
The Art of Animation: Cycle of 6 Films

The Art of Animation: Cycle of 6 Films

A film directed by Piotr Bosacki, as part of the The Mischievous Musings of Piotr Bosacki program from the Ottawa International Animation Festival 2019

Nataly Fish

Umbra et Imago: Motus Animi DVD

Umbra et Imago: Motus Animi DVD

Live at Zillo Festival, Freilichtbühne Loreley, St Goarshausen, Germany, 16.Jul.2004 (3 tracks) // Promo Video (1 track) // Interview with Mozart, Lutz & Nanne (1 track) -

Nataly Fish

La médecine face aux superpouvoirs des animaux

La médecine face aux superpouvoirs des animaux

Certaines espèces animales parviennent à régénérer un membre perdu quand d’autres peuvent hiberner pendant des mois sans perdre pour autant leur masse musculaire. Ces capacités font rêver les humains. D’autant qu’elles pourraient aider à lutter contre la maladie d’Alzheimer, les infarctus ou l’ostéoporose. Si ces superpouvoirs sp..

Nataly Fish

Animaux Médecins

Animaux Médecins

Only twenty-five years ago, the first evidence of self-medicating behaviour among animals was reported among chimpanzees. On the basis of this pioneering research, led by the American Michael Huffman, a new science was founded: "zoopharmacognosy", or the study of animal pharmacopeia. Animals are apparently able to treat themselves actively, to dete..

Nataly Fish

Le Roi Lion - Les nouvelles Aventures

Le Roi Lion - Les nouvelles Aventures

Les animaux batifolent joyeusement. Les singes sautent de branche en branche et les éléphants se retrouvent au point d'eau pour se désaltérer. Tout est prétexte au jeu et les petits éléphanteaux s'aspergent avec leurs trompes. Sur la berge, un lionceaux o,souciant passe son temps à gambader avec un crocodile. Dans sa mare, l’hippopotame r..

Nataly Fish

Animal Language

Animal Language

Kingdom of animals is an unknown territory. We are like foreigners in here. We don’t understand the language of this country. They say, once lived a person who could talk to the animals, King Solomon. All peoples have fairytales with animals speaking with each other and with humans. In amazement, we’re looking at the world which considered long..

Nataly Fish

L'actrice Tippi Hedren : des oiseaux maudits aux bêtes sauvages

L'actrice Tippi Hedren : des oiseaux maudits aux bêtes sauvages

Tippi Hedren, l'inoubliable actrice qui a joué dans « Les Oiseaux » (1963), a dressé dans ses mémoires un portrait implacable de son réalisateur, le génial cinéaste britannique Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980), celui-là même qui, malgré sa personnalité inquiétante et ses méthodes de travail douteuses, a fait d'elle une star hollywoodienne..

Nataly Fish

The Young Animals

The Young Animals

A boarding house where four girls stay, each with their own personal problems.

Nataly Fish

Love you like an animal

Love you like an animal

Love you like an animal

Nataly Fish

The Animals 1850 - 1950

The Animals 1850 - 1950

A compilation of 20 Mexican children's song, composed from 1850 to 1950, ranging from lyrical to surrealist, illustrated with digital animation.

Nataly Fish

Les Animaux Amoureux

Les Animaux Amoureux

A chaque saison, la terre entière résonne des chants, des râles et des cris amoureux des animaux. La danse et les offrandes sont souvent les meilleurs instruments pour attirer l'être convoité, donnant lieu à des parades parfois cocasses ou attendrissantes, souvent spectaculaires. Dauphins, lions, poissons clowns, oiseaux de toutes sortes, ka..

Nataly Fish



A farmer finds out that a wolf's bite has turned him into a voracious beast. Worse still, his only son seems to have swapped brains with one of his sheep.

Nataly Fish

If You Were Me: Anima Vision

If You Were Me: Anima Vision

Six animated shorts about discrimination and being different. “Daydream” talks about dealing with people with disability. It homes in on the daily life of a father with a daughter whose hands and feet are deformed. “Animal Farm” relies on the rough-and-ready feel of stop-motion clay animation to create a satire of bullying and mob dynamics...

Nataly Fish

If You Were Me: Anima Vision 2

If You Were Me: Anima Vision 2

"The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in ha..

Nataly Fish



The conductor (Anna) suddenly leaves the city and silently lives alone in the northern forest on the seashore. Once a chorus girl (Aglaya) comes to her in the hope of returning Anna to her destiny, but remains with her outside of time and boundaries between reality and sleep. Gradually the voice of the chorus girl becomes the inner voice of the sil..

Nataly Fish

The Animals

The Animals

Four friend return to there thieving ways seeing no faith in looking for a job, resulting in only guilt, death and judgement

Nataly Fish

Tales of Symphonia - La leçon privée du professeur Kratos !

Tales of Symphonia - La leçon privée du professeur Kratos !

Lloyd and Collete talk about the special DVD editions, and Professor Kratos gives a summary of the ancient history of the world in Tales of Symphonia.

Nataly Fish

Either a Bird or an Animal

Either a Bird or an Animal

About a bat that could not decide whether it was a bird or an animal, and remained alone. Based on a Mongolian tale.

Nataly Fish

Tant que s'illuminera l'animal stratifié
Abstract animations from the 1960s - Part II

Abstract animations from the 1960s - Part II

Pilař made the two surviving reels of animation experiments after his return from the 1963 Paris Biennale. The gestural brush painting over the surface of the originally black and white puppet film which he almost completely removed from the stock falls at the beginning of his programme works of expressive collage and assemblage. He returned to it..

Nataly Fish

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