
Deux flics à Miami

Deux flics à Miami

Le flic de Miami Vice, Sonny Crockett, travaille sous couverture pour trouver un baron de la drogue colombien. Quand il essaie d'arrêter un homme qui est apparemment en affaires avec le Colombien, il découvre qu'il est un flic de New York qui est également après le Colombien. Ils acceptent tous les deux de travailler ensemble mais le flic de Ne..

Nataly Fish

The Retrievers

The Retrievers

The Lowrys are starting a new life, moving to the quiet Northern California town of Placerville. But when they are "adopted" by a clever yet lovable stray Golden Retriever, their lives change in ways they never imagined. It'’s not long before the Lowrys discover that Pilot is pregnant. But when it comes time to find new homes for the puppies, the ..

Nataly Fish

One Love

One Love

The mid 90’s. Turkey’s political instability, inflation and hopelesness on people were increased. In those years when all hope was lost, people deeply bond with Bold Pilot and Halis Karataş who win every race coming from the last place. People see themselves at the point where this horse and jockey are: at the back. This duo make people to bel..

Nataly Fish

The Wild Racers

The Wild Racers

Promising young racing car driver Joe Joe Quillico leaves the stock car racing scene in the United States in order to pursue Grand Prix racing in Europe. After limited success he manages to win the Spanish Grand Prix. His love life however, is much less successful and his winning on the track only serves to alienate the woman he loves - with unhapp..

Nataly Fish



"Spin" tells the story of a boy who loses his parents in a plane crash, is taken in by his uncle (Tucci), who then leaves him for ten years in the care of his Hispanic ranch hand (Blades) and his wife (Delany). Once in high school, Eddie (Merriman) reconnects with a girl from his past (Garces), and their growing interracial relationship teaches the..

Nataly Fish

Into the Sun

Into the Sun

Paul Watkins est un pilote américain en poste au Moyen-Orient, qui est démis de ses fonctions normales de protection du ciel pour montrer à un acteur tout ce qu'il doit savoir sur le fait d'être pilote dans l'armée de l'air. L'acteur, Tom Slade, est sur le point de commencer le tournage d'un film de l'Air Force et veut "avoir le sentiment" du ..

Nataly Fish

Kimagure Orange Road: Shonen Jump Special

Kimagure Orange Road: Shonen Jump Special

Kyosuke, Madoka, Hiraku & friend go on a vacation to the beach, staying in 2 cabins, boys in one, girls in another. It's basically Kyosuke & Madoka get together, & Hiraku flirts with the blond guy friend. Then, Kyosuke & Madoka go night swimming with dangerous results.

Nataly Fish

Final Space

Final Space

A cartoon pilot that focuses on the misadventures of space adventurer Gary Goodspeed.

Nataly Fish

Ce qui reste

Ce qui reste

Quand Asli, brillante étudiante en médecine, rencontre le charismatique Saeed au milieu des années 90, c’est le coup de foudre. Ils se marient, et Asli promet à Saeed de lui être fidèle et de ne jamais dévoiler ses secrets. Leur avenir semble radieux, mais à l’approche du vingt-et-unième siècle, Saeed prend une décision qui va non se..

Nataly Fish

Mean Justice

Mean Justice

Moreno (Bronson) is a tough ranch hand on the vast half million acre Garret Ranch. Rich in timber, gas, cattle and oil, the ranch is a major employer of rough rugged cowboys in northern New Mexico. Unexpectedly, Moreno has been accused , and tried for the murder of the daughter of the Garret ranch's popular foreman (Denver Pyle). As luck turns a..

Nataly Fish

Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors

In 1961, with war looming in Berlin, an Air National Guard unit of actors, journalists and studio personnel is up for military academy consideration.

Nataly Fish

Dirty Driving: Thundercars Of Indiana

Dirty Driving: Thundercars Of Indiana

Auto racing is an obsession in Anderson, Indiana. Even with local auto factories closing down and jobs being lost, the town's residents continue to flock to the local speedway every Friday night--and its drivers continue to pour their dwindling resources into their Thundercars. Emmy(R)-winning filmmaker Jon Alpert presents this look at this passion..

Nataly Fish



Chuck Taylor is a charter pilot who unknowingly smuggles cocaine for the Cartel into the U.S. Unfortunately he is captured by the feds. Ironically, so is Tony King, boss of the Cartel. The two are placed in the same cell, and a relentless battle of wills begins. King even has Taylor's family executed from behind bars. When King escapes from the pri..

Nataly Fish

The Young Eagles of the Kamikaze

The Young Eagles of the Kamikaze

The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.

Nataly Fish

Fuga per la libertà - L'aviatore
The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone

The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone

An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes violently, in the Basque Country, in northern Spain.

Nataly Fish

Ride Your Dream

Ride Your Dream

Le motocyclisme était un monde d'hommes, jusqu'à présent. Ce documentaire présente Ana Carrasco, la pilote de moto espagnole qui a révolutionné le monde des deux roues et qui, dès son plus jeune âge, aspirait à une seule chose : devenir championne du monde. Par le biais de conversations intimes avec sa famille et son équipe, nous avons ap..

Nataly Fish

Bip Bip et Coyote - Bipera Bien Qui Bipera le Dernier

Bip Bip et Coyote - Bipera Bien Qui Bipera le Dernier

Road Runner et Wile E. Coyote sont de retour ! Les adorables personnages sont passés à la troisième dimension dans la nouvelle série de courts métrages d'animation produits par Warner Brothers. Wile E. Coyote est à la hauteur de ses vieux trucs en 3D stéréoscopique dernier cri. L'hilarité s'ensuit comme d'habitude, découvrez les bouffonne..

Nataly Fish

La Petite Exilée

La Petite Exilée

A down-to-earth pilot charms a European princess on vacation in the United States.

Nataly Fish

Le Rallye des joyeuses

Le Rallye des joyeuses

Count Gabriel de Lachaune is a wealthy and hedonistic hotelier. Never short of ideas, he organizes an erotic rally between five libertine couples. Those who justify the greatest number of sexual relations will take as a first prize one million gold francs in the form of a winged phallus and the following will gain in compensation a free stay in the..

Nataly Fish

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