
The Farewell Party

The Farewell Party

Short film by Peter Strickland.

Nataly Fish

Farewell 1988

Farewell 1988

On September 30, 2021, musician Yiran Zhao died of illness, ending his legendary life. He lived passionately, loved deeply, and brought a lot of music and joy to friends and his fans. In his later years, Zhao was tormented by illness, living in isolation and rarely seeing friends. "Farewell to 1988" records his life in rural Beijing suburbs from 20..

Nataly Fish

Farewell Meu Amor

Farewell Meu Amor

An immigrant's story about the love that is lost when a man's wife and son finally receive visas to join him in the USA.

Nataly Fish

Farewell Restaurant

Farewell Restaurant

A Korean chef opens in Skopelos Island in Greece a Korean diner called 'Farewell Restaurant' for couples about to breakup. He meets a mysterious Greek girl and falls in love.

Nataly Fish

Farewell Darkness

Farewell Darkness

Michael returns home to Chicago from Operation Iraqi Freedom with more scars than he left with. Abused by his father, Roman, as a child, he spent his teenage years as a petty thief until he is caught and given an ultimatum, military or jail. Now, that his bloody Tour of Duty is over, he returns home to find his mother, Teresa, dead by her own hand,..

Nataly Fish

Golan: A Farewell to Mr Cinema

Golan: A Farewell to Mr Cinema

The final documentary in Christopher Sykes’ trilogy about legendary Palestinian-born Israeli movie director, producer, and studio mogul Menahem Golan looks back to the prolific filmmaker’s great Hollywood days, then forward to reveal a man who, in his eighties, still buzzes with energy, talking lovingly about what inspires him as he anticipates..

Nataly Fish

Farewell Transmission

Farewell Transmission

[14:05 | 16mm to HD | Stereo Sound | 2017] The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation opened the doors of the CBK Transmitter Station in 1939 to serve the prairie region of Canada. Farewell Transmission is equal parts indexical record of the demolition of CBK in 2015 and subjective response to the residual media documenting the event. The building is fr..

Nataly Fish

Farewell Winona

Farewell Winona

A coming-of-age story about a girl, Winona (14), on the last day of summer before entering high school.

Nataly Fish

Churchill: The Nation's Farewell

Churchill: The Nation's Farewell

On the 50th anniversary of Winston Churchill's death, Jeremy Paxman tells the story of the send-off which Britain gave to the man who led the country to victory in the Second World War. More than a million people came to line the streets of London on the freezing day in late January to pay their respects as his coffin was taken from the lying-in-st..

Nataly Fish

Henrik's Farewell Fiesta

Henrik's Farewell Fiesta

Henrik Larsson's final match for Celtic

Nataly Fish

Red Farewell

Red Farewell

A poetic visual elegy celebrating life in the time of death. The film reveals the elaborate rituals of a traditional Chinese "Happy Funeral" for a 104-year-old foot-bound woman in Yunnan Province, southern China. An investigation into the secret of longevity tracing the wisdom of Buddhism.

Nataly Fish

Paris By Night 133:  Nguyễn Ngọc Ngạn - The Farewell
Farewell to Hollywood

Farewell to Hollywood

A nonfiction fairytale about love, death, art and the letting go.

Nataly Fish

Farewell Oak Street

Farewell Oak Street

This documentary presents a before-and-after picture of people in a large-scale public housing project in Toronto. Due to a housing shortage, they were forced to live in squalid, dingy flats and ramshackle dwellings on a crowded street in Regent Park North; now they have access to new, modern housing developments designed to offer them privacy, lig..

Nataly Fish

Codename Farewell

Codename Farewell

Nataly Fish

Farewell, the spy who loved France

Farewell, the spy who loved France

L'affaire Farewell est l'une des plus grandes histoires d'espionnage de la guerre froide. En 1980, Vladimir Vetrov, un agent du KGB mis au placard, prend contact avec les membres de la Direction de la surveillance du territoire (DST). Il propose de livrer à ce service de la Police nationale française la liste des espions en poste à l'étranger m..

Nataly Fish

The Seekers Farewell: The Golden Jubilee Australian Farewell Tour

The Seekers Farewell: The Golden Jubilee Australian Farewell Tour

Documentary coverage of the 2013 farewell tour of the legendary Australian folk/pop group The Seekers, including their final public performances.

Nataly Fish

No Word of Farewell

No Word of Farewell

A schizophrenic girl on the verge of suicide encounters someone through a ham radio.

Nataly Fish

The Final Farewell

The Final Farewell

Nataly Fish

L'Affaire Farewell : l'espion de la vengeance

L'Affaire Farewell : l'espion de la vengeance

Au début des années 1980, au moment où François Mitterrand et Ronald Reagan arrivent au pouvoir, une taupe soviétique révèle aux services secrets français que l'économie de l'URSS et son industrie militaire ne tiennent que grâce à l'espionnage pratiqué par le KGB. «Farewell» est le nom de code que donnent les Français à l'espion. Qu..

Nataly Fish

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