
Queens of Combat QOC 2

Queens of Combat QOC 2

Episode Two of the Queens Court is now Online and features a new first round match announcement. The Queen's Court Episode 2. THE QUEENS OF COMBAT TITLE TOURNAMENT!Sixteen competitors battle it out to become the first QoC Champion!Queens of Combat return to action on Saturday, June.

Nataly Fish

Queens Of Combat QOC 3

Queens Of Combat QOC 3

Queens of Combat 3 took place on Sunday November 30, 2014 in Ziggy in Winston Salem, North Carolina, Savannah Evans vs. Miss Diss Lexi Amanda Rodriguez vs. Mad Mary Dobson Sojo Jo Bolt and Dani Jacks vs. Jesse Kay and Roni Nicole with "The Mean Mean" Zane Riley Angelina Love against Neva Miki James against Tessa Blanchard Jessica Havok against LuFi..

Nataly Fish

Queens Of Combat QOC 7

Queens Of Combat QOC 7

Queens of Combat 7 - Title Finals Sunday, November 29th. Match in a 4-position match. The winner goes to the semifinals against Tessa Blanchard against Talley Blanchard. QoC semifinal match Tyler Hendrix vs. winner 4-way match in Chelsea Green vs. Mad Mary Dobson game Leva Bates vs. ODB LuFisto vs. Andrea Finals Tournament winner Queens Battle Titl..

Nataly Fish

Queens of Combat QOC 9

Queens of Combat QOC 9

D'Arcy Dixon debuted for the North Carolina-based Queens of Combat promotion on March 19, 2016, serving as the lone babyface in a three way match between Su Yung and Taylor Made at QoC 9, which Taylor won. D'Arcy turned heel at QoC 11 on May 21, where she was defeated by Jessicka Havok. She continued her villainous persona later that night at QoC 1..

Nataly Fish

DIY Life: The Story of Combat Rock

DIY Life: The Story of Combat Rock

The story of a Finnish independent punk rock record label.

Nataly Fish



Andrea is a shocked boxer who arrives late for a worthless fight, but he's finally determined to change everything.

Nataly Fish

Cyclone : pour le combattre il n'a que 3 heures

Cyclone : pour le combattre il n'a que 3 heures

Le général Roberts et son équipe sont les concepteurs du Storm, un appareil capable de contrôler les fluctuations météorologiques. Afin de perfectionner le système, Ron Young, un jeune météorologue, par ailleurs concepteur de logiciels axés sur les mécanismes atmosphériques, est appelé en renfort. Après son intervention, Storm, équip..

Nataly Fish

Hitler et Churchill : le combat de l'aigle et du lion

Hitler et Churchill : le combat de l'aigle et du lion

Winston Churchill et Adolf Hitler : le « vieux lion » contre l'aigle allemand. Choc des titans dont l'affrontement au sommet domine le siècle. Et nous rend sensible la vertigineuse contingence de notre Histoire : que serait-il advenu de l'Europe si ces deux hommes avaient été autres ? De 1940 à 1945, ces deux personnalités aux antipodes l'un..

Nataly Fish

Born to Fight

Born to Fight

Vietnam War veteran Sam Wood is a survivor of a vicious prison camp where he was brutally and painfully tortured before finally managing to escape. Then he returns to rescue his friends.

Nataly Fish

Combat d'amour en songe

Combat d'amour en songe

Un jeune homme au cœur pur, partisan de la liberté d'esprit, est confronté à la pression sociale qui ordonne de s'enrichir a tout prix. Un groupe d'enfants aveugles tente d'ouvrir les yeux de non-croyants à la foi chrétienne. Des religieuses transforment leur couvent en maison close pour pouvoir en payer le loyer. Ce sont tous ces paradoxes q..

Nataly Fish

Le Combat ordinaire

Le Combat ordinaire

Jeune photographe de guerre en proie à des crises d'angoisse, Marco essaie tant bien que mal de se reconstruire. Ce trentenaire tourmenté à l'idée de s'engager s'est retiré du monde pour vivre à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de chez ses parents. Même s'il est amoureux d'Emilie, la vétérinaire du village, il renâcle à lui faire un en..

Nataly Fish

Fight Club

Fight Club

Le narrateur, sans identité précise, vit seul, travaille seul, dort seul, mange seul ses plateaux‐repas pour une personne comme beaucoup d’autres personnes seules qui connaissent la misère humaine, morale et sexuelle. C’est pourquoi il va devenir membre du Fight club, un lieu clandestin où il va pouvoir retrouver sa virilité, l’échang..

Nataly Fish

Forced Combat

Forced Combat

Two young men are kidnapped and forced to fight super clones. But when one of the clones goes crazy, it is clear that not everyone will survive.

Nataly Fish

Stealth: Low Observable Combat Aircraft

Stealth: Low Observable Combat Aircraft

Stealth or LO (Low-Observables) Governs the design of all today's combat aircraft.

Nataly Fish

La sociologie est un sport de combat

La sociologie est un sport de combat

Pierre Carles filme ici la "pensée en mouvement" de Pierre Bourdieu, donnant à voir le combat généralement invisible que mène le sociologue contre l'ordre dominant.

Nataly Fish

Samson art and combat

Samson art and combat

Portrait of Sanson, a young Tahitian artist passionate about roosters. Cockfighting was introduced to Polynesia by early Chinese immigrants. It took place everywhere, on all the islands. Wherever there was a Chinese trader he organized a cockfight, to the extent that he had fighting cocks. But this is not a particularly Chinese cultural trait. It d..

Nataly Fish

Iwo Jima: From Combat to Comrades

Iwo Jima: From Combat to Comrades

For the men who fought perhaps the fiercest battle of WWII, seventy years have passed. But the memories of those 36 bloody days on Iwo Jima have not. In the spring of 2015, survivors of both sides of the battle returned for the last time to join a Reunion of Honor — a unique, now-peaceful fellowship first forged of fire and bullets.

Nataly Fish

Trial by Combat

Trial by Combat

A group called The Knights Of Avalon are unhappy with the justice system so are taking the law into their own hands by executing criminals using medieval methods such as jousting.

Nataly Fish

Combat Squad

Combat Squad

A tough sergeant helps a raw recruit find courage under fire during the Korean War.

Nataly Fish

Je suis un combat

Je suis un combat

Luc has just learned that he has cancer. Consumed by denial and anger, he despite himself attends a discussion meeting between patients... If it is a question of showing that cancer affects all generations... Strength, hope and resilience are also transmitted through them...

Nataly Fish

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