
The Aliens

The Aliens

A UFO believer must choose between the aliens above he has never seen or the mysterious guide who appears in his campsite week after week.

Nataly Fish

Alien Contact

Alien Contact

Emmy award-winning filmmaker and marine biologist Rick Rosenthal teams up with science fiction writer Chris Carter on an investigative journey to explore evidence of intelligent life, not in space, but in the sea – specifically, manta rays. Might these alien-looking animals be trying to make contact with us? There are intriguing clues.

Nataly Fish

Alien Thunder

Alien Thunder

Saskatchewan, Canada, late 19th century. The negligence of Dan Candy, sergeant of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, allows Almighty Voice, a young Cree warrior, to escape.

Nataly Fish

The Alien Factor

The Alien Factor

Un vaisseau spatial s'écrase sur la Terre. A l'intérieur de celui-ci, plusieurs aliens s'échappent. Ils répandent la terreur autour de la petite ville de Perry Hill...

Nataly Fish

Alien Tornado

Alien Tornado

Le météorologue Jack Lynch découvre que plusieurs tornades dissimulent une invasion extraterrestre. Le gouvernement refuse de croire à cette théorie et Jack doit alors agir seul pour alerter la population...

Nataly Fish

Alien Code

Alien Code

After deciphering a message found in a satellite, genius cryptographer Alex Jacobs finds himself being stalked by government agents and otherworldly beings.

Nataly Fish

Alien Armageddon

Alien Armageddon

La Terre tombe sous le coup d'une invasion extra-terrestre de grande ampleur. Toutes les villes sont rayées de la carte, à l'exception de Los Angeles, qui résiste encore. Dans ce chaos, Jodie Elliot, une jeune mère de famille, tente de retrouver sa fille dans la ville envahie par des créatures venues d'ailleurs...

Nataly Fish

Sex Files: Alien Erotica

Sex Files: Alien Erotica

On board a long distance spaceship returning to Earth, an alien lifeform has invaded. It feeds off of sexual energy and can clone itself to resemble the female crew members. Once on Earth the government's Alien Files force is called in to investigate the strange behavior of the crew members and to learn why the alien has come to Earth.

Nataly Fish

Alien Overlords

Alien Overlords

A man learns about alien agendas from a dying agent and feels compelled to warn the world about the impending danger.

Nataly Fish

Alien Sniperess

Alien Sniperess

Une tireuse d'élite, en congé militaire, promet de réaliser le dernier souhait de son fiancé jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre une invasion extraterrestre hostile et soit chargée de sauver d'innombrables vies.

Nataly Fish

Maybe Aliens

Maybe Aliens

After losing both parents, two brothers search the skies for solace and clarity. Could the answer be really out of this world?

Nataly Fish

Alien Predator

Alien Predator

Une équipe militaire d’opérations secrètes est envoyée pour enquêter sur le crash d’un vaisseau non identifié à l’extérieur de la ville. A leur arrivée, ils trouvent d’étranges marques et résidus visibles uniquement en infrarouge. En déchiffrant les signaux, l’équipe découvre qu’elle est pourchassée par une expédition ex..

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: Advent

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: Advent

Advent is a sequel to Alien: Covenant in which David sends a transmission from the Covenant to Weyland-Yutani on Earth, elaborating upon the genetic experimentation he has been conducting on Planet 4.

Nataly Fish

L'homme qui voulait contacter les extraterrestres

L'homme qui voulait contacter les extraterrestres

Pendant 30 ans, John Shepherd a tenté d'entrer en contact avec les extraterrestres en diffusant de la musique à des millions de kilomètres dans l'espace. Après avoir abandonné ses recherches, c'est une autre rencontre qu'il a faite ici-bas.

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

David's Lab: Last Signs of Life is a 2019 short film. Created to mark the two-year anniversary of Alien: Covenant's home video release, the film is a sequel to the movie in which a Weyland-Yutani team arrives to investigate David's laboratory on Planet 4. One of the explorers enters David's laboratory to document the rogue synthetic's scientific d..

Nataly Fish

Aliens & Gufors

Aliens & Gufors

Three aspiring ufologists set up a zany UFO shop (Global Unidentified Flying Object Research and Services) and unwittingly ignite the biggest UFO encounter since Roswell.

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

In the Covenant's Terraforming Bay, the ship's Audi lunar rover detects an unidentified lifeform reading and goes in search of the culprit.

Nataly Fish

The Alien Report

The Alien Report

A life-long alien abductee figures out a clever way to record his alien encounters using a micro camera, and shares high-res video of telepathic beings, human hybrids and more.

Nataly Fish

Alien Cargo

Alien Cargo

After eight months of hyper-sleep, when Christopher 'Chris' McNiel (Jason London) and Theta Kaplan (Missy Crider) of a Mars cargo transport ship the Solar System Shipping Vessel No.17 (Triple S-17) awaken, they find out something has gone terribly wrong. They've woken up from hyper-sleep almost ten months past their scheduled time, find the ship's ..

Nataly Fish

Alien Storms

Alien Storms

With radical weather a norm in the solar system, there is no comparison to the most brutal alien storms.

Nataly Fish

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