
Who's the Boss?

Who's the Boss?

Alex and Natalie only date people for three months and always like to be in control, until they meet each other.

Nataly Fish

Down with The Big Boss

Down with The Big Boss

In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.

Nataly Fish

The Secret Society – Boss

The Secret Society – Boss

Fai is the leader of the Hung Hing gang. He is a furious, violent and prurience man and his wife can't stand him so she left him. Fai lives with his only daughter Wing-Kei, whom he cherishes and loves very much. One time Fai lewd a drugged girl in the disco, later he finds out she is the daughter of Lam Hiu-Tung, the leader of Yee Hing Gang.

Nataly Fish

The Boss of Pick-Pocket Bay

The Boss of Pick-Pocket Bay

Sangoro Oiwake runs out of money. He visits rice shop, eat and drink for free, and owners send him to prison. In prison Sangoro will have a new life

Nataly Fish

Un jeune héritier à l'université

Un jeune héritier à l'université

Fujii a été exclu du club de rugby de son université pour avoir amené une geisha sur le stade. Depuis, il mène une vie dissolue au grand dam de son père, riche marchand, à qui il doit succéder.

Nataly Fish

The Boss

The Boss

The head of a criminal gang has all the power among his men until one decides to testify against him.

Nataly Fish

The Big Boss

The Big Boss

Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.

Nataly Fish

The Young Boss of the Factory

The Young Boss of the Factory

Wong Boon-kap has recently returned from his studies abroad. Following the orders of his father Tai-ming, Boon-kap goes undercover as a mechanic apprentice in the father's factory to spy on their staff while keeping an eye out for talents. The boot-licking the factory manager Fung Hon-wing and his secretary Cheung Pat-fu respectively enlist their g..

Nataly Fish

She's the Boss

She's the Boss

She's the Boss follows two co-workers whose secret relationship could compromise their jobs. Both want marriage, but neither want to quit, they comically try to sabotage one another into leaving their job.

Nataly Fish

The Boss Is the Doorman

The Boss Is the Doorman

Abu al-Ma'ati disguies himself as a janitor of a building to escape justice, he meets a dancer and work together in prostitution and drug trade, but events turn when he decides to run for election.

Nataly Fish

The Boss

The Boss

Ahmet Vehbi Şafak, a.k.a. The Boss, is such a well-loved figure that an association was formed by his devotees. But during the Gezi Park protests of 2013, this man, until now an icon of integrity and truth, became a disappointment to those around him. For the Boss framed Gezi as a rebellion against the government and his very existence, a stance t..

Nataly Fish

The Past-Master boss

The Past-Master boss

Nataly Fish

The Boss

The Boss

"The Boss" is a documentary about transition, privatization and corporations in Croatia, and touches upon the history of the largest Croatian corporation - Agrokor.

Nataly Fish

The Boss

The Boss

A young guy Siamak has a list of 25 youngsters in his pocket. He has to deliver drugs to them but his father Reza is coming from abroad after many years. He was a runaway but now wants to be a good father for his son.

Nataly Fish

L'Honneur du dragon

L'Honneur du dragon

Quand il était petit, Kham n'avait que son père et ses éléphants pour toute famille. À l'approche du Festival de l'eau de Songkran, le père de Kahm est convaincu que son éléphant bien-aimé est suffisamment princier pour déambuler dans les jardins du roi. Il rend visite au chef du village qui le persuade de faire examiner soigneusement son..

Nataly Fish

The Female Boss

The Female Boss

Based on play Othello of William Shakespear. Hafez try to convice his friend that his wife has been unfaithful.

Nataly Fish

Pirates des Caraïbes : La Vengeance de Salazar

Pirates des Caraïbes : La Vengeance de Salazar

Jack Sparrow et ses compagnons se lancent dans la quête du Trident de Poséidon, sur lequel le Capitaine Teague détient des informations précieuses. Cet artefact légendaire, qui donne tous les pouvoirs sur les océans, est leur seul moyen d'échapper aux fantômes du redoutable Capitaine Salazar, échappés du Triangle des Bermudes pour élimin..

Nataly Fish

The Losers

The Losers

Un commando des Forces Spéciales est envoyé en Bolivie pour arrêter un grand trafiquant de drogue. Max, le chef de l'opération, les envoie, en réalité, dans un piège: il les abandonne sur place et retourne aux États-Unis où il compte vendre une puissante arme à des terroristes. Aidé par la mystérieuse Aisha, le groupe parvient à rentre..

Nataly Fish

L'Empire Bo$$é

L'Empire Bo$$é

Élevé dans la pauvreté, Bernard Bossé apprend vite la valeur de l'argent. Adolescent, il est le propriétaire d'une prospère compagnie de livraison qui lui permet de faire fortune une première fois. Malgré quelques coups durs du destin, parfois orchestrés par ses ennemis, Bossé trouve toujours le moyen de se relever et de faire fortune à ..

Nataly Fish

Little Kids Beat the Boss

Little Kids Beat the Boss

Nataly Fish

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