
Atomic Gods: Creation Myths of the Bomb
Supardi & The Myth in His Head

Supardi & The Myth in His Head

Nataly Fish

The ENTIRE Story of Greek Mythology Explained

The ENTIRE Story of Greek Mythology Explained

From the very beginnings of Chaos to the adventures of Odysseus, this video takes you through, in chronological order, the entire story of Greek Mythology. No stone is left unturned, with every Greek God from Zeus to Hades and every Hero from Hercules to Achilles having their share of the limelight.

Nataly Fish

The Myth of the Water Goddess

The Myth of the Water Goddess

A little girl will have to sing to the mythical goddess of water so that this valuable liquid can reach her community.

Nataly Fish

Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth

Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth

Gives insight into the creators mindset and how they culled from real life events to create some of the biggest sci-fi films of all time.

Nataly Fish

Sia, the Myth of the Python

Sia, the Myth of the Python

Kaya Maghan, the despotic king of Wagadou, follows the instructions of his priest by ordering the religious sacrifice to the Python God of Sia Yatabaree, the virgin daughter of a notable family. A gift of gold equivalent to Sia’s weight is given to her family as compensation for surrendering their daughter for the sacrifice. However, Sia runs awa..

Nataly Fish

The Man, The Myth and The House.

The Man, The Myth and The House.

About the artist Ian Hellström (1925-2012) with his own museum. A tour of Ian's house is an adventure in art, antiques, skulls and dolls, all in perfect balance. Ian created various jewelry sculptures, a kind of collage with glass beads, brooches, simple jewelry and various toys, which were sometimes pasted into boxes with small compartments. His ..

Nataly Fish

The Myth-Makers

The Myth-Makers

Eighteen years after the failure of the revolution and freedom fighting 1848-49, the politicians of Hungary preparing for a compromise with Austria try to make use of the symbol of the revolution, the figure of the poet Petőfi Sándor, to their own advantage. They visit all the memorial sites, find the witnesses and recall the famous events. Memor..

Nataly Fish

The Mythology of the Everyday

The Mythology of the Everyday

The personal mythology of everyday life creates a personal system of signs, meanings and images in public space. Sequences of places, views, movements, contacts and observations push the boundaries of reflection over the ordinary. The self-evidence of what is happening and the routine forms of social interaction build a documentary narrative throug..

Nataly Fish

Captain Meitanos. The Image of a Mythical Personage

Captain Meitanos. The Image of a Mythical Personage

A retired diplomat has begun writing a historical novel about the legendary Captain Meϊtanos, who lived in the 17th century. Initially, he was a klepht (bandit), then an armatolos (member of irregular forces), then a klepht again, until finally winding up in the Ottoman hangman’s noose. Captain Meϊtanos was described by monks who lived for many..

Nataly Fish

A History of Russian Cinema. The Birth of the Myth.

A History of Russian Cinema. The Birth of the Myth.

A two part documentary about the first five decades of Russian cinema: from its birth to 1953 - the death of Stalin and the first seedlings of the thaw. The film covers the most important milestones of cinema. Its introduction as a lowbrow entertainment, the impact of WWI and revolutions on the film process. The principal masters - Kuleshov, Vertov..

Nataly Fish

Sarah, the Myth

Sarah, the Myth

In 1917, the legendary French actress Sarah Bernhardt visits the French soldiers on the Macedonian front in the vicinity of Bitola. On the improvised stage she performed excerpts from Hamlet, character that she, as first female has marvelously interpreted twenty years earlier in the cosmopolitan Paris. The lines of Hamlet in the terror of war attai..

Nataly Fish

Nuna: The Last Myth of the Wamani

Nuna: The Last Myth of the Wamani

Alichu, a 6-year-old boy, is forced to take an unexpected trip after a series of natural disasters hit his small Andean town. He reaches Hananpacha, the land of the Wamany, where he suffers the anger of the mountain deity Apu Kontiki. Alichu's older brother, Yaku, must try to rescue his younger sibling and release their town from its plight.

Nataly Fish

Christian Dior, le couturier et son double

Christian Dior, le couturier et son double

Documentary about the life of Christian Dior and the founding of his fashion house in Paris.

Nataly Fish

Le Mythe de la 5e île

Le Mythe de la 5e île

This documentary explores the emigration myth. The main character’s curiosity takes him to London, a cosmopolitan city where one must fight to survive, before he joins other communities with different horizons. Why do people from so many nationalities end up on that piece of land? Were they looking for something better? A fifth island?

Nataly Fish

Marie Curie, au-delà du mythe

Marie Curie, au-delà du mythe

Plus de cent ans après l'apparition du mot "radioactivité", les recherches de Marie Curie continuent de bouleverser notre perception de la matière et de l'univers. Portrait intime de la seule femme à avoir obtenu deux Prix Nobel, dont un avec son mari. Guidé par ses mots et ses écrits, ce documentaire retrace le destin d'une femme scientifiqu..

Nataly Fish

The Recycling Myth

The Recycling Myth

What actually happens to our plastic waste after we throw it in the recycling garbage can? Plastic pollution is becoming an ever greater problem worldwide. The film asks the question: Who earns from the plastic crisis?

Nataly Fish

Behind the Myth

Behind the Myth

At the beginning of the 20th century, Uruguay was looking for its identity. Blanes, the "pintor de la patria", invented the images of the heroes that until today are exhibited as real. But everything can change when the world's most recognized forensic artist reveals the true face of the national hero.

Nataly Fish

The Myth of the Heavenly Road Pilgrimage

The Myth of the Heavenly Road Pilgrimage

"The Myth of the Heavenly Road Pilgrimage," is about a young man and woman, was filmed on location at Mt. Mihara on Izu Oshima. The music was composed by members of the "Taj Mahal Traveling Troupe. In 1971, he travelled to India, where there were almost no Japanese travellers at that time, and travelled through India and Nepal.

Nataly Fish

The Bolsonaro's Myth

The Bolsonaro's Myth

To understand the obsession with federal deputy and presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) and how his network of support is structured on the internet, VICE went to São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul to investigate its largest bases of support in the country.

Nataly Fish

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