
Elton John - The Million Dollar Piano

Elton John - The Million Dollar Piano

'The Million Dollar Piano' est un show au Caesars Palace de Las Vegas qu'Elton John donne depuis septembre 2011. Elton John y chante tous les classiques de son extraordinaire carrière.

Nataly Fish

Bepo le Millionnaire

Bepo le Millionnaire

Bartul Burt Marinkovich, un millionnaire émigré croate, meurt et laisse inopinément ses millions de dollars non pas à sa belle jeune femme, Nicole, mais à son neveu inconnu et illégitime, Bepo Stambuk, qui vit à Bol sur l'île de Brac. C'est la revanche posthume de Marinkovich sur Nicole pour sa découverte qu'elle entretient une liaison de ..

Nataly Fish

Ma nounou est millionnaire

Ma nounou est millionnaire

Max, jeune millionnaire, doit prouver ses compétences à son père pour reprendre l'entreprise familiale. Il est contraint de jouer l'aide ménagère pendant deux semaines, à la grande joie de son frère Paul.

Nataly Fish

The Doll with Millions

The Doll with Millions

The rich widow Madame Collie leaves the fortune to her lost niece Maria Ivanova. Two cousins of Maria go from Paris to Moscow in order to search her. They have to find a 17 year old girl with the birthmark on her right shoulder. The documents of the heiress are hidden in her doll.

Nataly Fish

Madigan's Millions

Madigan's Millions

When a deported gangster dies in Italy, the U.S. Treasury Department is very interested in the one million dollars Madigan owed the government, but managed to take to Italy with him. They send Agent Jason Phister over to Italy to nose out the million. His criteria for the job is that no one would ever guess he's an agent of the United States govern..

Nataly Fish

Millions In My Account

Millions In My Account

Chun Dalsoo, a scoundrel who has nothing better to do, makes his living by attending military exercises in place of his friends. One day, he goes to the bank with Eunji, a cashier in a cafe. To Dalsoo’s surprise, he finds ten billion won in his bank account.

Nataly Fish

Fairfax's Millions

Fairfax's Millions

As the classic rightly noted, it is customary to treat the diseases of wealthy people with respect. Only a heart transplant can save the dying life of a millionaire Ferfax. In search of a suitable donor for his best client, Dr. Jones makes a series of killings. But he still does not know what reward awaits him for the services rendered ...

Nataly Fish

A Million Minutes

A Million Minutes

Vera and Wolf Küper live in Berlin with their 5-year-old daughter Nina and their one-year-old son Simon. Vera takes care of the children and the household alongside a part-time job, while Wolf works as a scientific advisor to the UN, trying to raise awareness of the seriousness of the coming climate catastrophe. The stressful everyday life in a sy..

Nataly Fish

À la vie, à la nage

À la vie, à la nage

Ce biopic raconte la vie du nageur en eau libre Leo Callone, de son enfance à ses records en tant qu'athlète, en passant par sa philanthropie.

Nataly Fish

600000 francs par mois

600000 francs par mois

When bored American billionaire Charles Vanel is amused by the happiness of poor railroad man Nicolas Koline, he offers him a wager: if Koline and his family can spend 20,000 francs a day (about $11,000 in current American money) for a year, then he'll give him a nice pension. The rest of the movie is about the poor man and his family's efforts to ..

Nataly Fish

Magic Millions

Magic Millions

A short video essay about the most expensive thoroughbred race horse auction in Australia.

Nataly Fish

Five in Millions

Five in Millions

Captures the work of the British Rail Parcel Service, illustrating the story of five different consignments over a twenty-four hour period. These are: a schoolboy in Cheshire being sent a new bicycle; a housewife in Rhondda Valley awaiting the arrival of a new vacuum cleaner; a man in Lincoln expecting an insurance cheque; a tourist in Cornwall wai..

Nataly Fish

Stankowskis Millions

Stankowskis Millions

Nataly Fish

Two Among Millions

Two Among Millions

Nataly Fish

All Five Millions of Us

All Five Millions of Us

"All Five Millions of Us" is a hybrid of documentary and fiction feature film about father absence, based on data released by the National Council of Justice: there are 5.5 million children without paternal recognition in Brazil.

Nataly Fish

Privalov's Millions

Privalov's Millions

A young heir of a big fortune Sergey Privalov is coming back to his native town after a long absence. Having visited his owned plants, he breaks out with the idea to rebuild the industrial processes, improve the life of workers, and build schools and hospitals. Though, his interests collide with the interests of local big wigs, to whom the existing..

Nataly Fish

Peter Voss, Thief of Millions

Peter Voss, Thief of Millions

Peter Voss, Thief of Millions is a 1932 German comedy crime film directed by Ewald André Dupont and starring Willi Forst, Alice Treff and Paul Hörbiger. It was based on the 1913 novel of the same title by Ewald Gerhard Seeliger which has been adapted into a number of films including previously in 1921 and later in 1946. It was the second to last ..

Nataly Fish

Peter Voss, Thief of Millions

Peter Voss, Thief of Millions

Nataly Fish

Unemployed: The Destiny of Millions

Unemployed: The Destiny of Millions

Willy Zielke was a brilliant photographer and filmmaker from Łodź who suffered greatly at the hands of the Nazis: His German feature films of the 1930s, Arbeitslos and Das Stahltier, were banned; Leni Riefenstahl made use of him to conceive, direct, and shoot the prologue for Olympia, but gave him no credit; and later, in a mentally incapacitated..

Nataly Fish

The Chase After Millions

The Chase After Millions

Early German sound film based on the novel "Lord Spleen" by Ludwig von Wohl. Two stowaways attempt to unravel a plot onboard a steam train.

Nataly Fish

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