
Haunting of the Innocent

Haunting of the Innocent

Tom et Brenda ont la vie parfaite, mais quand Brenda est violemment attaquée dans le confort de leur maison , leur vie parfaite est jetée dans le chaos et la peur.

Nataly Fish



Nicolas est engagé pour vendre des fleurs, en ignorant que chaque bouquet dissimule de la cocaïne...

Nataly Fish

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

A teenage high school drop-out Bobby McLaughlin is accused of the murder of a local drug dealer he says he didn’t commit. When he is convicted with little evidence, his father begins a fierce struggle to free his son from prison.

Nataly Fish

Innocents of Paris

Innocents of Paris

A Parisian junk dealer has to choose between love and fame after he rescues a boy.

Nataly Fish



The film, based upon the Bristol heart scandal of the 1980s and 90s, tells the story about James Wisheart and Janarda Dhasmana, who whilst working together to perform 33 arterial-switch operations, drew up a mortality rate of 66% among patients under a month old, and 43% among those over a month old.

Nataly Fish

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Documentary about innocent people confined to prison on remand. John Pilger reports that more than half of the 500,000 people remanded in custody by magistrates each year are eventually found not guilty, fined or, as in the case of “Helen”, given a conditional discharge. Helen, charged with stealing a pair of slippers but with no previous conv..

Nataly Fish

Ma fille est innocente

Ma fille est innocente

Juliette, une jeune fille qui part en vacances avec Mathilde, sa mère à Bali en Indonésie et qui va à la suite d'une rencontre avec Gérôme, un jeune Français expatrié et trafiquant de drogue, se fait arrêter par la police pour complicité. Sa mère dépassée par les évènements appelle au secours son ex-mari Philippe, qui vient par le pr..

Nataly Fish

Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man

Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man

Charged. Convicted. Sentenced to Death. Innocent. Follows the 1st death row inmate exonerated by DNA in the US.

Nataly Fish

The Innocent

The Innocent

A young Yorkshire boy struggles to come to grips with squabbling parents, a doctor who wants to institutionalize him because of his epilepsy, and a mother who refuses to accept that he is different in any way – and that is only the half of it. The boy, Tim, also acts as a go-between for his friend Carns, who is having an affair with a married wom..

Nataly Fish

An Innocent Magdalene

An Innocent Magdalene

When Dorothy's Southern, aristocratic father Colonel Raleigh refuses to let her marry Forbes Stewart, a Northern gambler, the couple elopes. When Dorothy soon thereafter becomes pregnant, Forbes vows to reform, but authorities arrest him on a gambling charge, and he serves a year in prison. During that time, and just before the birth of the baby, a..

Nataly Fish

The Innocent

The Innocent

After a quarrel with her boyfriend on New Year's Eve, Mane drives her car from Mexico City to Cuernavaca to meet her parents in their country house. The car breaks down in the highway and Mane has to ask for help. Mechanic Cruci arrives and, after testing the car, offers Mane a ride on his motorcycle. Back in Mane's house, she invites him some drin..

Nataly Fish

Ghost in the Shell 2 : Innocence

Ghost in the Shell 2 : Innocence

Batou est un cyborg vivant. Son corps entier a été fabriqué par l'homme. Seules lui restent des bribes de son cerveau et le souvenir d'une femme. Dans un monde où la frontière entre humains et machines est devenue infiniment vague, les Humains ont oublié qu'ils sont humains. Voici la débauche du "fantôme" d'un homme solitaire qui néanmoins..

Nataly Fish

The Innocents Abroad

The Innocents Abroad

Adaptation of the Mark Twain novel.

Nataly Fish



Basé sur une histoire réelle, le film se concentre sur Ahn Jung-in, une avocate qui décide de défendre sa mère qui a été accusée à tort d'avoir tué quelqu'un lors des funérailles de son mari.

Nataly Fish

Benjamin ou les mémoires d'un puceau

Benjamin ou les mémoires d'un puceau

En arrivant, à 17 ans, avec son précepteur Camille, dans le château de sa tante la comtesse de Valandry, le beau mais pauvre Benjamin, qui ignore tout de la vie, est assailli par les femmes de toutes conditions sociales, domestiques ou nobles fréquentant le château, désireuses de l'initier à l'amour. Le comte de St Germain, un peu lassé de ..

Nataly Fish

Un samedi presque parfait

Un samedi presque parfait

Le samedi 26 avril 1986, l'accident nucléaire de Tchernobyl vient de se produire. Les autorités craignent un vent de panique et n'ordonnent pas immédiatement l'évacuation de la ville. Valéry, éminent scientifique et membre du parti communiste, connait les dangers du nucléaire et tente en vain, de fuir la ville irradiée.

Nataly Fish

Innocents Abroad

Innocents Abroad

A warmly amusing look at a bus-full of American tourists on a whirlwind tour of Europe. The eclectic soundtrack includes Mozart, Bob Dylan, Sandy Denny, Jonathan Richman, others.

Nataly Fish

Cry of the Innocent

Cry of the Innocent

An American insurance executive, who sees his wife and children die when a plane crashes into their vacation cottage on the Irish coast, uncovers a series of suspicious clues indicating that it was no accident after a pretty financial reporter who resembles his dead wife turns up.

Nataly Fish

Dead Innocent

Dead Innocent

Suzanne, a single parent and succesful lawyer, returns home to find her daughter missing. About to call the police, she is confronted by a disembodied voice warning her that if she attempts to leave or seek help, her daughter will die. Suzanne discovers she is being monitored through surveillance cameras operated by the tyrannical voice. The voice ..

Nataly Fish

The Innocents of Chicago

The Innocents of Chicago

A British comedy film directed by Lupino Lane

Nataly Fish

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