
The Cow's Drama

The Cow's Drama

Drama, from the Greek, to do, act, or perform. A composition in which a story is related by means of dialogue and action and is represented with accompanying gesture, costume and scenery, as in real life, a play. The simplest story; a cow in a field, a day passes, articulated by a sequence of simple actions. Another day passes and the actions only ..

Nataly Fish

15 Soldiers, 11 Machines, 8 Cows

15 Soldiers, 11 Machines, 8 Cows

This video is a collage of images that takes the viewer down a path between their own virtue and cosmic morality. A quiet anxiety emerges as the strip explores the non-mathematical possibilities of the violent destruction of matter, as well as the habits into which people seem to push their fellows.

Nataly Fish

The Cowshed

The Cowshed

An adaptation of Chinese scholar Ji Xianlin's memoir "The Cowshed: Memories of the Cultural Revolution". Two actors and a film crew attempt to work out how to portray the events of the book on film and whether or not they should bother at all.

Nataly Fish

États-Unis - Cowboys d'aujourd'hui

États-Unis - Cowboys d'aujourd'hui

Glorifié par le cinéma et la littérature, le style de vie quotidien des cow-boys reste pourtant mal connu. Dans dix des plus grands élevages de bétail de l’Ouest américain, rencontre avec ces hommes et femmes à cheval qui livrent de passionnants témoignages sur l’évolution de leur métier et la réalité de leur quotidien rural : ses a..

Nataly Fish

La Vache

La Vache

Fatah est un homme simple et de bonne nature, dans la lignée directe de son père, ce qui lui vaut d’être sujet de toutes les railleries dans son village d’Algérie. Même s’il aime tendrement sa femme et ses deux petites filles, il n’y a qu’en sa vache Jacqueline, qu’il trouve une véritable âme sœur. Elle est la plus belle, la plu..

Nataly Fish

When The Cows Come Home

When The Cows Come Home

When the Cows Come Home introduces audiences to Tilly and Maggie, a pair of cows that musician, journalist, artist and cow whisperer, Andrew Johnstone has befriended and subsequently saved from slaughter. The garrulous herdsman is enthusiastic to expound his views on animal husbandry, bovine communication and the vagaries of life in general, before..

Nataly Fish

Village of Swimming Cows

Village of Swimming Cows

A docu-comedy about three neo-hippies from Berlin who move to a farm in Poland to be closer to nature. They meditate, practice acroyoga and shower in the garden. The villagers consider them complete eccentrics.

Nataly Fish

Cows Wearing Glasses

Cows Wearing Glasses

Marcelino is an eccentric, introverted painter and art professor who, approaching his sunset years, learns he has a disease that could render him blind at any moment. As he begins to put his emotional affairs in order, including his strained relationship with his daughter, he must face the inevitable.

Nataly Fish

Ox-Head Village

Ox-Head Village

Après avoir lancé une farce sur les réseaux sociaux à propos d'un bâtiment hanté, trois filles disparaissent soudainement. Des rumeurs circulent selon lesquelles ils auraient été victimes de la malédiction du Village à Tête de Boeuf, déclenchant une enquête menée par deux de leurs amis, désespérés de découvrir la vérité sur ce q..

Nataly Fish

Marche au pas !

Marche au pas !

Pendant la guerre, un comédien de métier est appelé à servir sa patrie chez les fantômes. Lorsqu'un artiste de scène est envoyé à Fight, il rencontre une jolie fille.

Nataly Fish

Who Says Cowslips don't grow in winter
Cash Cows

Cash Cows

A comedy-drama that follows the journey of an immigrant who falls victim to an exploitative employment scam. Desperate to secure a permanent residency and a better life, he must confront the true cost of the sacrifices he's made.

Nataly Fish

And the Whole Sky Fit in the Dead Cow's Eye

And the Whole Sky Fit in the Dead Cow's Eye

Emeteria is visited by a ghost she believes has come to take her to the afterlife. But he has more devastating news.

Nataly Fish

Vaches sur le toit

Vaches sur le toit

Fabiano se sent coupable de la mort d’un travailleur macédonien sans-papiers qui l’aidait dans sa fromagerie. Ses parents, hippies, étaient également producteurs de fromage, mais les temps ont changé, et tout semble plus compliqué. Aujourd’hui, Fabiano est sur le point d’accueillir son premier enfant. Aldo Gugolz réalise un film juste..

Nataly Fish



The final installment in the five-part Cows series is a remarkable example of photo-videography as an art form. Photographs, which over time transform pixel by pixel, pose inconvenient questions about our relationship with animals: Are they merely objects for our consumption? Organic matter we've become disconnected with? Or…?

Nataly Fish

The Shepherd of His Cows

The Shepherd of His Cows

The hero of the picture decides to fall back to his native roots and leaves the capital for the village. But this does not bring him the desired freedom – he suffers one defeat after another...

Nataly Fish

Cows Knocked Up by Fog

Cows Knocked Up by Fog

Catchy mix of farce and documentary. Portrait of a Berlin theatre company made up entirely of the homeless, alcoholics and junks. They call themselves ‘rats’ and take the film over to have a party.

Nataly Fish

On Cows and Men

On Cows and Men

Milan and Silvana live in Medulin, a small coastal town in Croatia. Milan rears cows on the nearby island of Finera, tending them daily, as many did before him. But Silvana wants much more and keeps complaining that Milan should pay more attention to their house and possibly rent it to tourists. However, a dramatic event in Milan's life will clearl..

Nataly Fish

Thirty-three Cows

Thirty-three Cows

From the project "Multipelki", issue 2 A new interpretation of the famous song by Maxim Dunaevsky from the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye". The young poet is resting in the village in the summer, and before him there is a whole parade of amazing cows with different destinies and characters.

Nataly Fish

The New Gallants of the Park's Cowshop

The New Gallants of the Park's Cowshop

A millionaire solicits girl suitors for marriage.

Nataly Fish

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