
Astro Boy Collection

Astro Boy Collection

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Nataly Fish

Astronaut's Uniform

Astronaut's Uniform

Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the window, it is gradually getting warmer, the onset of spring is felt, promising hope for the possibility of changes in the country. The hero of the film is ..

Nataly Fish



Six mois après son départ pour une mission de recherche en solitaire aux confins du système solaire, un astronaute, Jakub, réalise que sa femme, Lenka, ne l'attendra peut-être pas pour son retour sur Terre. Voulant à tout prix arranger les choses avec elle, il est aidé par une mystérieuse créature vieille comme le monde cachée dans les en..

Nataly Fish

Female Astrology

Female Astrology

This film is about the world of the modern woman which is very varied like the Universe in which hasn’t the main and the second things but only different time of different planet. Today rose the planet School, tomorrow – the planet Fashion, the next – Work and Kitchen, and only the planet Love is somewhere far of

Nataly Fish

Astronomical Symptom

Astronomical Symptom

Experimental work by Isao Yamada (Color, 8mm).

Nataly Fish

A Lesson in Astronomy

A Lesson in Astronomy

A young man and a young woman spend the evening by the campfire. The girl asks about the starry sky and the photometric paradox, and the young man answers her with lyrical statements of great people about the infinity of the Universe. Frustrated, she rides off on a motorcycle with another young man.

Nataly Fish

100 great discoveries. Astronomy.


An eccentric and little crazy professor of astrophysics, helped by his assistant and by a naive admirer of science fiction, working for the launch of the first manned rocket into space.

Nataly Fish

Frightful Astronauts

Frightful Astronauts

We should definitely go over this again! Should I drive back? Should I get you out of my car and pick you up again? If the plan is not working, then we just start all over again.

Nataly Fish

A Lost Astronaut and a City of Footprint

A Lost Astronaut and a City of Footprint

An executive trapped in his own nightmares. In those dreams, he becomes a woman, the wife of a colleague. In those dreams, the belongings of the deceased astronaut are handed over to the wife. The woman and her bureaucracy, the executive and his recurring nightmares. How can one escapes?

Nataly Fish

The Train, Point Nemo, Astronaut and Starling

The Train, Point Nemo, Astronaut and Starling

The film is about two stories that I dreamed of on the train trip to the east of Taiwan. Connecting two fictional stories and reality, they refer to the dilemma of creation and the birth of the spirit. ​From the train to space, then the space to the deep sea, finally back to the train on the shore. The story talks about how humans evolve during ..

Nataly Fish

The Vested Astrologer

The Vested Astrologer

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: The Last Day of Earth

Astro Boy: The Last Day of Earth

Astro Boy, helping Professor Ochanomizu with planetary exploration, discovers a trash star floating in space. On this star, robots that can no longer move have been thrown away stacked on top of each other. On this robot mountain, Astro saves a robot soldier, Bemu, that escaped from the verge of death and takes him back to Earth. "I'm tried of figh..

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: The Glorious Earth

Astro Boy: The Glorious Earth

A boy is chased by a robot through some ruins. There, he finds an Earth ruled by a computer called "Gaia," who has lost patience with humans who repeatedly cause war and environmental destruction. While desperately trying to escape, the boy discovers Atom, which had been put on display 200 years ago after it had finished its role.

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: Volume of the Blue Knight

Astro Boy: Volume of the Blue Knight

The film begins with the Phoenix retelling the tales and hopes of Astro Boy. Many of the visual being directly taken from the 1980s TV series as it recaps some of his adventures. Following this recap, Astro Boy confronts Blue Bon and tries to convince him to change his mind about the humans. But Blue Bon misunderstands, assuming that if Astro Boy ..

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: Shinsengumi

Astro Boy: Shinsengumi

The Phoenix asks us why humans choose war as a means of solving problems, while it looks back on the history of Kyoto and ponders on the riot at Ikeda-ya by the Shinsen-gumi in the last days of the Tokugawa regime.

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: Ivan's Planet - Robot and Human Friendship

Astro Boy: Ivan's Planet - Robot and Human Friendship

Atom is attending a party on the space station with Dr. Ochanomizu. However, while at the party, he hears a voice. It is the voice of a robot that had been abandoned by someone. The abandoned robot is a security guard robot named Ivan, and after being refueled with energy, Ivan sets off on a journey to find his owner, Minya.

Nataly Fish

The Unapproachable Astronomer

The Unapproachable Astronomer

Nataly Fish

Magic Baskets

Magic Baskets

Calvin Cambridge, un adolescent orphelin de quatorze ans, rêve de devenir un basketteur professionnel. Mais sa petite taille lui pose quelques problèmes. Un jour, il découvre une vieille paire de baskets portant les initiales "M.J.". Lorsqu'il les met, il devient un véritable champion et rivalise avec les plus grands.

Nataly Fish

Le Vol du Navigateur

Le Vol du Navigateur

Après une mystérieuse absence de 8 ans, David Freeman, un jeune garçon, réapparait, sans avoir pourtant vielli d'une année. Les agents chargés de l'enquête découvrent que David était, au moment de sa disparition, à bord d'un vaisseau spatial contrôlé par des extra-terrestres ...

Nataly Fish

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