
Key Witness

Key Witness

An average Los Angeles citizen witnesses a gang murder when he stops to use a telephone. When he presents himself to the LAPD as the only person willing to identify the culprits, he opens himself up to a campaign of intimidation from the gang involved.

Nataly Fish

Witchcraft Vs Curse

Witchcraft Vs Curse

Hung is disappointed when her man, Yuk Lung, becomes engaged to pretty Pai Lin. Hung and her scheming mother engage a sorcerer, Ko Yin Yau, to place a spell on him. Yuk Lung becomes possessed by the Adultery Ghost, and he leaves Pai Lin in the middle of having sex with her, going to Hung. Pai Lin and her friend Nancy rush to Thailand, seeking the h..

Nataly Fish

Secret Witness

Secret Witness

Fun turns serious for two kids when an innocent spying game forces them to do some real detective work.

Nataly Fish

Le Témoin

Le Témoin

Hongrie, années 1950. József Pelikán, qui travaille comme gardien de barrage sur le Danube, rencontre par hasard Zoltán Dániel, un vieil ami qu'il a sauvé de la mort des années auparavant et qui est maintenant un puissant politicien.

Nataly Fish

Little Witch Academia: Mahou Shikake no Parade

Little Witch Academia: Mahou Shikake no Parade

Akko Kagari et ses amies s'étant encore fait remarquée à l'académie de magie, elles doivent organiser la parade annuelle des sorcières en ville rappelant la persécution dont elles ont été victimes à travers l'Histoire.

Nataly Fish

Bigfoot Witness: The Jason Morse Story

Bigfoot Witness: The Jason Morse Story

While out walking his dog, Jason Morse had a visual sighting of a large bipedal creature in the New Hampshire forest. That day changed his life forever and launched him into a world of Bigfoot investigating. Having seen the brute first hand, Jason is determined to find more evidence of Bigfoot. His quest has led him from Pawtuckaway state park to t..

Nataly Fish

Abdullah : The Final Witness

Abdullah : The Final Witness

Five Russian citizens are mistaken for suicide bombers at a Kharotabad check post in Quetta.

Nataly Fish

Your Witness

Your Witness

Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murde..

Nataly Fish

Mary et la fleur de la sorcière

Mary et la fleur de la sorcière

C'est l'été. Mary vient d’emménager chez sa grand-tante dans le village de Manoir Rouge. Dans la forêt voisine, elle découvre une fleur mystérieuse qui ne fleurit qu'une fois tous les 7 ans. On l'appelle la "fleur de la sorcière". Pour une nuit seulement, grâce à la fleur, Mary possédera des pouvoirs magiques et pourra entrer à Endor, ..

Nataly Fish

Les Yeux sans visage

Les Yeux sans visage

Le professeur Génessier, célèbre chirurgien spécialisé dans les transplantations, est responsable d'un accident de voiture dont sa fille Christiane - qu'il adore - est sortie vivante mais le visage horriblement mutilé. A l'aide d'une assistante dévouée, il attire des jeunes filles dans son pavillon-laboratoire, pour prélever la peau de leu..

Nataly Fish

Witness to 'Reds'

Witness to 'Reds'

Cast and crew of "Reds" revisit their memories and stories while making the film.

Nataly Fish

The Witness

The Witness

Au Tribunal international de La Haye, le colonel Pantic est accusé et inculpé de crimes contre l’humanité, mais personne n’ose témoigner contre lui. Vince Harrington, jeune auxiliaire de justice, décide de partir en ex-Yougaslavie à la recherche du seul homme capable d’affronter le colonel, l’ex général Nikola Radin. Contrairement �..

Nataly Fish

Blind Witness

Blind Witness

Woman is trapped in her home with her husband's killers.

Nataly Fish

The Secret Witness

The Secret Witness

A wealthy, cheating husband is found murdered in his penthouse apartment. The police soon arrest a suspect, but the victim's downstairs neighbor believes the man is innocent and sets out to prove who really committed the murder.

Nataly Fish

Terreur Extraterrestre

Terreur Extraterrestre

Une série d'attaques de petites créatures volantes et voraces provoque des morts isolées dans une campagne de l'Amérique profonde. Alerté par un couple de jeunes ayant survécu à l'hécatombe, un petit groupe lutte désespérément contre un impitoyable prédateur d'un autre monde, qui hante les forêts et chasse tous les humains qu'il rencon..

Nataly Fish

Witness in the Dark

Witness in the Dark

A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.

Nataly Fish

La Sorcière de Noël 2 : Les origines

La Sorcière de Noël 2 : Les origines

Au XVIIIe siècle, Paola est une jeune délinquante. Elle se retrouve - par hasard - à contrecarrer les plans du terrible baron De Michelis qui nourrit une soif de pouvoir sans limite associée à une haine incommensurable des sorcières. La douce mais incroyablement puissante Dolores - une bonne sorcière qui consacre sa vie aux enfants - intervi..

Nataly Fish

Silent Witness

Silent Witness

District Attorney Holden and his special investigator Betty Higgins are trying to convict brothers Joe and Lou Manson, silk-racket hoods, after they are indicted for murder.

Nataly Fish

The Silent Witness

The Silent Witness

Janet Rigsby loves Richard Morgan, a Denver college student, but loses him when he is caught in a fire. Shortly after Richard's presumed demise, Janet leaves her home and bears a son out of wedlock. Over the years, she struggles to make ends meet while raising Bud, her son, on her own. Although her savings are small, Janet manages to send Bud to co..

Nataly Fish

Special Witnesses of Christ

Special Witnesses of Christ

Members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share their testimony that Jesus Christ was the son of God.

Nataly Fish

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