
Woman's Criminal History

Woman's Criminal History

Kimiko (Yui Hatano), who works for a fishery cooperative, remains a virgin. In a matchmaking marriage, he married a fisherman, Yoshio (Morira Manzo). Kimiko is desperate for her marriage because she is forced to do housework and SEX every day like a maid of Yoshio. What appeared in front of her was Totsuka (Mutsuo Yoshioka), who came from Tokyo to ..

Nataly Fish

The Surprising History of Sex and Love

The Surprising History of Sex and Love

The Surprising History of Sex and Love is a documentary presented by Terry Jones, looking at the different and surprising attitudes to sex and love throughout history. The documentary traces the story of changing social and religious attitudes to sex through a broad swathe of history. Starting with the place of ’sacred sex’ in the ancient world..

Nataly Fish

A History of Rococo Trash

A History of Rococo Trash

Portrayal of everyday life of Sergio De Loof, an iconic queer artist from the 80's and 90's in the camp-scene of Buenos Aires; the so called "under porteño".

Nataly Fish

Looking for Modern Art: Rethinking Art History

Looking for Modern Art: Rethinking Art History

Many twentieth century European artists, such as Paul Gauguin or Pablo Picasso, were influenced by art brought to Europe from African and Asian colonies. How to frame these Modernist works today when the idea of the primitive in art is problematic?

Nataly Fish

Historia del miedo (Histoire de la peur)

Historia del miedo (Histoire de la peur)

Buenos Aires, dans la chaleur de l’été, entre quartiers pavillonnaires sécurisés et terrains vagues recouverts d’immondices. Les aboiements de chiens errants, les coupures de courant à répétition et les nuages de fumées incontrôlables poussent les habitants à se confronter à leurs instincts les plus primaires.

Nataly Fish

Özz and Måns - History of the World

Özz and Måns - History of the World

Humorous performance where the dynamic comedy duo Özz Nûjen and Måns Möller offer a crazy fun lesson with an impact on human history.

Nataly Fish

History of a Scoundrel

History of a Scoundrel

A woman betrayed and betrayed by a man falls into despair and ends up killing him.

Nataly Fish

History of Cinema in Popielawy

History of Cinema in Popielawy

The story is narrated by ten-year old Staszek, who writes in his diary about his school-friend Jozef. Jozef comes from a family of blacksmiths, all of whom bear the name Jozef. Since he is the sixth consecutive son to be called Jozef, he is nicknamed Szustek (meaning "sixth one").

Nataly Fish

50th Birthday Anniversary! Kamen Rider History: Revice Edition

50th Birthday Anniversary! Kamen Rider History: Revice Edition

A short movie dedicated to the 50th Kamen Rider anniversary.

Nataly Fish

The emergence of the colossus. History of the rise and fall of the Nephlim

The emergence of the colossus. History of the rise and fall of the Nephlim

Valente is a young man who works collecting garbage. One morning in the middle of the day he has to pick up gravel, among old sacks he finds a radiant mask. The encounter motivates him to dedicate himself to fighting, becoming over the years the best fighter of his time thanks to the mask, but when he loses it and is unmasked, misfortune falls on h..

Nataly Fish

The History of the Civil War

The History of the Civil War

The epic story of the Russian Civil War (1918-21): the White Terror, the counterrevolutionary uprisings, the guerrilla war, the Kolchak front, the Wrangel front and the Kronstadt rebellion. Chaos and violence, devastation and death.

Nataly Fish

Leçons d'histoire

Leçons d'histoire

Un jeune homme tente d'élucider la relation entre le personnage historique de César et les mécanismes du pouvoir. Il rencontre successivement des personnages de l'Antiquité : un banquier, un ancien légionnaire, un homme de loi et un homme de lettres.

Nataly Fish

The Natural History of Destruction

The Natural History of Destruction

Is it morally acceptable to use the civilian population as yet another tool for waging war? Is it possible to justify death and destruction for the sake of supposedly lofty ideals? The question remains as pertinent today as it was at the beginning of World War II, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to answer, as countless tragedies have been ca..

Nataly Fish

Poisons or the World History of Poisoning

Poisons or the World History of Poisoning

A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgi..

Nataly Fish

The Bleeding Screen: Brief History Of Argentinian Cinema Censorship

The Bleeding Screen: Brief History Of Argentinian Cinema Censorship

Based on a research process on the Entity of Film Rating, The Bleeding Screen: Brief History Of Argentinian Cinema Censorship explores Miguel Paulino Tato’s interventions in cinema and audiovisual media during his time as intervener in the 1960s and 1970s.

Nataly Fish

Tapum! The History of Weapons

Tapum! The History of Weapons

The history of weapons, from the club to the atomic bomb

Nataly Fish

Mundane History

Mundane History

Dans la grande maison bourgeoise thaïlandaise qu’il partage avec son père, Ake est rivé à son lit, paralysé par un accident. Dépendant et mutique de colère, ses journées s’écoulent péniblement. Un aide-infirmier, Pun, est engagé pour s’occuper de lui. Les deux hommes communiquent peu. Pourtant au contact de Pun, l’univers d’Ake..

Nataly Fish

L’Hygiène à travers les âges

L’Hygiène à travers les âges

Les habitudes hygiéniques sont aussi anciennes que les différentes civilisations humaines ; mais chaque époque établit ses propres coutumes : qu'elles soient privées ou publiques, partout et à toutes les époques, les méthodes de propreté personnelle ont dépendu des conventions culturelles, des morales religieuses, des idéologies politiqu..

Nataly Fish

Les huit vertus bafouées

Les huit vertus bafouées

Shino Asu (Tetsuro Tamba dans un de ses rôles les plus marquants) est un ronin nihiliste, auto-destructeur qui s'abandonne dans l'alcool et les femmes. Après une sanglante rixe avec les forces du shogun, il trouve refuge à Yoshiwara, le quartier des plaisirs de Tokyo. Il fait bientôt la connaissance du clan Bohachi qui régit d'une main de fer ..

Nataly Fish

Cooking History

Cooking History

A documentary about army cooks and how the everyday needs of thousands of armed stomachs affect the victories and defeats of statesmen. The film is based on eleven meals based on recipes from the Second World War till the war in Chechnya; from France through the Balkans to Russia.

Nataly Fish

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