
Boris and the Bomb

Boris and the Bomb

Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'un agent du KGB échoué, qui a fait défection aux États-Unis, monte sur le siège arrière d'un Uber avec une bombe nucléaire qu'il doit désarmer dans 48 heures.

Nataly Fish

Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb

An homage to the action films of the early 1980s, Cherry Bomb follows a young dancer and her quest for revenge against the group of men that brutally assaulted her. Seeing no justice coming from within the system Cherry enlists the help of her estranged older brother and some heavy firepower as the two siblings set out on a reckless revenge mission..

Nataly Fish



En 1941, la guerre fait rage et les Etats-Unis sont en train de mettre en place une escadrille de bombardiers dont l'efficacité devrait décider du sort du conflit mondial. Pour instruire les nouvelles recrues, deux hommes aux conceptions très différentes ont été convoqués. Le major Chick Davis, convaincu de l'efficacité de ce nouvel armemen..

Nataly Fish

Lakshmi Bomb

Lakshmi Bomb

Lakshmi(Manchu Lakshmi) is a session court judge who announces a severe punishment to a local goon(Prabhakar) on charges of human trafficking. Upset with this, the dreaded gangster attacks Lakshmi with his entire gang and kills her.

Nataly Fish

Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell!

Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell!

Sheila Caan is menaced by Satan worshipers on her journey from Brooklyn to Las Vegas. In an effort to find out what happened to her twin sister, she undergoes many treacherous journeys, a number of Satanist slayings, and a number of showers.

Nataly Fish

L'attentat du marathon de Boston

L'attentat du marathon de Boston

15 avril 2013 : Boston est frappé par la terreur en plein cœur de son marathon. Ce documentaire nous emmène dans le sillage des terroristes, pourchassés par les enquêteurs du FBI pendant cinq jours suivant le drame. Fausses pistes, fausses alarmes et une montagne d'indices compliquent davantage le travail des forces de l'ordre. Des histoires d..

Nataly Fish

Poets Against the Bomb

Poets Against the Bomb

An event organised by CND pits the bomb against poetry. Hear artists who hoped that words and rhymes could put an end to destructive times.

Nataly Fish

L'espion qui venait du surgelé

L'espion qui venait du surgelé

Le Dr Goldfoot, un savant fou (Vincent Price), veut conquérir le monde en tuant les principaux dirigeants militaires de chaque pays. Pour arriver à ses fins, il crée dans son laboratoire secret plein de bombes en forme de belles filles grandeur nature, qui doivent exploser quand on les embrasse.

Nataly Fish

Time Bomb

Time Bomb

When a saboteur places an explosive device on a train full of sea mines, the authorities call for bomb expert Peter Lyncort to diffuse the situation, unaware that he has explosive problems of his own.

Nataly Fish

The Last Bomb

The Last Bomb

Documentary of the planning and delivery of the last great bomber attack on the city of Tokyo by the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II.

Nataly Fish

Inside: 'Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'

Inside: 'Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'

A documentary on the making of Stanley Kubrick's classic 1964 film.

Nataly Fish

Time Bomb

Time Bomb

The Department of Homeland Security receives a threat that a bomb has been set to explode during a sports event in Washington, D.C.

Nataly Fish

Legasi: Bomba the Movie

Legasi: Bomba the Movie

After successfully rescuing several teenage climbers from Mount Kinabalu, Amir a member of the Special Tactical Rescue Operations Team (STORM) and his mentor Eddy became closer. But Eddy was involved in a tragic accident and felt guilty for the incident. When the tower of TEXVIN 118 caught fire, Amir was assigned to lead this important mission. The..

Nataly Fish

Kansas City Bomber

Kansas City Bomber

Roller-derby skater K.C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.

Nataly Fish

Super Firefighters

Super Firefighters

Nataly Fish

Bombs Over Burma

Bombs Over Burma

The film tells the story of Chinese guerrillas fighting for the Allied cause in Burma during Early in World War II, Chungking schoolteacher Lin Yang is recruited to help with the dangerous mission of protecting the Allied supply line from Burma into China. In spite of the danger involved, her determination to help is strengthened when one of her yo..

Nataly Fish

Harlow: The Blonde Bombshell

Harlow: The Blonde Bombshell

Actress Sharon Stone hosts this documentary about the life and career of 1930s sex symbol Jean Harlow. Included are clips from many of her films, photos and stories about her life before she became a movie star, and accounts of her troubled personal life, including a domineering mother, the failure of her three marriages and the suicide of her seco..

Nataly Fish

Map of the Bomb

Map of the Bomb

A dissonant subterranean neo-noir reality episodic fiction that touches the explosive subject of "reality in itself".

Nataly Fish

Le Détraqué

Le Détraqué

Les détectives de Los Angeles Minelli et Blake doivent retrouver un violeur en série qui pourrait connaître l'identité d'un kamikaze souffrant de troubles mentaux.

Nataly Fish

The Bomb

The Bomb

The Bomb place le spectateur au cœur de l'histoire des armes nucléaires, les machines les plus dangereuses jamais construites. Du Test Trinity de 1945 à l'état actuel des armes nucléaires en 2016...

Nataly Fish

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