
rush and pressure

rush and pressure

Visual poem.

Nataly Fish

Searching for Rushdi

Searching for Rushdi

A journey of a Director searching for a beach photographer who took a picture of his father in the 1970s.

Nataly Fish

Chasseurs d'icebergs

Chasseurs d'icebergs

Hunting for the most expensive water in the world Each spring, a race against time begins in Terre Neuve. "Iceberg hunters" assault the chunks of ice released from Greenland. Their objective? Detach large blocks of ice, capture them and load them aboard their boats in order to resell the water at a high price. Water from this area is known as the ..

Nataly Fish

Oh Lucy !

Oh Lucy !

Setsuko est en train de laisser filer sa vie jusqu'à ce que des cours d'anglais (et une perruque peroxydée) la transforment en son double, Lucy. Setsuko tombe rapidement amoureuse de son professeur, John, et quand celui-ci disparaît soudainement, elle embarque sa soeur dans une quête qui les mène de Tokyo jusqu'au sud californien, dans un tria..

Nataly Fish



Gi-soo, Myeong-sik et Ah-rom sont tous les trois des motards avertis, et membres d'un club réputé. De son côté Gi-soo est livreur à moto, et doit un jour porter un colis, qui s'avère être piégé. Après son explosion, il reçoit un appel qui lui annonce qu'il a une bombe dans son casque, et qu'il doit livrer un paquet à temps, ou celle-ci ..

Nataly Fish

Big Time Movie

Big Time Movie

Carlos et Kendall vont enfin pouvoir réaliser leur rêve : faire une tournée avec leur groupe de rock préféré. Arrivés à Londres, les garçons se rendent compte que leur sac a été échangé contre un autre et sont alors entraînés dans une mystérieuse histoire d'espionnage...

Nataly Fish



A hot one-night stand turns into an awkward morning after when Guy and Holly get stuck in a dead-stopped traffic jam.

Nataly Fish

Sins of Sister Lucia

Sins of Sister Lucia

Rumiko is a misbehaving girl who got caught stealing the cash her father had at home for bribes. Father would not accuse her of that, but when he caught her having sex with her English teacher, he was justified in sending her to a monastery, where the nuns try to force her to become a good girl. However, after a few days in forced piety, Rumiko (no..

Nataly Fish



Au fin fond du Laos, un jeune médecin expatrié se retrouve mêlé bien malgré lui à une affaire de meurtre, où toutes les apparences l'accusent. Pris en chasse par les autorités, il doit coûte que coûte trouver un moyen de fuir le pays.... Mais sans argent, sans passeport, sans parler la langue, jusqu'où pourra-t-il aller ?

Nataly Fish



A famous model, trapped inside an upside-down car, reaches a mysterious man on her damaged cell phone. However, roadside assistance is the last thing on the stranger's mind.

Nataly Fish

Pop Rocks

Pop Rocks

A former heavy-metal star (Gary Cole) tries to keep his past a secret from his family and friends while he rehearses for a reunion concert.

Nataly Fish

Shanghai Bund: Fierce Dragon Breaks Golden Gate
A Man Called Rage

A Man Called Rage

In a post-apocalyptic world, a soldier of fortune enters "The Forbidden Land" to find uranium that will help save mankind. However, a rival adventurer is also after the uranium, but for his own ends.

Nataly Fish

Gravity Daze the Animation: Ouverture

Gravity Daze the Animation: Ouverture

L'animation de 20 minutes qui comble le fossé entre le Gravity Rush original et Gravity Rush 2. Avec Kat "Gravity Queen" et ses amis Raven et Syd. Pourront-ils trouver plus d’indices sur le redoutable ennemi qui menace de détruire la structure de l’univers ?

Nataly Fish

Eight Hundred's March To Beipo

Eight Hundred's March To Beipo

In order to rescue Li Xifeng, the soul of the army of China, who was trapped by 100,000 barbarians in the North Slope, General Huang Zizai organized 800 prisoners and civilians... A team of eight hundred men entered the North Slope City through the secret passageway of the tomb after thousands of dangers and rescued Li who was holding on to the fig..

Nataly Fish

L’Heure de Pointe

L’Heure de Pointe

A civil servant (Michele Lastella) uses shady methods to become a powerful businessman.

Nataly Fish

Cobra Fire

Cobra Fire

Cobra est une extraordinaire machine de guerre inventée par le Colonel Thep. Celui-ci, qui a perdu ses deux jambes à la guerre dans un affrontement entre l'armée du Laos et une troupe Thaï, a un allié, le Sergent Samore, seul rescapé de ce même affrontement. Un commando inconnu kidnappe le Colonel Thep et exige "Cobra", la fabuleuse machin..

Nataly Fish

Threads of Time

Threads of Time

Classic romance with a documentary approach based on the life of a historical figure - Liu Rushi, courtesan and poet. She will get married with famous scholar Quian Qianyi and together with him will oversee the fall of the Ming dynasty.

Nataly Fish

Chat Noir Lucy

Chat Noir Lucy

Middle-aged man Ken Kamoshida is a fortune teller and his life revolves around superstitions. Since he and his wife separated, Ken Kamoshida's life has been messy. One day, he comes across 2 black kittens which represents a symbol for misfortune. He has difficulty in raising the kittens, but he uses the kittens to help read the fortunes of others. ..

Nataly Fish

The Lowly Ronin: Hanayama Daikichi

The Lowly Ronin: Hanayama Daikichi

Low-caste former samurai Hanayama Daikichi and his gambler friend Hanji of Yaizu, come to a once peaceful post town of Kofu. A town now filled with gamblers, prostitutes, and unscrupulous opportunists, all drawn by the smell of blood and the scent of newly-mined gold. Daikichi brings a little girl whose father has been butchered by yakuza assassins..

Nataly Fish

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