
#DIVA: Titanic Won't Sink

#DIVA: Titanic Won't Sink

The documentary is about a young guy Sasha: during the day he is an office manager, but in the evening he transforms into a gorgeous lady Doyana Cheeseburger. The film opens up the problem of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community in Russia.

Nataly Fish



Nathan, treize ans, s’apprête à retrouver la bande de son ami Malik pour participer à un étrange rituel d‘intégration.

Nataly Fish

Choushinsei Flashman: Big Rally! Titan Boy!

Choushinsei Flashman: Big Rally! Titan Boy!

Big Rally! Titan Boy! is the second movie of Choushinsei Flashman. It is a theatrical edit of episodes 15 to 18 (The Giant Robo is Worn Out, The Human Minimini Plan, The Mysterious Giant Reckless Car! and Big Turnaround! The Transforming Robo) with new and extended scenes.

Nataly Fish

À la conquête de Titan

À la conquête de Titan

Titan, la plus grosse lune de Saturne, a pu livrer ses secrets grâce à la mission spatiale Cassini-Huygens qui a duré 13 ans. Après un voyage de 7 ans, l'orbiteur Cassini a réussi à envoyer une sonde, Huygens, se poser sur Titan à plus d’un milliard et demi de kilomètres de la Terre. À ce jour, Titan reste le corps céleste le plus loint..

Nataly Fish



A promising young figure skater in 1990s Turkey has to overcome the self-doubt that is jeopardizing her performance.

Nataly Fish

Atlantique, latitude 41°

Atlantique, latitude 41°

Le 10 avril 1912, le nouveau transatlantique britannique Titanic, luxueux paquebot de 269 mètres de long, quitte Southampton pour une traversée inaugurale à destination de New York, emportant à son bord quelque deux mille deux cent huit passagers. Le 14 avril, vers 23 h 40, le vapeur file dans l'Atlantique alors que la fête bat son plein à to..

Nataly Fish

Little Titans

Little Titans

Koekebakker is a successful journalist. His old mates, however, turned out failures: Bekker has lost all hope of changing the world, Hoyer works for the socialist party, Bavink suffers from mental problems and Kees is a simple laborer.

Nataly Fish

Titans of the Earth

Titans of the Earth

It has never a camera crew managed as close to document the social behavior of excavators in the wild: The Birth of the small crawler excavator is simply sensational and worth seeing. The film by Oliver Seiter captures the aesthetics of animal documentaries a masterly and transports you to a world of art who wanted you so never see.

Nataly Fish

Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Titanenkampf is a 1916 German silent science-fiction film written and directed by Joseph Delmont.

Nataly Fish

The Sinking of Titania

The Sinking of Titania

Titania, a clumsy adolescent, sits in the tub, on the top of the plug-hole, the entrance to a murky world full of filth, bugs and hazards, which connects her to all the ass-holes in the world. Elements of this world now hover like Ghosts on the surrounding tiles, while Mimi Minus ruminates on the impossibility of love.

Nataly Fish

The War of Mountains and Seas: The Revenge of Titan Monsters
Amazing Titanman

Amazing Titanman

Nataly Fish

Titania, Titania, or the Night of the Stand-Ins

Titania, Titania, or the Night of the Stand-Ins

Never miss a satire if you'd like to have a wider view of the 60's or 70's (and maybe the 80's) Eastern Europe. Both the regime and behavior of people are pilloried, with many-many hints that show deeper details of the correlation of the two. And the creators didn't miss to have some words about the West and it's part of this history. But don't sit..

Nataly Fish

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le Dragon Maudit

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le Dragon Maudit

Lorsque le roi de la pègre de Hong Kong, Chin Chin Chu, tente d'engager Lupin, Jigen et Fujiko pour récupérer la statuette d'un dragon perdue dans l'épave du Titanic, l'intérêt du cambrioleur est immédiatement éveillé. En effet, il s'agit de la même statuette que son grand-père avait essayé de dérober juste avant le naufrage du Titanic..

Nataly Fish

Sirens of Titan

Sirens of Titan

Nataly Fish



Overwhelmed by personal and professional problems, biologist Friedrich von Kammacher decides to travel abroad in order to regain the joy of living. During his adventurous journey he will meet two very different women, one of whom will be the key to his fate.

Nataly Fish

Un si grand amour

Un si grand amour

Edwina Winfield, fille aînée d'une riche famille américaine, embarque avec ses parents, ses cinq frères et sœurs et son fiancé à bord du plus grand paquebot jamais construit. Un bâtiment insubmersible, chef-d'œuvre des techniques modernes, baptisé Titanic...

Nataly Fish

Souls Protest

Souls Protest

Billed as a North Korean "Titanic". On August 15, 1945, Japanese Imperialists were defeated and there echoed in Japan, too, shouts of victory of thousands of Korean people who had been drafted to Japan. They formed a repatriation autonomy to return to their dear homeland. The Japs plot to blow up their ship on the way which is overloaded with thous..

Nataly Fish

The Six

The Six

The story of the six Chinese survivors of the Titanic disaster was written out of history. In The Six, we learn how these remarkable men beat the odds to make it off the ship alive, only to be singled out for expulsion from the US within 24 hours of their arrival. We track down their descendants for the first time. And we trace their extraordinary ..

Nataly Fish

In Night and Ice

In Night and Ice

The first movie based on the ill-fated journey of the Titanic ever produced. Released only a four weeks after the sinking of the original vessel.

Nataly Fish

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