
New Year's Day

New Year's Day

Two 17-year-old boys mark the new year by doing twelve dangerous but exciting tasks set for them by their friends.

Nataly Fish

24H Limit

24H Limit

Travis Conrad, tueur d’élite d’une organisation paramilitaire, est tué en mission en Afrique du Sud. Mais une procédure médicale expérimentale mise en place par ses employeurs le ramène temporairement à la vie, lui offrant 24 heures supplémentaires. Dans cette course contre la mort, comment Travis va-t-il pouvoir se sortir de ce piège ..

Nataly Fish

Conquer to Live

Conquer to Live

Karim decides one day to leave his village in the Rif and to venture into the big city of Casablanca where he must conquer, first to live, then to express himself.

Nataly Fish

Good, Better, Vegan?

Good, Better, Vegan?

Modern veganism that does not want to miss anything is the new lifestyle of a young, healthy generation. But nature has not provided for humans to eat vegan food at all. Veganism has little known health hazards if used improperly, but can also be a blessing for this planet and its overpopulation. The journalist John A. Kantara traces the different ..

Nataly Fish

Les Amants de la nuit

Les Amants de la nuit

Le jeune Bowie s'évade de prison avec deux autres détenus qui l'entraînent rapidement dans une attaque de banque. Il rencontre l'amour et croit pouvoir vivre en paix, mais ses complices le rattrapent.

Nataly Fish

Remember me

Remember me

Tyler est un jeune New-yorkais de 22 ans en rébellion contre sa famille et la société suite à un drame familial. Après une altercation avec un policier, il décide de se venger en séduisant la fille de celui-ci. Mais Ally se révèle être une jeune fille fragile et imprévisible dont il va tomber fou amoureux. Ce qui ne devait être qu'une p..

Nataly Fish

Don Darby, l'homme et la matière
Living in Present

Living in Present

A documentary about Mehdi Sahabi. Mehdi Sahabi was an Iranian translator, painter, and writer. Born in the provincial Iranian capital of Qazvin in 1944.

Nataly Fish

Bigger Than Us

Bigger Than Us

Depuis 6 ans, Melati, 18 ans combat la pollution plastique qui ravage son pays l’Indonésie. Comme elle, une génération se lève pour réparer le monde. Partout, adolescents et jeunes adultes luttent pour les droits humains, le climat, la liberté d’expression, la justice sociale, l’accès à l’éducation ou l’alimentation. La dignité...

Nataly Fish

Iggy Pop: Jesus? This Is Iggy

Iggy Pop: Jesus? This Is Iggy

2002 Some of the excellent footage includes: excerpts from the 1970 Cincinnatti Pop Festival, famed for the Ig's clambering onto the audience, being hoisted aloft, and walking on a sea of hands, a feat unduplicated back in the day or since in the rock world; earliest Stooges B&W archival snippets showing Iggy right out of the chute as theatrical, ..

Nataly Fish

Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed

Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed

Spain, 1966. An English teacher who travels to Almería when he hears that John Lennon is making a film there befriends with a 16-year-old boy who has run away from home and a young girl who also seems to be running away from something.

Nataly Fish

Life in Fog

Life in Fog

Nezhad is fourteen years old and both of his parents have passed away. He is forced to leave school and take care of the family. To earn a living, he decides to smuggle goods across the Iranian-Iraqi border with his mule. One day, however, the mule breaks a leg.

Nataly Fish

Now Is Good

Now Is Good

Tessa vient d'avoir seize ans et se sait condamnée. Dans quelques semaines, elle mourra d'une leucémie. Partagée entre la révolte et l'angoisse, l'injustice et les aspirations propres à son âge, Tessa décide de tout connaître de la vie avant de mourir, y compris les transgressions, la célébrité... Aidée de sa meilleure amie, de ses pare..

Nataly Fish

La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita

Le chroniqueur Marcello fait le tour des lieux à scandale de Rome pour alimenter les potins d'un journal à fort tirage. Il rencontre une faune corrompue et dérisoire qui feint de s'amuser et dissimule mal son ennui.

Nataly Fish

Depeche Mode: 1991–1994 “We Were Going to Live Together, Record Together… and It Was Going to Be Wonderful…”

Depeche Mode: 1991–1994 “We Were Going to Live Together, Record Together… and It Was Going to Be Wonderful…”

En même temps que La version remastérisé du huitiéme album de Depeche Mode est édité le film "1991-94: On allait vivre ensemble, enregistrer ensemble... ça allait être merveilleux" de 37 mn. Produit par Flood et Depeche Mode, cet album succède à Violator, qui constitue l'apothéose artistique et commerciale du groupe. Songs of Faith and D..

Nataly Fish

You Will Never Ever Be a Woman. You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will Only Grow More Masculine with Each Passing Year. There Is No Way Out.

You Will Never Ever Be a Woman. You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will Only Grow More Masculine with Each Passing Year. There Is No Way Out.

Two trans women share moments of love, insult, and masochism, exchanging both kiki and kai kai languages. Their syncopated exchanges oscillate from hateful to loving, blurring the distinction between lover and enemy - a position that both women seem to share.

Nataly Fish

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