
Guerre Froide

Guerre Froide

À peine arrivé au travail, Dingo alias George Geef doit rentrer chez lui, car il a pris froid. Mais entre les effets du virus et la médication, le repos n'est pas assuré.

Nataly Fish



A group of film students investigate an abandoned lab and discover a lethal virus that renders people incapable of lying before they die.

Nataly Fish

La Maladie de Hambourg

La Maladie de Hambourg

Une maladie inconnue se déclare dans le port de Hambourg, et s'étend bientot au monde entier. Les gens meurent subitement et se recroquevillent en position foetale. Sebastian, un médecin gérontologue, Ulrike, une jeune fille et Heribert fuient la quarantaine imposée par les autorités médicales qui restent impuissantes face au fléau. Sebasti..

Nataly Fish



When shrimp from Mexico, tainted with Cholera, is served to people on a plane bound for LA, an outbreak ensues. A doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into an epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug mule from the plane, who was smuggling cocaine in his stomach, infects the drugs, which will be on the streets ..

Nataly Fish



Un virus se nourrissant de chair humaine, arrivé par une sonde spatiale, fait des ravages dans la population. Le gouvernement décrète la loi martiale, et l’élite de l’armée se réfugie dans des bunkers souterrains. Le généticien John Denniel découvre avec sa femme un vaccin consistant à mélanger l’ADN humain avec celui d’autres es..

Nataly Fish

Les Détonateurs

Les Détonateurs

Holly Parker s'inquiète pour ses filles qui ont disparu alors qu'elles passaient des vacances au campement de leur père, biologiste en Afrique. Ce dernier a été tué par un virus qui commence à se propager aux U.S.A. par la faute d'une cargaison de singes. Carmen Travis, chargée de l'enquête reçoit un rapport anonyme sur des expériences...

Nataly Fish

Les grandes épidémies de l'histoire : la grippe espagnole

Les grandes épidémies de l'histoire : la grippe espagnole

En 1918, après des années d'une guerre sanglante qui a conduit à la mort de millions de soldats, une nouvelle plaie va s'abattre : la grippe espagnole qui tuera plus de cinquante millions de personnes. En pleine épidémie de coronavirus, retour sur cette crise santitaire de grande ampleur et les leçons à en tirer aujourd'hui. A partir de tém..

Nataly Fish

Terminal Error

Terminal Error

Michael Nouri stars in this high-tech thriller as Brad Weston, a digital tycoon who must fend off attacks from his former partner, who's unleashed a computer virus onto the entire system at his firm Autocom. But the virus appears to be a true menace that's determined to destroy anyone -- or anything -- that comes its way. Now, Weston must rely on h..

Nataly Fish



A reclusive programmer, his sister and her new boyfriend are held hostage by a rapidly evolving computer virus.

Nataly Fish

Syndrome K

Syndrome K

Syndrome K is the true story about a highly contagious, highly fictitious disease created by three Roman Catholic doctors during the holocaust to hide Jews in a Vatican-affiliated hospital.

Nataly Fish

The Millennium Disaster - Computer Crash 2000

The Millennium Disaster - Computer Crash 2000

A convicted murderer holds the world hostage with a year 2000 virus in all the world's major computer systems.

Nataly Fish



A small passenger spaceship is forced to make a crash landing somewhere on a desolate territory on Earth. In search of some essential mineral the crew discovers a hidden stash of military bio-weapon surplus. One of the crew members gets infected, and starts showing murderous tendencies.

Nataly Fish

Going Viral: Beyond the Hot Zone

Going Viral: Beyond the Hot Zone

The story of the origins of the Ebola virus featuring interviews with scientific researchers, Ebola survivors, policy and decision makers, the author of 'The Hot Zone'.

Nataly Fish

Killergrippe 2008

Killergrippe 2008

Virus H5N1 mutation takes the world by surprise and sprays over to the four corners of the globe at a dazing speed.

Nataly Fish

Kindness Is Contagious

Kindness Is Contagious

Kindness is Contagious profiles bleeding-edge scientists and authors from UC Berkeley, Harvard and everywhere in between as well as real life people whose lives illustrate their incredible discovery: THAT KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS. Learn how a little generosity can help you live a happier, healthier, wealthier, longer and more fulfilling life.

Nataly Fish

Spillover: Zika, Ebola, and Beyond

Spillover: Zika, Ebola, and Beyond

With the world increase in spillover diseases from animals Scientists trace outbreaks such as the Zika and Ebola viruses which have the potential to infect humans.

Nataly Fish

The Hollow Forest Chronicles

The Hollow Forest Chronicles

A strange person in a gas mask (known to be called "The Blue Walker") has an important business to take care as he fights off vampires in the night.

Nataly Fish



L'armée américaine découvre qu'un virus de loup garou a été libéré. Alors que le Major Hoffman fait son possible pour trouver un antidote, le Général Monning veut quant à lui l'utiliser pour former un bataillon de supers soldats canins...

Nataly Fish

Going Viral: From Ebola to Covid-19

Going Viral: From Ebola to Covid-19

A look back on the warning signs of the 2014 Ebola crisis as the world responds to COVID-19.

Nataly Fish

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