives of…

One Day in Our Lives of…

Stanley Kwan casts an impassive eye on a film crew in a recording studio in "One Day in Our Lives of…" with a diva, a young director, his lovelorn assistant.

Nataly Fish

Un jour avant la saison des pluies

Un jour avant la saison des pluies

Ce film relate l’histoire d’amour de Mallika et Kâlidâsa, le célèbre poète et dramaturge. Vilom, leur ami, n’est au départ que le simple témoin de leur relation, mais vient le moment où Kâlidâsa doit quitter sa vallée pour les splendeurs lointaines d’Ujjain, où il rencontrera la gloire.

Nataly Fish

One Day of Mayor Fukuyama

One Day of Mayor Fukuyama

The city of Fukuyama is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the construction of Fukuyama Castle. Shigeo Takahashi (played by Shigeo Ôsako), a director of a video production company, comes from Tokyo to closely interview the mayor of Fukuyama City.

Nataly Fish

Butterflies Live Only One Day

Butterflies Live Only One Day

An old woman who has taken a vow of silence and talks to no one. She only has one big goal; to receive the government's permission to enter the island. Someone is waiting for her there. But after thirteen years, entry permit was not granted to her. She’s searching for a way until…

Nataly Fish

Flies only live one day

Flies only live one day

A tormented mother struggles during a delusional journey against her own imagination, which plays tricks on her by deforming her young son’s plans.

Nataly Fish

One Day More or Less

One Day More or Less

Baradla Géza, war criminal, returns after 25 years, with his ex-accomplice, Obrád Simon, to the village where he burned houses with people inside and executed partisans. The ex squad-leader is chased to this place by his "heroic deed" and the memory of his love. Like a maniac, he wants to forgive the village residents for having killed six of his..

Nataly Fish

One rice cake a day with the aunt next door

One rice cake a day with the aunt next door

Yiru, who usually pays attention to the lady next door.. And when she finds out that she is usually lonely, she courageously confesses.. Seri, who watched this, took off her clothes on the sofa with eyes that could not be denied him, and secretly took off her clothes. I start to touch the area...

Nataly Fish

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