
The Wind Carpet

The Wind Carpet

Japan and Iran are not in close relationship. More than 4 centuries ago, however, Persian carpets were used in the festival of Takayama, a historic city in mountainous area of Honsyu. A man planned to resume the carpet in the festival, and asked Kinue, a Persian carpet designer, to design it. Kinue's husband, Makoto, is a carpet importer. They send..

Nataly Fish

The Wind Journeys

The Wind Journeys

After his wife's death, a vallenato singer from Majagual, Sucre, decides to quit music and return his allegedly cursed accordion to his master. He is joined by Fermín Morales, a teenage boy who admires him and wishes to follow his footsteps. Together, they start a journey throughout several towns in Northern Colombia to Taroa, in La Guajira desert..

Nataly Fish

Winds of September

Winds of September

Lin Shu-Yu's semi auto-biographical debut takes us back to 1996, during the time of the tragic Taiwan baseball scandal, an event that devastated many teenage boys. The story follows Yen and Tang and their gang through the last year of their high school life. From chasing girls to midnight skinny dipping to rooting for their favorite baseball team, ..

Nataly Fish

Si le vent tombe

Si le vent tombe

Alain, un auditeur international, vient expertiser l’aéroport d’une petite république auto-proclamée du Caucase afin de donner le feu vert à sa réouverture. Edgar, un garçon du coin se livre à un étrange commerce autour de l’aéroport. Au contact de l’enfant et des habitants, Alain découvre cette terre isolée et risque tout pour p..

Nataly Fish

The Devil under the Windshield

The Devil under the Windshield

A journalist is investigating a group of poachers who are illegally selling the huge amounts of fish

Nataly Fish

The Wind

The Wind

Filmed in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Komsomols, the League of Young Communists, tells the story of three youth delegates from the League in 1918, who must make the dangerous journey to Moscow during the civil war to participate in League’s congress.

Nataly Fish

Le Vent des Aurès

Le Vent des Aurès

Le Vent des Aurès – premier road movie du cinéma algérien – décrit les des transformations du quotidien du peuple algérien durant la destructrice occupation française, puis lors de la guerre de libération. Alors que la répression militaire bat son plein, une paysanne se retrouve seule dans sa maison à la montagne lorsque son fils uniq..

Nataly Fish

Les Panthères du Kung Fu

Les Panthères du Kung Fu

Violette tente de s'emparer d'un chargement d'or appartenant au seigneur Chang. L'embuscade tourne mal et le bras droit de Violette, Kwan, est fait prisonnier. Il est emmené au palais de Chang pour y subir d'atroce tortures afin de révéler l'endroit où se cache Violette.

Nataly Fish

West Wind

West Wind

A woman searching for the truth behind the death of her lover visits Bazin, Godard, and Mekas.

Nataly Fish

Hot Wind

Hot Wind

Set in wartime at the Yawata Steel Works in Tobata, Yawata, and Kokura cities in Fukuoka Prefecture, the film depicts people taking on the evil blast furnaces that prevent increased production. The film was shot on location at the actual Yawata Steel Works for an extended period of time, and special effects were created using a miniature blast furn..

Nataly Fish

The Scent of Flowers Does Not Blow Against the Wind

The Scent of Flowers Does Not Blow Against the Wind

Andrzej (Bartosz Opania), a popular film stunt is a happy husband and father. It appears that the specific work of Andrzej does not disturb his calm family life. So how should be explained the anxiety, which appears in the moment of Andrzej's another risky venture? The film was based on a story by Joanna Kocemba "Rainbow" and refers to the Decalogu..

Nataly Fish

Vent du nord

Vent du nord

Nord de la France. L'usine d'Hervé est délocalisée. Il est le seul ouvrier à s'y résigner car il poursuit un autre destin : devenir pêcheur et transmettre cette passion à son fils. Banlieue de Tunis. L'usine est relocalisée. Foued, au chômage, pense y trouver le moyen de soigner sa mère, et surtout de séduire la fille qu'il aime. Les tra..

Nataly Fish

Sentez le vent

Sentez le vent

Haiji était un coureur d'élite, mais n'a pas participé à une compétition en raison d'une blessure passée. Il rencontre ensuite un autre coureur d'élite, Kakeru, qui a également quitté la course, mais qui a été provoqué par un différend. Leur rencontre inspire les deux jeunes hommes à courir à nouveau, Haiji choisissant le légendaire..

Nataly Fish

Sirocco d'hiver

Sirocco d'hiver

La préparation en Hongrie de l'assassinat à Marseille du Roi Alexandre de Yougoslavie en 1934.

Nataly Fish

Where the Wind Settles

Where the Wind Settles

Three men and an adopted son struggle in Taiwan after escaping China in 1949.

Nataly Fish

Sword with the Windbell

Sword with the Windbell

David Chiang is backed into a corner. He must fight his way out to face the ultimate sword duel with the master of swords, Tien Peng.

Nataly Fish

Fair Winds

Fair Winds

One day when I came home, I found my mother become a cat. Unfamiliar appearance of the parents confuses the child. Yet, the time of the parents and child passes quietly like a spring breeze.

Nataly Fish

Woman by the Window

Woman by the Window

Abandoned by his wife, Mitch finds respite from his depression by spying on beautiful new neighbor Jack; next thing you know, the pair becomes intimately acquainted. But trouble lies ahead: It seems that Jack's lover has ties to Manila's underworld, and Mitch soon finds himself in grave danger.

Nataly Fish

Against The Wind

Against The Wind

Juan flees Madrid and an incestuous relationship with his sister, Ana, working at a mine on the Andalucian coast. When his friendship with Rosario, a local shop girl, becomes romance, Ana shows up wanting to rekindle their affair. He resists at first, but she stays, asserting that Juan is the only man she can ever love. Juan distances himself from ..

Nataly Fish

Sub-zero wind

Sub-zero wind

À 12 ans, Yeong-ha est subitement confrontée au sentiment d’abandon et d’insécurité, quand son père disparaît au lendemain de son divorce sans donner aucune explication. À 15 ans, elle fait tout pour soutenir sa mère qui se tue à la tâche pour subvenir aux besoins de son second mari et de la famille recomposée. Elle tente également ..

Nataly Fish

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