
Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue

Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue

Documentaire sur l'histoire littéraire de la Chine.

Nataly Fish

In Our Village

In Our Village

The film shows that Romanian peasants were divided between those opposing and those embracing collectivization. The heated debates between the pro and con camps would ultimately lead to murder.

Nataly Fish

Hidden Leaf Village Grand Sports Festival!

Hidden Leaf Village Grand Sports Festival!

The genin of Konoha are having a sports day filled with races, obstacle courses and of course the relay and the prize is a paid vacation for the winner. Unfortunately Naruto and his stomach are getting him into trouble again.

Nataly Fish

Il suffit d'une nuit

Il suffit d'une nuit

Florence, 1938. Mary Panton, une belle Anglaise, fréquente assidument les soirées mondaines de ses compatriotes. Sir Edgar Swift, nommé gouverneur du Bengale, la demande en mariage. Malgré leur différence d'âge, elle accepte. Un soir de bal chez la princesse San Ferdinando, Mary fait la connaissance de Rowley Flint, un aventurier américain, ..

Nataly Fish

The Magino Village Story: Pass

The Magino Village Story: Pass

This rural documentary features poet Jin Makabe. Thoughts about agriculture, memories, landscapes.

Nataly Fish

Mel Gibson, à la folie, passionnément

Mel Gibson, à la folie, passionnément

Mel Gibson, acteur et réalisateur américain, a accédé à la célébrité à la fin des années 1980, un statut privilégié dont il a bénéficié pendant près de deux décennies jusqu'à sa disgrâce due à ses opinions controversées et ses scandales. Visage d'ange, âme tourmentée : qui est vraiment Mel Gibson ?

Nataly Fish

La vilanelle des rubans

La vilanelle des rubans

Nataly Fish

Fantômas démasqué

Fantômas démasqué

L'histoire de Fantômas, le premier méchant de la modernité, de sa naissance en 1911 comme personnage de roman à ses vicissitudes contemporaines, en passant par Louis Feuillade, André Hunebelle, le surréalisme et Moscou.

Nataly Fish

Le journal de Kasie

Le journal de Kasie

Ce film nigérian parle d'une jeune femme, Kasie. Parfois, la disparition de la seule lueur d'espoir pourrait devenir une fin de rêve pour certaines personnes…

Nataly Fish

The Children of Villa Emma

The Children of Villa Emma

According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palesti..

Nataly Fish

School for Village Women, Women’s College in the Village

School for Village Women, Women’s College in the Village

Haneda’s debut as full director, made after four years spent as an assistant, is set in a farming village in Shiga Prefecture (east of Kyoto). The film depicts the traditional architecture, lifestyles and customs of the village, its agricultural and domestic labour, but its central focus, as with many of Iwanami’s early films, is on education.

Nataly Fish

Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha! From Penguin Village with Love

Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha! From Penguin Village with Love

Unable to entertain their princess Puruah, the kingdom of Yapaya requests professor Senbei to create a comedic robot capable of making her laugh for the first time in her life.

Nataly Fish

Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha! Clear Skies Over Penguin Village

Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha! Clear Skies Over Penguin Village

At the Penguin Village, the dinosaurs styled monster named Dodongadon appeared. But he was small as Arale and did not have strong power. Arale defeat him very easily, and Dodongadon called his mother Mamangadon. She was huge and had a big power. How Arale can defeat this big monster?

Nataly Fish

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