
The Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall

Marco Baroni spent four years in an English school. When he returns to Rome, the behavior of his family members finds him unprepared: his father, mother and sister Marzia have changed so much that they have not been recognized. He is deeply troubled by their immoral behavior.

Nataly Fish

Le mur des morts

Le mur des morts

Arnaud, un étudiant resté seul à Paris pour l’été, souffre d'angoisse et de désœuvrement. Lors d'une promenade, il découvre le mur du cimetière du Père-Lachaise, où sont gravés les noms des soldats parisiens morts pendant la guerre de 1914. Troublé, il reçoit la visite de l'un d’eux, qui l'invite à sortir du temps pour réconfort..

Nataly Fish

Four Walls

Four Walls

Nataly Fish

The Hole in the Wall

The Hole in the Wall

David, an American Kurdologist, traces a beloved poem to a hole-in-the-wall bar in Kurdistan and finds himself immersed in a world of poetry.

Nataly Fish

Un Grand mur

Un Grand mur

Marco, un quarantenaire exaspéré, a proposé à son frère cadet Bruno de faire un voyage vers le village natal de leur père défunt. Pour « retrouver leur racines ». D’abord réticent, Bruno finit par accepter mais il a une idée derrière la tête : signer avec son frère l’acte de vente d’un terrain dont ils ont hérité. Marco ne tro..

Nataly Fish

Collapsed Walls

Collapsed Walls

The residents of a small Moroccan city endure separate lives while knowing the same cycles of burden and small joys. Wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters maneuver their way through mourning as death takes loved ones and life insists on moving forward. Here, letting go is a challenge for both the dead and the living. The peopl..

Nataly Fish

Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the Wall

1975 Czech experimental short by Petr Skala

Nataly Fish

Common Wall

Common Wall

Neighbours in a new house sometimes don't even suspect who might be living behind the wall. They're kind friends out in the street, but each of them fiercely hates the one living behind the thin wall. When will all be revealed and who will win - hatred or friendship?

Nataly Fish

The Glass Wall

The Glass Wall

The story is about a girl who grows up almost like an orphan in a joint family of two brothers and their families. She has lost her mother (a sister of the brothers) in childhood and her father is a habitual gambler with a bad luck. She develops romance with one of the two cousins in the house.

Nataly Fish

The Wall of Words

The Wall of Words

A mother struggles to hold her family together after her son succumbs to a disease that leaves him disabled.

Nataly Fish

The Sea Wall

The Sea Wall

From the opening sequence, combining underwater and aerial footage, this masterpiece about the construction of a steam-power plant in Kurihama (south of Tokyo) far surpasses the limitations of the promotional film genre, and emerges as one of the most staggering sensory experiences in Japanese documentary.

Nataly Fish

Dream on the Wall

Dream on the Wall

The world's longest crane migration route in East China is currently threatened by overdevelopment and habitat loss. The town of Xianghai is located along this endangered path. To raise people's awareness of protecting their environment, teachers and students of the Xianghai Art School plan to draw a mural on the town street wall and conduct a surv..

Nataly Fish

The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall

An old man mourning the loss of his wife starts rebuilding a piece of The Berlin Wall on a field outside his house.

Nataly Fish

A Look at the Wall

A Look at the Wall

An exhibition at cinema Rex in Belgrade.

Nataly Fish

Gray Wall Gear

Gray Wall Gear

The stage of this work is Saitama, a suburb of Tokyo in the early Heisei period. Immediately after the bubble burst gangster countermeasures law, there were gangsters who defended the last territory and young people who freely controlled the city. The youth conflict escalated day by day and became a force that surpassed the yakuza, and the runaways..

Nataly Fish

Démolition d'un mur I

Démolition d'un mur I

La scène représente la chute d’un pan de mur dans une usine.”Tandis que des ouvriers emportent des brouettes de gravats, un mur bascule et s’écroule dans un nuage de poussière. Les ouvriers reviennent alors pour en déblayer les débris. - Titre issu du Catalogue des vues - Première Liste. Dans ce catalogue qu'il a remis à Georges Sado..

Nataly Fish

Walls, Coats, Shadows

Walls, Coats, Shadows

A recording of walls, coats, and shadows.

Nataly Fish

Break Down that Wall

Break Down that Wall

A man is wrongfully accused of murder.

Nataly Fish

Who’s Behind the Wall?

Who’s Behind the Wall?

The near future. A fantastic experiment using the test of the mathematician Alan Turing, in which an examiner, a human, and a robot take part. During the test, the examiner must determine who is behind the wall: a person or a thinking machine. The experiment is conducted with one goal: to find out whether a machine can think.

Nataly Fish

Letter Beyond the Walls

Letter Beyond the Walls

Letter Beyond the Walls reconstructs the trajectory of HIV and AIDS with a focus on Brazil, through interviews with doctors, activists, patients and other actors, in addition to extensive archival material. From the initial panic to awareness campaigns, passing through the stigma imposed on people living with HIV, the documentary shows how society ..

Nataly Fish

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