
Animaux trop mignons

Animaux trop mignons

Certains animaux sont particulièrement appréciés des hommes pour des raisons qu'explique la science. C'est avant tout une question d'apparence : la grosse tête du panda ou les grands yeux du loris semblent mignons à presque tout le monde. Leur comportement aussi les rend touchants, comme lorsqu'on voit un éléphanteau s'entraîner avec sa tro..

Nataly Fish

The Last Animals

The Last Animals

The Last Animals is a story about an extraordinary group of people who go to incredible lengths to save the planet's last animals. The documentary follows the conservationists, scientists and activists battling poachers and transnational trafficking syndicates to protect elephants and rhinos from extinction. From Africa's front lines to behind the ..

Nataly Fish

Cobra The Animation

Cobra The Animation

24e siècle. L’univers tel qu’on le connait est tombé peu à peu sous le joug de puissantes organisations mafieuses. La plus terrifiante d’entre toutes, la Guilde des Pirates de l’Espace, recherche avidement le seul homme à lui avoir tenu tête, un pirate solitaire dont le nom raisonne comme une légende : Cobra ! Planète Vénus.

Nataly Fish

Le maître d'animes, Gisaburō Sugii

Le maître d'animes, Gisaburō Sugii

La carrière de Gisaburo Sugii couvre toute la période de l'animation japonaise moderne. Dans ce fascinant portrait du vetéran de l'animation, nous découvrons comment l'industrie de l'animation japonaise s'est développée dans l'ombre de Disney, pour finalement devenir un phénomène culturel international.

Nataly Fish

Animated Epics: Moby Dick

Animated Epics: Moby Dick

Paint-on-glass animation of the classic novel.

Nataly Fish

Les Foot du stade

Les Foot du stade

Tout le monde est occupé avec les préparatifs pour l'événement de l'année, le plus grand match de football de tous les temps! L'équipe favorite des "Wild Dogs" a assumé le défi des "Lionkings" également favorisés. L'entraîneur des "Wild Dogs" passe des nuits blanches. Est-ce que Bulli, son défenseur gauche, n'apprend jamais à ne pas b..

Nataly Fish

Toriko: Jump Super Anime Tour 2009 Special

Toriko: Jump Super Anime Tour 2009 Special

Special shown at the Jump Super Anime Tour in 2009. In a world where the taste and texture of food is extremely important, there exist individuals known as Bishoku-ya (luxury food providers) who specialize in the acquisition of rare ingredients and animals. Toriko is one of these hunters and it is his dream to find the most precious foods in the w..

Nataly Fish

Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Kaette Kita Kratos-sensei no Private Lesson

Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Kaette Kita Kratos-sensei no Private Lesson

Kratos Sensei's private lesson is back! Except this time, since Kratos isn't around to teach, so the great Zelos takes his place! And he brings with him, a special announcement!

Nataly Fish

On n'est pas des animaux

On n'est pas des animaux

His ex Marie became an Instagram star (thanks to an activist group focused on the female orgasm). Depressed, Igor believes this is a deliberate campaign to prevent him from finding someone else.

Nataly Fish

Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Trinkle Stars The Animation
L'usine des animaux

L'usine des animaux

Chaque année, 70 milliards de bêtes sont abattues au terme d’une vie de souffrance. Entre éclairage historique et plongée dans la réalité crue des élevages industriels, cette enquête décrypte les rouages d’un système qui a transformé les animaux en marchandises.

Nataly Fish

Animals in the Great War

Animals in the Great War

In the First World War, alongside the men fought an army of animals. Mules, oxen, dogs, horses, pigs, pigeons were used for moving units and materials, communications, and for the support of the troops. The forced cohabitation with men closer to each other in a possible fate of death and suffering: officers and enlisted men had the opportunity to g..

Nataly Fish

Swedish Porno: Blonde Animal

Swedish Porno: Blonde Animal

The woman gets entangled with joy and euphoria. Romantic porn that depicts the reality of a swamping couple swapping in Scandinavia! Along with Norway, which is called the country of the night, on the Scandinavian peninsula, Sweden is known worldwide as a free sex developed country, now with the advent of the sex liberation era

Nataly Fish

Shadow Animals

Shadow Animals

A young girl follows her parents to a party where she experiences assorted grown-up rituals. As the evening progresses she finds the adults' behavior increasingly strange. Everyone tries to fit in, but not everyone succeeds.

Nataly Fish

Les Fauves

Les Fauves

Berg est un jeune cascadeur. Au cours d'un numéro, Bella, sa compagne et co-pilote est tuée. Le frère de celle-ci, Léandro, qui vouait une passion quasiment incestueuse pour sa soeur, tient Berg pour responsable et ne pense qu'à se venger.

Nataly Fish

War Through the Eyes of Animals

War Through the Eyes of Animals

Anthology film about the war in Ukraine, with animals as the main heroes. Recognized Ukrainian and foreign directors will tell insightful stories based on real events and show the trials that animals in Ukraine have to endure during war. Unlike us, animals don't have to take a test of humanity and they don't have political preferences, but they can..

Nataly Fish

Time-Patrol Bon: Fujiko F. Fujio Anime Special - SF Adventure

Time-Patrol Bon: Fujiko F. Fujio Anime Special - SF Adventure

A Japanese schoolboy, Heibon, is enlisted in the efforts of the time patrol to keep the past out of trouble.

Nataly Fish

DMZ Animal Rangers

DMZ Animal Rangers

"What? My house will disappear if humans reconcile?!" 'Dambi' and his cute friends live in the DMZ. To protect the DMZ, a utopia for animals. you must detonate the bomb and stop the humans from making peace! 'Dambi', 'Qat', 'Fatt Damon', 'Yellowy', and 'Ratty' The DMZ Animal Rangers are ready to go!

Nataly Fish

Animal Crisis

Animal Crisis

Thanks to the Vegetarian Pact, all animals live in peace and harmony. All but one: the hippen Crevel, who lives with the anguished feeling of not re-testing the meat. Decided to calm his hatred, one night Crevel goes to the cemetery ready to devour the corpses, but he can not do it, because there is none. The lion Persius and his consigliere, the t..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Dolittle and His Animals

Doctor Dolittle and His Animals

Short directed by Lotte Reiniger.

Nataly Fish

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