
River Guard

River Guard

Crime writer Sean Flynn returns home to Riverport, North Carolina from New York after a long absence when authorities reopen the old murder case that ended his father's political career. To uncover the truth about a suspicious death and further his own literary ambitions, Sean must confront the shared demons that have long distanced him from his fa..

Nataly Fish

Ismael: The Last Guardian of an Ancient Library

Ismael: The Last Guardian of an Ancient Library

Over 500 years ago, driven out by the Spanish Inquisition, Ismael Diadié's ancestors left Al-Andalus for Timbuktu. In 2012, Ansar al Din salafist fighters and their al Qaeda allies threatened to destroy the 500-year-old ancient Islamic library belonging to Diadié and his ancestors, which they had hoped to preserve at all costs. Desperate to save ..

Nataly Fish

The Changing of the Guard in Red Square

The Changing of the Guard in Red Square

Short student film. Plot unknown.

Nataly Fish

Guardian of the Witches

Guardian of the Witches

When someone knocks on your door, the question is, who can it be? Does he come? But on HALLOWEEN's night there is only one question. And she only has one chance to give the right answer: Trick or treat?

Nataly Fish

The Guardian of Memory

The Guardian of Memory

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mexico became one of the deadliest conflict zones in the world in 2017, second only to Syria. In 2008, the Mexican government sent the army to Chihuahua on the Mexico-Texas border to fight drug traffickers. What seemed like an attempt to control the cartels turned into state-sponsored ..

Nataly Fish

Guardian of the People's Happiness

Guardian of the People's Happiness

A propaganda film dealing with the training and purpose of the Sandinista police force. Dramatized cases of crimes and their solutions serve to illustrate its crime-solving capabilities.

Nataly Fish

Guarding Evil

Guarding Evil

An evil force is awaken in the woods.

Nataly Fish

Guardians of the Forbidden Dimension

Guardians of the Forbidden Dimension

In a parallel universe inhabited by humans with evolved intelligence, a tyrant named Morton rules over everything. A lone soldier escapes from that dimension and arrives at ours, protecting it from invasion for centuries. He realizes his power is waning - and that the otherworldly invasion is about to begin again...

Nataly Fish

Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians

Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians

A story about the Wixárika People, one of the last living Pre-Hispanic cultures in Latin America, and their struggle to preserve Wirikuta, their most sacred territory and the land where the peyote grows, the traditional medicine that keeps alive the knowledge of this iconic people of Mexico.

Nataly Fish

Pytuhem: A Letter in Defense of the Guardians of the Forest

Pytuhem: A Letter in Defense of the Guardians of the Forest

A manifest performance of the artist and activist Zahy Guajajara, who tell us her life story to relate the journey of indigenous peoples’ struggle for “R-existence”. She speaks about the Guardians of the Forests, a group of Guajajara who fight for the preservation of the forests. Telling us how they resist to protect the Guajajara indigenous ..

Nataly Fish

Eklavya: The Royal Guard

Eklavya: The Royal Guard

As the kingdom of Devigarh comes apart at the seams, an aging bodyguard attempts to protect the Royal Family, as well as keep its darkest secrets from ever coming to light.

Nataly Fish

Me and My Umbrella

Me and My Umbrella

Eugênio (Lucas Cotrim) é um garoto de 11 anos que jamais se separa do guarda chuva herdado de seu avô. No último dia de férias ele e Cebola (Victor Froiman), seu melhor amigo, precisam entrar na sombria casa onde fica sua nova escola. O motivo é para resgatar Frida (Rafaela Victor), a grande paixão de Eugênio, que foi sequestrada pelo fanta..

Nataly Fish

Angel Wars: Guardian Force - Episode 1: About Face

Angel Wars: Guardian Force - Episode 1: About Face

Angel Wars Guardian Force is an epic, animated, supernatural adventure of angels battling fallen spirits. Eli and Kira, two junior members of the Guardian Force must grow up in a hurry when their first mission to earth takes a detour, pitting them against Morg, a deadly but long forgotten foe. In a race against time, the Guardians must uncover the ..

Nataly Fish

La tour secrète

La tour secrète

Deux frères ennemis vont se mener une lutte acharnée au beau milieu du désert du Sahara à la recherche d'un trésor...

Nataly Fish

Willy et le lac gelé

Willy et le lac gelé

Willy est un enfant du peuple Verdie, ces petits hommes verts qui vivent dans la forêt à proximité du lac. Cet hiver, le froid a gelé le lac qu’ils ont pour mission de garder. On peut désormais venir dans le village Verdie à pieds depuis l’autre rive, et le sous-bois en face, où vit une tribu de rats, menace soudain l’équilibre des pe..

Nataly Fish

Coast Guard Malaysia: Ops Helang

Coast Guard Malaysia: Ops Helang

Hafiz, a Malaysian Coast Guard officer, is celebrating his engagement at a beach resort with his fiancee. Out of nowhere, a group of terrorists hijack the hotel and kidnap his fiancee and her family. Several guests are taken as hostages, while the others are brutally killed. Hafiz manages to escape with only a few injuries, and he quickly sets up a..

Nataly Fish

Teddy and the Guardians of the Night

Teddy and the Guardians of the Night

A feature film inspired by Alex Panagopoulos' drawing of a teddy bear defending a young, sleeping child from an approaching monster.

Nataly Fish

Baywatch : Alerte à Malibu

Baywatch : Alerte à Malibu

Le légendaire sauveteur Mitch Buchannon est contraint de s’associer à une nouvelle recrue, Matt Brody, aussi ambitieux que tête brûlée ! Ensemble, ils vont tenter de déjouer un complot criminel qui menace l'avenir de la Baie…

Nataly Fish



Garde-côte depuis des années, Raymond rend visite à un capitaine qu'il vient de sauver de la noyade et tombe sous le charme de sa fille, Nancy. Un départ précipité l’empêche de révéler ses sentiments à la jeune femme. A son retour, Raymond découvre avec stupeur que Nancy et son meilleur ami Thomas sont sur le point de se marier...

Nataly Fish

The Super Parental Guardians

The Super Parental Guardians

Après la mort de sa meilleure amie, Arci prend en charge ses deux enfants turbulents...et leur oncle, affilié à un gang, censé lui donner un coup de main.

Nataly Fish

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