
Assassinat à Beyrouth

Assassinat à Beyrouth

En 2005, l'ancien Premier ministre libanais Rafic Hariri est assassiné dans l’explosion de sa voiture. Ce self-made man devenu homme politique avait reconstruit le Liban après quinze années de guerre civile. Deux enquêteurs nous plongent dans l’invraisemblable puzzle de ce crime non résolu.

Nataly Fish

Donten ni Warau: Gaiden ~Sakura Hana, Tenbou no Kakyou

Donten ni Warau: Gaiden ~Sakura Hana, Tenbou no Kakyou

Les trois frères découvrent que l'expérience humaine interdite après la destruction de l'"Orochi" est toujours en cours pour faire revivre secrètement le serpent maléfique. Ils découvrent également que d'anciens membres du Yamainu (l'unité militaire japonaise formée pour tuer le serpent) sont derrière cette conspiration. Les frères se b..

Nataly Fish

Hour of the Ox - Bob Gallagher in Conspiracy with Katie Kim

Hour of the Ox - Bob Gallagher in Conspiracy with Katie Kim

Named as a companion piece to Katie Kim's recent album of the same title, 'Hour of the Ox' is a short experimental documentary by director Bob Gallagher.

Nataly Fish

Liens d'amour et de sang

Liens d'amour et de sang

L'époque de l'Inquisition. Francesco Cenci, un seigneur sanguinaire, terrorise son entourage. Béatrice, sa fille, tente d'échapper à son père. Se rendant compte des agissements de celle-ci, il décide de l'enfermer au donjon. La jeune femme commence alors un jeu de manipulations afin de se soustraire au joug de son bourreau. C'est compter sans..

Nataly Fish

Prêt à jeter : L'histoire méconnue de l'obsolescence programmée

Prêt à jeter : L'histoire méconnue de l'obsolescence programmée

Dans les pays occidentaux, on peste contre des produits bas de gamme qu'il faut remplacer sans arrêt. Tandis qu'au Ghana, on s'exaspère de ces déchets informatiques qui arrivent par conteneurs... Ce modèle de croissance aberrant qui pousse à produire et à jeter toujours plus ne date pas d'hier. Dès les années 1920, un concept redoutable a �..

Nataly Fish

The Nose or Conspiracy of Mavericks

The Nose or Conspiracy of Mavericks

Pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle, Staline fit régner la terreur en Russie. Le film décrit cela en combinant des paysages, des biographies et des chefs-d’œuvre de peintres, de compositeurs et d'écrivains russes qui faisaient figure, durant cette période de totalitarisme, d'artistes d'avant-garde.

Nataly Fish

The Mongolian Conspiracy

The Mongolian Conspiracy

1963, the Soviet Union intercepts a rumour that China pretends to assassinate the president of the US in his visit to Mexico. Filiberto Garcia, a local policeman, has 72 hours to investigate the Mongolian Conspiracy.

Nataly Fish

Le Complot

Le Complot

Des hommes ont lutté en Algérie pour garder ce département à la France. Ils ont donné leur parole de combattants. Mais très vite, la cause est perdue et ils rentrent en France. Persuadés d'avoir été trahis, ils décident de lutter contre le pouvoir en place...

Nataly Fish

Friday the 13th : The Conspiracy Begins

Friday the 13th : The Conspiracy Begins

A profiler and a detective track down the truth behind the mysterious events that happen on Friday 13th.

Nataly Fish

Code Red: The Rubicon Conspiracy

Code Red: The Rubicon Conspiracy

A psychologically disturbed solider is forced to come out of retirement to find his brother who has disappeared in the jungle but nothing can prepare him for the alien nightmare he is plunged into.

Nataly Fish

The Oil Conspiracy

The Oil Conspiracy

While Mexico swims in the oil veins that were deeded to him by the Devil, a bureaucrat is thrown into a whirlwind of intrigue and international espionage where he discovers that the guts of the beast in charge are one and the same, and the evacuation conduit itself. : We are the shit of that monster. At the same time, a man and a woman discover tha..

Nataly Fish

The Conspiracy of Ambassadors

The Conspiracy of Ambassadors

Nataly Fish

The Uranium Conspiracy

The Uranium Conspiracy

This feature was shot in the midst of some of Europe's most stunning scenery. The story focuses on the efforts of an espionage agent, played by Italian heartthrob Fabio Testi, to secure a uranium shipment that has been targeted by an enemy power.

Nataly Fish

The Conspiracy of Thieves

The Conspiracy of Thieves

It's China early 20th century and the country thrives on illegal gambling. The Department of State Security is sending Captain Chang (Dorian Tan) under the guise of the son of the former owner to infiltrate a casino run by criminals. Awesome and fantastic kicking from the Legendary Flash Legs Tan.

Nataly Fish

Bored Hatamoto: The Daimonji Conspiracy

Bored Hatamoto: The Daimonji Conspiracy

Master swordsman and loyal vassal Saotome Mondonosuke goes on a mission to find a missing princess.

Nataly Fish

Conspiracy in the Mediterranean

Conspiracy in the Mediterranean

Nataly Fish

Legend of the Ancient Sword: Sorrowsong Conspiracy
The Great Conspiracy

The Great Conspiracy

A knife expert arrives to tell the ruler he is to be invaded during his annual knife skills challenge. He coaxes his old enemy (a deaf, blind old man) out of hiding. In return he grants the hero the prize of the knife skills. He then goes off and has lots of fights with people, and makes friends with a woman who is pretending to be a man for unknow..

Nataly Fish

The Lithium Conspiracy

The Lithium Conspiracy

In the 21th century getting hold of natural resources of emerging countries, is no matter of war--it is a matter of complex financial actions. And the power of governments behind the events has been replaced by the power of holding companies. Nowadays you don't conquer a country. You buy it. "Short story of long betrayals" is again set in the Repub..

Nataly Fish

The Great Cheese Conspiracy

The Great Cheese Conspiracy

Three mice live in a cinema. One day, inspired by the gangster movies, they decide to conduct a grand robbery in a cheese shop.

Nataly Fish

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