
Italy is Rotten

Italy is Rotten

Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into ..

Nataly Fish

Incroyables aventures d'Italiens en Russie

Incroyables aventures d'Italiens en Russie

In Italy, a dying woman tells her granddaughter that she hid her treasure many years ago in Russia, in the city of Leningrad. Other people (who were around when she died) also learn about it. Thus several people arrive in Leningrad trying to find the treasure, each one for himself/herself. What's worse - the only information they have is that the t..

Nataly Fish

Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy

Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy

Through letters, diaries and personal testimonies, an account of the complexity and variety of experiences of LGBT Italians during the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini (1922-43); intimate words that contrast with the lyrics of popular songs and the propaganda of the time, obsessed with extolling the myths of virility, femininity and motherh..

Nataly Fish

How We Robbed the Bank of Italy

How We Robbed the Bank of Italy

Les petits malins Franco et Cicco tentent de mettre au point un plan pour voler les coffres de la Banque d'Italie, mais, de cafouillage en cafouillage, ils se retrouvent les mains vides après chaque tentative.

Nataly Fish



La réalisatrice Sabina Guzzanti parvient une fois de plus à faire enrager le gouvernement Berlusconi. Draquila raconte comment le président du Conseil italien s'est enrichi sur le dos des milliers de victimes du tremblement de terre de L'Aquila en détournant à son avantage les lois sur l'état d'urgence. L'Italie tremble et éclate lentement �..

Nataly Fish

Italy Italy

Italy Italy

Barfa and Nader meet each other and get marry but little by little their life begin to reach it's crisis levels.

Nataly Fish

Do Not Send Your Wife to Italy

Do Not Send Your Wife to Italy

Manuela, Lizzie and Sabine are annoyed by their husbands. So they decide to go to Italy where they hope to meet some nice men.

Nataly Fish

Bus to Italy

Bus to Italy

Choir leader Ylva and her choir are on a bus bound for Italy. Some of the members on the bus are looking forward to meeting the local mayor, others are just hoping for a free vacation, and yet a few more are still thinking that they're headed to Italy to sing. Common to them all is that they are more than happy to jump on this chance to escape thei..

Nataly Fish

Passeport pour deux tueurs

Passeport pour deux tueurs

Quand une cargaison d'héroïne disparaît entre l'Italie et New York, Luigi Canali, souteneur sans envergure, est tenu pour responsable. Deux tueurs à gages professionnels sont alors expédiés de New York pour le trouver...

Nataly Fish

Lupin III : Italian Game

Lupin III : Italian Game

Dans ce film, Lupin III va enquêter sur le mystérieux enlèvement de la belle Rebecca Rossellini, vedette de cinéma portée disparue en Italie depuis quelques temps. Il va au même moment se trouver confronté à un drôle de personnage nommé « Le Comte Masqué », qui le provoque en duel : si Lupin III gagne, il pourra remporter la fortune du..

Nataly Fish

Art and Life in Italy

Art and Life in Italy

Shows how classical Rome, the church, and the life and times of the people have influenced Italian artists. The Gates of Paradise by Ghiberti, the Arena Chapel in Padua. Giotto's frescoes, and other historic Italian monuments and works of art are pictured. For junior and senior high school, college, and adult groups.

Nataly Fish

Italy in Bocca

Italy in Bocca

Italy In Bocca is a multiple award winning film, including two Taste Awards for best documentary. It celebrates friendship through food and was shot the day before the pandemic in NYC by director Roberto Serrini.

Nataly Fish

A Ghost in Italy

A Ghost in Italy

A ghost wanders a foreign coastline, pondering their death and how best to spend their afterlife...

Nataly Fish

Best of Europe; Italy

Best of Europe; Italy

Rudy Maxa Hosting Travel secrets in Rome, Venice, Florence Naples & The Amalfi Coast

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Italy, Texas

Italy, Texas

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Italy Bares: Rewind

Italy Bares: Rewind

Nataly Fish

Italy Bares: Secondo Tempo

Italy Bares: Secondo Tempo

Nataly Fish

Two Scoops of Italy

Two Scoops of Italy

When an American chef travels to a quant village in Italy for inspiration, she falls in love with the flavors, culture, gelato, and the Italian gentleman who helps her discover it all.

Nataly Fish

Tu peux embrasser le marié

Tu peux embrasser le marié

Antonio a finalement trouvé l’amour de sa vie, avec qui il vit heureux à Berlin. Antonio a demandé à Paolo de l’épouser, le moment est donc venu de se confonter aux familles.

Nataly Fish

Italian race

Italian race

Giulia De Martino, jeune pilote de 17 ans dirigée par son père, participe au Championnat GT. Suite au décès de ce dernier, le grand frère de Giulia, Loris, ex-pilote qui ne court plus, réapparait après de nombreuses années d'absence. Afin de conserver la maison familiale Giulia doit absolument gagner le Championnat.

Nataly Fish

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