
The Adventures of Chuck and Huck

The Adventures of Chuck and Huck

Two friendly but mischievous brothers Chuk and Gek live with their loving mother in Moscow and miss their father, who works far in the North. Deciding to meet the upcoming New Year together at all costs, they set off on an exciting journey to the mysterious Blue Mountains. Now they are waiting for the biggest adventure in their lives, because on Ne..

Nataly Fish

Tainá 2 - A New Amazon Adventure

Tainá 2 - A New Amazon Adventure

The young warrior indian Tainá must now battle against biopirates, and is joined by a new boy from the big city and an indian little girl who wants to follow her steps as a protector of the jungle.

Nataly Fish

Sherlock Hound: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle / Treasure Under the Sea

Sherlock Hound: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle / Treasure Under the Sea

The famous blue ruby is stolen in such an elaborate way, that only one villain can be suspected - Professor Moriarty. It is up to Sherlock Holmes to return it and, in the process, to turn a young pick-pocket on the right path. In the second part, Moriarty sets his sights even higher, stealing a top-secret submarine from the Navy. What does he need ..

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures d'ivan Tchonkine

Les Aventures d'ivan Tchonkine

En 1941, en Russie, le soldat Ivan Tchonkine est muté dans un village perdu. Il tombe amoureux de sa jeune voisine et ils vivent bientôt ensemble. Mais ce bonheur paisible déclenche la jalousie, ils sont dénoncés aux services secrets. Le KGB envoie des hommes qui sont capturés par Tchonkine, fidèle au poste qu'on lui a confié. L'armée roug..

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2

The second part of the Russian TV adaption.

Nataly Fish

Axel 2: Adventures of the Spacekids

Axel 2: Adventures of the Spacekids

The once beautiful and lush Planet Keplar is now dry and near death after its precocious Kar-Lalo plant was exploited by Earthers to extinction. The Kar-Lalo plant was known throughout the galaxy as a source for super energy.

Nataly Fish

Adventures In Christmasing

Adventures In Christmasing

Parker Baldwin finds her Christmas plans upended when her network persuades her to spend three days in the wild with survivalist Finn Holt for a holiday television event.

Nataly Fish

Les aventures de Huck Finn

Les aventures de Huck Finn

Huckleberry Finn, un garçon livré à lui-même, entend vivre sa vie en toute liberté. C'est alors qu'il hérite du trésor de Joe l'Indien et se retrouve confié à la veuve Douglas, qui ambitionne de civiliser ce petit indiscipliné. Huckleberry, lui, ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, et continue à mener l'existence qu'il a choisie. C'est alor..

Nataly Fish

Mouse Story: The Adventures of George and Gerald

Mouse Story: The Adventures of George and Gerald

Nezumi Monogatari is the story of two mice called George and Gerald who embark on a journey together with three friends to find the “Dragon of Light”.

Nataly Fish

Adventures with a Naked Boy

Adventures with a Naked Boy

A man boards on a tram together with a naked boy. Somebody has stolen the boy's clothes when he was out bathing, leaving him with not even change for the tram. The man has taken care of him and is taking him home. At first nobody notices them but as soon as the people realize they are seeing something out of the ordinary they begin to react to the ..

Nataly Fish

La Grande aventure

La Grande aventure

Dans la campagne suédoise, deux garçonnets, Anders et Kjell, recueillent et élèvent en secret une loutre, Utti. Mais il devient rapidement difficile pour eux de subvenir à ses besoins…

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Without a book about the adventures of Tom and his friends Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher, one can not imagine the childhood of a child! The small but brave heroes Tom and Huck search for the treasure, become "pirates", enter into a dangerous battle with the Indian Joe.

Nataly Fish

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Super Adventure
Adventures of the Crystal Skull

Adventures of the Crystal Skull

An encounter with a telepathic crystal skull changes the life of a boy and his family. This freaky moment leads him on an adventure where even his life will be at risk. Can he find the skull and break the curse?

Nataly Fish

The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

You've watched hilarious films before, but you've never seen anything quite like this (or in so many shades of blue). It's The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures! We've taken our favorite Animated Adventures and put them all together in the funniest, derpiest, electric-fenciest film known to man! Now, we know what you're thinking. How on Ear..

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Bibi and Bobby: The Magic Forest

The Adventures of Bibi and Bobby: The Magic Forest

New adventures of Bibi and Bobby this time in the Magic Forest.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures de Till l'Espiègle

Les Aventures de Till l'Espiègle

Au XVIème siècle, alors que la Flandre est envahie par les Espagnols, Till l’Espiègle use de stratagèmes pour parvenir au service du Ferdinand Alvare de Tolède, duc d’Albe, et de ce poste, organiser la résistance à l’envahisseur.

Nataly Fish

Kotetsu no Daibouken

Kotetsu no Daibouken

Alors qu'elle se balade dans les rues de Tokyo, Linn Suzuki fait la découverte d'un drôle d'appareils. Aussitôt, elle est attaquée par une bande de voyous et est sauvée par une étrange inconnue, qui se trouve être Miho Kuon, de l'agence de détectives Kuon. Une aubaine pour Linn, qui avait justement fui Kyoto pour venir retrouver son frère ..

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Eliza Fraser

The Adventures of Eliza Fraser

An old captain & his young wife share a lot of adventures after they're shipwrecked and captured by Aborigines on an island near Australia.

Nataly Fish

Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov

Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov

A comic mystery about Vasia Kurolesov who is trying to become a detective.

Nataly Fish

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