
Deux êtres

Deux êtres

Un scientifique, accusé de plagiat, entend à la radio que son rival a été assassiné. Avec son épouse, il attend la police.

Nataly Fish

Two Looks

Two Looks

The two friends in Two Looks have seen less complicated times together. Though we never hear their names or see them interact with the world outside of their stylish desert house, their exchanges are the sort that speak volumes with a well-placed breath. Waking to find themselves naked and entangled, the first to leave the bed is bewildered. Along ..

Nataly Fish

Those Two

Those Two

Men. A shabby brothel. A chance meeting. Passion, guilt and redemption.

Nataly Fish

Two Doves

Two Doves

After a breakup, Sofía moves to the capital city, where she meets Leonardo, but when they try to have sex for the first time, he gets seriously ill.

Nataly Fish

Two Fridas

Two Fridas

This is not another standard biopic about Frida Kahlo. “Two Fridas” is a poetic film, based on the relation between the Mexican painter and the Costa Rican nurse Judith, who took care of Frida during the final years of her life.

Nataly Fish

Two Whales

Two Whales

Two teenagers live by themselves in an apartment during their mother's hospitalization. This period of isolation will lead them to face each other's flaws and mend their relationship as they share the ordeals of becoming adults.

Nataly Fish

Dos vidas

Dos vidas

Nataly Fish

Two Waters

Two Waters

Patricia's Velásquez's feature debut follows a Costa Rican boy who hopes to attend a soccerschool his family cannot afford -but that his brother is determined to sen him to by any means necessary. Two Waters is a beautiful tale of friendship and loss, moral compromises great and small, and the persistence of dreams.

Nataly Fish

Two Cacti

Two Cacti

An intimate portrait of Sofía and Mateo, a couple who embark on a journey to decide whether or not they are still together, fractured by their differences.

Nataly Fish

Two Hitlers

Two Hitlers

One is a former police officer, bodyguard and hairdresser. Currently retired, he takes care of his extravagant and almost hundred-year-old illiterate mother. He writes poems and hopes to see them published one day. The other, a declared womanizer, workaholic, and leftist, was imprisoned during the dictatorship, runs a small grocery shop, and contro..

Nataly Fish

Déjeuner pour deux

Déjeuner pour deux

Une belle et riche héritière du Texas fait la connaissance d'un play-boy non moins opulent. Tous deux se plaisent mais ne peuvent se l'avouer : car si elle a le coeur libre, lui, par contre, est déjà promis à une autre. Les voilà, semble-t-il, condamnés à échanger sourires et taquineries en attendant l'inévitable séparation. Mais il ne f..

Nataly Fish

Two Seconds

Two Seconds

A condemned murderer, in the process of being executed, relives the events that led to his being sentenced to die in the electric chair. Told in flashback, we witness a sleazy dancehall girl (Vivienne Osborne) dupe a high rise riveter (Edward G. Robinson) into marriage so she can live off of him. But when he loses his job and his marbles, she ends ..

Nataly Fish

Two Monks

Two Monks

Dans un monastère de style gothique, un moine nommé Javier voit le visage d'un autre moine, Juan, et tente soudain de le matraquer à mort avec un lourd crucifix. Les deux hommes racontent ensuite leurs propres versions d'une histoire de rivalité romantique entre eux.

Nataly Fish

Two Colonels

Two Colonels

In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.

Nataly Fish

The Two Jakes

The Two Jakes

A Los Angeles, en 1948, le promoteur immobilier Jake Berman s'attache les services du détective privé Jake Gittes pour déterminer la fidélité de sa femme Kitty.

Nataly Fish

Kubo et l'armure magique

Kubo et l'armure magique

Sur les rives escarpées d’un Japon fantasmagorique, un jeune garçon nommé Kubo vit dans une grotte, en haut d’une falaise. S’il a l’air d’un vagabond dépenaillé, il est pourtant aussi attentionné qu’intelligent et vit une existence modeste de conteur de rue. Jour après jour, il régale des histoires les plus folles, les habitants..

Nataly Fish

Two Days

Two Days

The story concentrates on a single 48-hour period during the Russian Revolution. The central character, played by Y. E. Samchykovski, is an old servant who staunchly supports the Royal Family. Even when his master is placed in prison and his son is appointed a commissar, the servant remains faithful to the Czarist regime. But when his village is in..

Nataly Fish

Two Buddies and a Badger

Two Buddies and a Badger

A zany, musical road movie about two old friends and a badger who embark on an excessively grand adventure. Starring the musical duo Knutsen & Ludvigsen, world famous in Norway.

Nataly Fish

Two Ghosts and a Girl

Two Ghosts and a Girl

Two ghosts who died in a turn-of-the-century duel and now haunt a theater attempt to help a girl who's in danger from bank robbers.

Nataly Fish

A dos minutos

A dos minutos

Nataly Fish

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