
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys

Dollman vs. Demonic Toys

Brick Bardo ( Dollman ) fait de l'auto-stop pour se rendre à la ville de Pahoota, où il tente de trouver une jeune fille infirmière nommée Ginger ( réduit à 30 cm dans Bad channels ), pour prouver à elle qu'elle n'est pas seule. Pendant ce temps, Judith Grey ( dans Demonic Toys ), fait un cauchemar à propos des événements qui se sont pro..

Nataly Fish

Demon Eye

Demon Eye

A young woman returns to her father's country house in the moors following his mysterious death and finds a cursed amulet, connected to local witchcraft. She unlocks two deadly demons, who haunt her.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Demons

Paranormal Demons

An international group of film students finds a disturbing video clip on the dark web which seems to contain poltergeist phenomena. Agreed that it's just what they need for their latest documentary project the group travels to the sanatorium shown in the video clip. Once there, they rig up their camera equipment and start to explore the possible gh..

Nataly Fish

Heroes and Demons

Heroes and Demons

Gripping thriller drama with fantastic all-star cast: Six different stories about crooks, misfits, heroes and their determination to overcome the destiny. Stories about intolerance, hopelessness, betrayal, despair, and the unpredictable.

Nataly Fish

Debbie Does Demons

Debbie Does Demons

Debbie is the host of a paranormal ghost hunter show. But can she come to the rescue when four friends use a Ouija board to summon a 300 year old witch? Good luck, Debbie. You're gonna NEED it.

Nataly Fish

The Demon Hungers

The Demon Hungers

After the Akuma castle and clan were destroyed by Tokugawa Ieyasu in the year 1616, Vox Akuma tended to his wounds in a cave by the ocean until he was awoken by a savage hunger.

Nataly Fish

Blue Demon

Blue Demon

Wrestler vs mad-scientist with werewolf serum.

Nataly Fish

Les Doigts du Diable

Les Doigts du Diable

Un ingénieur et son épouse découvrent dans un temple satanique une main d'argent qui se révèle être celle du diable.

Nataly Fish

L'éveil du démon

L'éveil du démon

Matthieu Carriere, who once starred in German director Volkor Schlondorff's breakthrough film Young Torless, turns director himself for Fool's Mate. Michael Marwitz plays a once-famous concert pianist and chess whiz. He compromises his talents by casting his lot with a group of self-destructive druggies and gamblers. Marwitz' new circle of friends ..

Nataly Fish

Peripherie de Demonlover

Peripherie de Demonlover

Twenty years after David Cronenberg prophesied the dark side of the Internet age in Videodrome, acclaimed French filmmaker Olivier Assayas updated it for the New Millennium in his startlingly prescient Demonlover, a chilling exploration of the nexus between sex and violence available at the click of a button.

Nataly Fish

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Burton + Carter + Depp = Todd

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Burton + Carter + Depp = Todd

A general making-of piece featuring principal members of the cast and crew. A brief history of the demon barber is provided, as well as the actors' preparation for their singing roles and glimpses of the set design and general production.

Nataly Fish

Les Démons de minuit

Les Démons de minuit

Sur le point de partir en mission officielle, le ministre Paul Guérande est alerté par sa fille Sophie qu'une certaine Catherine, la maîtresse de son frère Claude, délaissée par lui, menace de se tuer. Il va chercher d'urgence à joindre son fils pour éviter le drame. À la salle d'escrime, Danielle, une camarade de Claude, lui propose de l'..

Nataly Fish

Battleship Pirates

Battleship Pirates

A la fin du XXIème siècle, le " Exorcio Deus Machina" est une organisation militaro-religieuse chargée de faire régner la justice divine partout sur terre. Parmi les mutants de ce nouvel ordre, les humains forment des commandos d’élite d’une nouvelle race au service de Dieu. "Le Baron", un guerrier redoutable à la puissance inégalée e..

Nataly Fish

My Demons Never Prayed For Solitude

My Demons Never Prayed For Solitude

A violent and alcoholic gold prospector lives with his wife near the border. She is convinced that a demon is stalking them, and he thinks his wife is cheating on him. Blinded by jealousy, he decides to seek both his wife’s lover and the demon to strike them down.

Nataly Fish

Sorry About the Demon

Sorry About the Demon

A young man struggling with a broken heart learns that his new place is full of restless spirits.

Nataly Fish

Arbor Demon

Arbor Demon

Un couple part camper pour son anniversaire de mariage, mais au fonds des bois, l'horreur les attend.

Nataly Fish

A Cuban Fight Against Demons

A Cuban Fight Against Demons

In 1672 Cuban revolutionaries launch an uprising against the Spanish who are occupying the country. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2017.

Nataly Fish

Midday Demons

Midday Demons

Megan, a successful Irish artist, lives in Dublin with her husband Leo, an Italian who emigrated there several years ago. After receiving the news of the death of Leo's uncle, Monsignor Domenico, a powerful catholic priest whose death has prompted a campaign for his beatification , the couple travels to Apulia, in southern Italy, to handle Leo's un..

Nataly Fish

La malédiction démoniaque

La malédiction démoniaque

Au cours d'une expédition une famille ramène une pierre mystérieuse qui produit des visions étrange...

Nataly Fish

Les possédées du démon

Les possédées du démon

Comment une sympathique soirée dans un château va rapidement dégénérer, pour se terminer par un mystérieux crime et un suicide.

Nataly Fish

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