
376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

Artist Nick Cave prepares for a career-spanning exhibition and a groundbreaking fashion performance celebrating gender identity.

Nataly Fish

Coves and Caves

Coves and Caves

A travelogue of the North Cornwall coast featuring views of Porth, Allen Valley, Trevose Head, Prideaux Place, Padstow, Wadebridge, St.Teath and Boscastle.

Nataly Fish

Dick Cavett's Vietnam

Dick Cavett's Vietnam

Examine the Vietnam War and its impact on America through the prism of interviews conducted by the iconic host of “The Dick Cavett Show.” This program combines interviews from Cavett's shows with archival footage, network news broadcasts and audio/visual material from the National Archives to provide insight and perspective on this controversia..

Nataly Fish

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Blind Warrior

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Blind Warrior

A psychopathic and brutal Indonesian despot terrorizes and exploits the rural population. The cruel warlord demands sacrifices from the villagers, slaughtering them when they don’t meet his demands.

Nataly Fish

The Blind of the Phantom Cave

The Blind of the Phantom Cave

Nataly Fish

The Haunted House: The Secret of the Cave

The Haunted House: The Secret of the Cave

Hari and Duri are a sister and brother living in the Shinbi apartment complex, which is more than a hundred years old. Living with them is a 102-year-old goblin named Shinbi. One day, they find a secret cave hidden in the woods. Swept up by the power of the cave, they’re taken 22 years into the past, to 1996.

Nataly Fish

The Mysteries of Cosquer Cave

The Mysteries of Cosquer Cave

Over 35 meters below sea in France’s Calanque National Park hides the entry to one of cave art’s greatest masterpieces: the Cosquer Cave. Only accessible underwater, this incredible cave adorned with paintings more than 27 000 years old is little known, yet threatened by rising sea levels. In order for its preservation and to make it accessible..

Nataly Fish

Cave Rescue

Cave Rescue

Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. An international team of elite divers is mobilized to rescue a boys soccer team trapped in a cave by rising floodwaters.

Nataly Fish

Mondes Cachés : Les Grottes des Morts

Mondes Cachés : Les Grottes des Morts

Accompagnez quatre plongeurs scientifiques dans le Yucatán. Ces spécialistes, capables de se faufiler dans des fissures et des trous à peine plus larges que leur corps, maîtrisent la plongée et repoussent des limites que même les plongeurs les plus expérimentés hésiteraient à franchir. En leur compagnie, vous découvrirez des mondes dans ..

Nataly Fish

Le sanctuaire des sorcières

Le sanctuaire des sorcières

Étrange planète, étranges tribus, étrange civilisation... Les mammifères modernes côtoient les dinosaures, les oiseaux côtoient les ptérodactyles, les tribus de l'âge de la pierre taillée possèdent des épées d'acier... Un groupe de scientifiques a été envoyé sur cette lointaine planète pour découvrir les raisons de ces anachron..

Nataly Fish

Bermudes : Triangle De l'Enfer

Bermudes : Triangle De l'Enfer

Deux plongeurs professionnels sont chargés par un riche aventurier de récupérer des documents importants immergés dans un avion englouti en une profondeur sinistre portant un nom étrange : le triangle de l'enfer. Dans cette dangereuse expédition, l'un d'eux est attiré dans une fosse par une force inconnue et maléfique. Ces profondeurs serai..

Nataly Fish



Répondant à une annonce, des hommes de 30 à 45 ans se prêtent au jeu de l’interview, dans une quête tant intime que sociologique. Avec un regard amusé et bienveillant, le film témoigne d’un besoin urgent de discuter des modèles de masculinités contemporains.

Nataly Fish

The Cavern

The Cavern

Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?

Nataly Fish

Indiana Jones et le royaume du crâne de cristal

Indiana Jones et le royaume du crâne de cristal

La nouvelle aventure d’Indiana Jones débute dans un désert du sud‐ouest des États‐Unis. Nous sommes en 1957, en pleine guerre froide. Indy et son copain Mac viennent tout juste d’échapper à une bande d’agents soviétiques à la recherche d’une mystérieuse relique surgie du fond des temps. De retour au Marshall College, le Professe..

Nataly Fish

The Worldly Cave

The Worldly Cave

Here in The Worldly Cave (Fán Dòng), the Hakka people have all moved away from the place where generations of their families lived. Before the execution of the new development, all the villages on this land will soon be buried into continuous muck dunes. On the open grounds, there stocked huge piles of second-hand machines which would be resold i..

Nataly Fish

Cave of the Living Dead

Cave of the Living Dead

The German police cannot solve the mystery of the seven murders which have alarmed the local villagers. They call in Inspector Doren of Interpol, and the only clue the Chief Constable can give the detective is the fact that, each time a murder was committed, the electric lights in the whole neighborhood went out. The locals believe that the killing..

Nataly Fish

Two days to Soft Rock Cafe - Exploring Mount Arthur's Caves

Two days to Soft Rock Cafe - Exploring Mount Arthur's Caves

This Feltex Award-winning documentary dives, abseils and squeezes under the mountain — Mt Arthur in Kahurangi National Park — to record the exploration of the subterranean world of the Nettlebed Cave System. At nearly one kilometre underground the system is New Zealand’s deepest cave, and a mecca for cavers from around the world. The cavers r..

Nataly Fish

The Cave Men's War

The Cave Men's War

The dramatized illustration of the invention of the bow-and-arrow through a romantic triangle foregrounded by the bloody conflicts between the Cave Dwellers and the Shell People.

Nataly Fish

KINGDOM IN THE SKY: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Live at Hanging Rock

KINGDOM IN THE SKY: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Live at Hanging Rock

Featuring new and classic songs, this concert documentary celebrates the profound relationship that Nick Cave and Warren Ellis have developed with their audience over three decades.

Nataly Fish

Mermaids of Magic Cavern

Mermaids of Magic Cavern

Three beautiful young women, on the rebound from failed relationships, decide to take an impulsive trip to escape the oppressive atmosphere of their home town. Under the spell of magical Jamaica, they explore beautiful reefs and deserted keys au natural.

Nataly Fish

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