
The Russian Muse

The Russian Muse

The story of the family life of the brilliant Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova appears as a problem of choosing between the values of life and the goals of art. The necessity of this choice turns sublime love into a struggle for extermination, which, in turn, fuels the creativity of the great artist no less than..

Nataly Fish

In the Museum

In the Museum

Nataly Fish

Sentimental Museum

Sentimental Museum

Belgian movie-icon Marc Didden's artistic documentary about the houses he lived in throughout his life.

Nataly Fish

CUPNOODLES MUSEUM Movie at Momofuku Theater

CUPNOODLES MUSEUM Movie at Momofuku Theater

Momofuku TV employs CG animation to look back at the history of instant ramen and tell the story of how Momofuku Ando overcame great adversity to achieve inventions of worldwide importance. The program presents the six keywords that drove Momofuku’s creative thinking in a fun and easy to understand way.

Nataly Fish

The Muse

The Muse

In a community by the railroad, an old healer named Tatang performs a “miracle” when a young male lover is run over by a train. It is said that Tatang can heal with poetry and his Muse. Another cataclysmic event will make the community discover the next healer by the railroad.

Nataly Fish

In the Pergamom Museum

In the Pergamom Museum

A cinematic visit to the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. The camera usually observes the visitors and paints their views on scenes of the ensemble of figures. The amazement at the beauty and grace of the antique sculptures is reflected in the faces of the viewers and emotion is palpable. The visitors come from all over the world - one sees Indians, Asia..

Nataly Fish

Musidora, la dixième muse

Musidora, la dixième muse

Patrick Cazals’ film, La Dixième Muse, brings Musidora to life for the second time. The first occasion was the publication of his earlier book on the same subject with Henri Veyrier in 1978. The latter remains an essential work of reference because its author was the first person since Francis Lacassin to have surveyed Musidora’s career as a p..

Nataly Fish

For Your Peace of Mind, Make Your Own Museum

For Your Peace of Mind, Make Your Own Museum

In her village in Panama, Senobia saw art in everything. Put a broken umbrella on a bottle and you have the head of a wild man. A stick plus a plastic cup becomes a bird. She turned her house into “The Museum of Antiquities of All Species.” There are old telephones and computers, and hanging everywhere are cards on which she wrote her thoughts...

Nataly Fish

The Muse

The Muse

As the painter looks on, the visitors to an exhibition turn into surreal creatures borne of his own fantasy. The beauty of a girl beckons him to the realm of dreams. As he wakes up he no longer sees her among the guests. He walks home unhappy, followed by his strange audience. She waits for him in his attic room as a muse.

Nataly Fish

Poet and Muse

Poet and Muse

Semi-fictitious biopic of Finnish poet Eino Leino, made with a large budget to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. The film concentrates on his relationships with first wife Freya Schoultz and later muse, poetess L. Onerva. His friends include equally central figures of the Finnish cultural scene in the early 1900s, such as painters Halon..

Nataly Fish

Traces: The Kabul Museum 1988

Traces: The Kabul Museum 1988

The Kabul National Museum, once known as the "face of Afghanistan," was destroyed in 1993. We filmed the most important cultural treasures of the still-intact museum in 1988: ancient Greco-Roman art and antiquitied of Hellenistic civilization, as well as Buddhist sculpture that was said to have mythology--the art of Gandhara, Bamiyan, and Shotorak ..

Nataly Fish

The Tenth Muse

The Tenth Muse

Set in Copenhagen in 1964, a personal drama evolves as a young film director tries to make a film about aging film star Asta Nielsen.

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Taito Vol.1

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Taito Vol.1

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Taito

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Taito Vol.2

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Taito Vol.2

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Taito

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: The History of Video Games II - Namco 1 & 2

TV Game Museum: The History of Video Games II - Namco 1 & 2

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Namco

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: The History of Video Games III - Capcom 1 & 2

TV Game Museum: The History of Video Games III - Capcom 1 & 2

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Capcom

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Namco Vol.2

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Namco Vol.2

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Namco

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Namco Vol.1

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Namco Vol.1

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Namco

Nataly Fish

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Capcom Vol.1

TV Game Museum: Video Game History - Capcom Vol.1

A documentary that focuses on early games from the arcade video game company, Capcom

Nataly Fish

Le Grand Musée égyptien : Chantier pharaonique

Le Grand Musée égyptien : Chantier pharaonique

L'Égypte relève pour la première fois de son histoire l'un des plus grands défis du XXIe siècle avec la construction d'un édifice pharaonique symbolisant à lui seul un héritage archéologique unique au monde. Il s'agit du Grand Musée égyptien. Avec un budget d'un milliard d'euros, cette mégastructure dressée devant les Pyramides et le S..

Nataly Fish

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